Rabbit River takes the subway to Shibuya, a legendary place without sewers.

Rumor! It's all rumors!

How can there be no sewers?

It's the weekend, and Shibuya Shopping Street is crowded with people.

Rabbit River joins Hattori Heiji near the subway station, and Conan helps Rabbit River order his favorite food.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Rabbit River sat down across from Hattori Heiji and said, "But if anyone would call when they arrive at Tokyo Station and say that they have arrived in Tokyo, can't you say it a day in advance?"

"This is an accident!" Hattori Heiji explained with a smile, "It was my mother's classmate's son who was going to get married, and she was going to come in person, but she accidentally broke her toe yesterday and couldn't come over, so I had to come to the wedding for her, so I thought I could come a day earlier and visit Tokyo by the way." "

You're alone?" Rabbit River looked left and right, only to see Hattori Heiji alone, "What about the young lady I met in Osaka?" "

You said Kazuha?" Hattori Heiji's reaction was quite fast, "She went shopping with Miss Ran." Hattori

Heiji complained: "It's annoying to go shopping with women, didn't you just get up and haven't eaten, we just happened to rest here for a while, and I think when you finish eating, maybe they haven't finished shopping yet!"

Rabbit Chuan swallowed something and said, "That's not necessarily!" In

fact, not only Hattori Heiji and Conan ran away, but even Maori Kogoro ran to other places to hide, and no man wanted to go shopping with the two girls.

Sure enough, Hattori Heiji went back late this time, and was also lectured by Toyama and Ye, and finally Hattori Heiji used Rabbit River as an excuse to escape.

The second stop on Heiji Hattori's Tokyo tour is Meiji Jingu Shrine.

Located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Meiji Jingu Shrine covers an area of 70 hectares and is adjacent to the Shinjuku business district, occupying the entire area from Yoyogi to Harajuku, making it the largest green space in central Tokyo.

The shrine enshrines the thrones of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, less than 100 years old.

In Rabbit River's view, this is not so much a shrine as a royal park, in short, there are no gods and ghosts.

Hattori Heiji threw coins into Sai's cash box and asked Toyama and Ha to come together to make a wish to bless her weight loss success, but Toyama and Ye decisively refused.

At this time, Maori Kogoro suddenly discovered how his daughter suddenly changed her clothes.

Just as Hattori Heiji turned to leave, he suddenly saw tears of sadness in the corners of his eyes of the young lady next to him who made a wish to the shrine.

How strange!

"Huh? Isn't this a flat time? A man stopped Hattori Heiji from behind, "I really didn't expect to meet you here."

Yuanshan and Ye asked, "Who is this person?" Hattori

Heiji introduced, "He was the housekeeper of my mother's classmates. The

man introduced himself with a smile: "Hello, I am Shigematsu, the housekeeper of the Morien family. By the way, this is Miss Xiaofeng who will marry into the Moriyuan family tomorrow. "

The little Miss Feng that Shigematsu's housekeeper said is the young lady who just secretly wiped her tears.

Miss Xiaofeng said politely: "Hello, I'm Katagiri Feng. Although

this Miss Xiaofeng is getting married tomorrow, there is not a trace of joy on her face as a bride now.

Hattori Heiji asked suspiciously, "Uncle Shigemasu, why did you accompany Miss Xiaofeng, and your young master, Mr. Kikuto?" "

My young master, he..." Before the housekeeper Shigematsu could finish speaking, Miss Xiaofeng rushed to say, "I originally wanted to go to Tokyo Tower to see it, but Kikuto has a fear of heights, so he didn't come."

"That's right!" Hattori nodded, which sounded reasonable.

Tuchuan reminded in a low voice: "Pay attention, you are not interrogating prisoners here." Saying

that, Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but secretly smacked Hattori Heiji with his hand.

Hattori insisted, "But, don't you think her expression is strange?

Conan also acquiesced to this statement.

Toyama and Ye retorted: "Women before marriage have complicated feelings!

Mao Lilan also echoed: "That's why there is the so-called premarital syndrome, right, and Ye?"

"Yes!" Toyama and Ye and Mao Lilan looked at each other and smiled.

Hattori Heiji felt speechless, how the relationship between these two girls suddenly changed for the better, it was really weird!

Shigematsu's butler saw that the time was not early, so he invited Hattori Heiji to go to Morien's house with them as a guest, and Hattori Heiji also had to attend tomorrow's wedding, and he could stay at Morien's house tonight.

Hattori Heiji was embarrassed, so he had to agree, in fact, he originally planned to go out of Kudo's house tonight, and while Kudo was not at home, he might be able to find Kudo's weakness in Kudo's house.

The Mori Garden's mansion feels very similar to the Dusk Mansion, but it looks more popular, well... Well, Dusk Mansion is a haunted mansion.

Maori Kogoro and Shigematsu butler exchanged pleasantries: "It really doesn't matter if so many of us come to disturb?"

Shigematsu butler smiled and said, "Haha, please be sure to stay for dinner, our master often mentions the name of Maori Kogoro!" While

passing a tree, everyone heard the rattle of leaves, and Hattori Heiji and Conan immediately stood in front of them vigilantly.

Only a thud was heard, and a man jumped down from the tree, embarrassed, covered in leaves, and holding a cat tightly in his hand.

Shigematsu butler shouted loudly, "Sakura-en! It's a faux pas to appear in front of guests like this!

"Sorry, haha." Sakura-ting, a maid of the Morien family, scratched her head in embarrassment and said, "It's the old man's cat who ran to the tree."

Sakura raised the cat in her hand, and as soon as she relaxed, the kitten ran away again, and Sakura had to follow behind and continue chasing the cat.

Alas, what bad thoughts can a kitten have, it just wants to go out and see!

Rabbit Chuan noticed that Katagiri Kaede's expression became complicated after seeing this Sakura-en.

Even Conan and Hattori Heiji could see that there must be a situation between these two people, and it seemed that tomorrow's wedding designation would not work.

This little lady originally liked the maid Sakurai, so she often came to visit the Moriyuan house, but was mistaken by the young master of the Moriyuan family for herself that she liked.

Moriyuan Juren thought that Katagiri Kaede was a girl, too shy to confess to himself, Moriyuan Juren took the initiative to confess Katagiri Feng, so Katagiri Kaede became the fiancée of the young master.

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