The word "alchemy" is derived from the ancient Greek language, which has nothing to do with gold, but refers to "the process of transformation to the divine".

Simply put, the ultimate goal of alchemy is the pursuit of "perfection."

Gold with few precious impurities and stable properties is considered to be the perfect form of metal, while the perfect form of human beings is - eternal life.

Alchemy is to transform ordinary things in the direction of perfection, and the catalyst for this transformation is the philosopher's stone.

Therefore, the legendary great alchemist Nicole Flamel said: What alchemy really "refines" is not gold, but the philosopher's stone.

If someone succeeds in turning ordinary metals into gold, it means that the Philosopher's Stone is complete and eternal life is just around the corner.

And this Nicole Flamel is the legendary maker of the Philosopher's Stone that can turn all metals into gold and can be used to refine the panacea that can immortality.

Nicole Flamel is not the original character of the novel, but a real alchemist in Europe in the 14th century, counting the time, if Nicole Flamel is still alive now, he should be more than six hundred years old.

Rabbikawa finds a letter in the bearing of the gears of the clock, left behind by the head of the Usami family, who built the dusk mansion.

The letter roughly stated that the head of the Usami family was an alchemist who wanted to use alchemy to resurrect his wife, Karasuma Renye's sister, but he failed.

The letter also stated that human alchemy was an absolute taboo, and that he paid for his own life and that of his children as the price of resurrecting his wife.

Therefore, in order to prevent his descendants from going astray, he set fire to all the information about alchemy, leaving only the dusk mansion and the unfinished Philosopher's Stone to his descendants.

Finally, he concludes the letter by writing that only his descendants can see the words on the letter, and that he is glad that his blood is still alive.

Rabbit River put the Philosopher's Stone aside... It's safer to keep it in your pocket.

Rabbit Chuan picked up the dial of the clock and looked closely, and sure enough, he saw the alchemy array painted on the back of the dial, as long as the hand was dialed according to the code, the Philosopher's Stone could be activated, and this alchemy array could be activated to turn all metals into gold.

And not only that, Rabbit Chuan found that the wall tiles of the Dusk Mansion were not ordinary red bricks, but metal bricks made of unknown metal ores, and the bricks were mixed with cinnabar, which is cinnabar, and it is also used to extract mercury sulfide, so the wall tiles will appear brick red.

Thus, the Philosopher's Stone not only turned the clock into gold, but also all the metals in the Dusk Mansion, including the Dusk Mansion itself.

This should have been a huge and magnificent alchemy project, but the Philosopher's Stone did not expect that it would meet its lifelong enemy - Conan in this deep mountain and old forest!

In this way, Conan's Ke Xue Aura restricts the ability of the Philosopher's Stone, but Kidd's existence suppresses part of the Kor Halo, so when Conan activates the mechanism and nothing appears, he drops a golden clock containing the Philosopher's Stone on the ground.

At that time, the Philosopher's Stone must have been terrified!

And when Conan completely left the Dusk Mansion, the Philosopher's Stone later completed the gold refining ceremony of the Dusk Mansion.

But since Rabbit Chuan is here, Rabbit Chuan will not let these things happen.

As the saying goes, good wealth is not exposed, the secret of the golden mansion is just stealing pleasure by itself, and Rabbit Chuan does not want to go out.

Rabbit Chuan asked Kenji Hagiwara to go outside to buy some sandpaper and come back, he planned to transform this clock, what alchemy, what kind of gold mansion, when the time comes, leave a golden clock for the group of detectives.

Rabbit Chuan instructed the crow to find paper and pen, and then Rabbit Chuan described the alchemy array on the back of the dial on the paper, drew an identical small alchemy array, and then polished the alchemy array on the back of the dial with sandpaper.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the smooth dial and nodded with satisfaction.

Then Rabbit Chuan assembled the clock he had removed back part by part, except for the Philosopher's Stone, which was confiscated.

Then Rabbit Chuan put the clock on the small alchemy array on the paper and took out the Philosopher's Stone.

Then again, why not try?

Rabbit Chuan started the alchemy array, a red light flashed, the red alchemy array passed through the clock, and after the red light dissipated, a golden clock appeared in front of Rabbit Chuan.

It is better to teach it to fish than to teach it to fish, the ancestors sincerely do not deceive me!

This alchemy array is in hand, Rabbit Chuan is still afraid that there is no gold?

Rabbit Chuan raised the clock and announced here: "In the future, this golden clock will be the treasure of this dusk mansion!" Rabbit

Chuan stared at this supreme treasure in front of him, feeling what was almost something, what was it about?

"That's right!" Rabbit Chuan suddenly remembered, "It's almost a chicken soup for the soul, no, no, no, it's a wise saying!"

Rabbit Chuan picked up a small carving knife and carved a sentence on the back of the dial: "Gold is not the root of evil, the real evil is the greed of the human heart."

After Tu Chuan finished carving, he said regretfully: "Alas, I already knew that I wouldn't play the alchemy array, and the priceless treasure in the blue castle is not a word!"

Rabbit Chuan made up for the paint that had fallen off the golden clock, and finally hung the clock back on the wall, and everything returned to its original appearance.

Nailed it!

Take away the Philosopher's Stone, erase the Alchemy Array, and no matter who solves the mystery of this Dusk Mansion in the future, whether Karasuma Renye believes it or not, the answer he finds can only be this golden clock!

Well, Karasuma Renye most likely doesn't believe it.

Rabbit River doesn't know if Karasuma Renya knows about the alchemy of the Usami family and the Philosopher's Stone, but what Karasuma Renya wants should be the legendary elixir of immortality.

Rabbit Chuan yawned, and he was also sleepy after tossing and turning for a night.

But this dusk mansion is a murderous mansion, or a murderous mansion that no one has lived in for forty years, so Rabbit Chuan can only endure sleepiness and go home to sleep.

When I got home, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and Rabbit Chuan fell asleep on the bed, and the dream was full of small gold.

The next day, Rabbit Chuan was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Because there was only one person at home recently, in order to facilitate answering the phone, Rabbit Chuan moved the telephone extension to his room.

Rabbit Chuan closed his eyes, reached out and fumbled to pick up the phone and said, "Hello? I'm Rabbitikawa and who are you? "

Oh, it's Hattori, you're coming to Tokyo?"

"Huh? You said you were already in Tokyo?!

"Yes, I just woke up, you say it's noon?"

"Aha~ okay, okay, I'll go to Shibuya to find you later."

Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone and squinted for another five minutes before getting up.

Hattori Heiji came to Tokyo, this time to attend the wedding of his mother's friend's son.

This friend is really unlucky, the wedding will definitely not be done, I can only pray that this wedding does not turn into a funeral!

Then again, Rabbitikawa has not participated in several weddings in total, and he basically accompanies Kudo's family, either the groom dies or the bride dies, or the groom or bride or someone else kills someone, as if no wedding has been able to go through until the end of the banquet.

Wedding: Don't come here!

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