Cautious, Rabbit Chuan did not use human transportation, but chose to fight a car demon and came to the Dusk Mansion in a monk car.

In the dim moonlight, this ancient dilapidated dusk mansion looks particularly eerie.

Rabbit River pushed open the door of the Dusk Mansion, followed by Kenji Hagiwara.

Rabbit River closed the gate, and the blood stains on the doorknob were clearly visible, and not only the gate, but also the blood stains on the wall, and the traces of blood dripping on the floor, these were all blood stains left by the tragedy forty years ago.

It is said that 40 years ago, a memorial service was held at this dusk mansion to commemorate Karasuma Haoya, who died at the age of 99.

However, this is actually an auction of various valuable works of art collected by Karasuma Renye during his lifetime, and the auction is expected to be held for more than 300 items.

However, the next night, two drenched unknown men suddenly appeared in the mansion at dusk, who took out a pile of leaves and tempted everyone at the auction to smoke them.

After that, everyone in the auction began to run wildly, kneel and cry, and even kill each other, as if they had seen a demon, and the entire venue suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth.

After the night, only eight dead people and more than a dozen sleeping guests remained in the venue, while the two unknown men and the artworks in the venue all disappeared.

Because the invited guests included political celebrities, and in this situation of cannibalism, everyone could be the murderer, the guests unanimously decided to hide the matter.

Karasuma Renye's trick empty gloves white wolf, grab yourself by yourself, play really 6!

However, the above are all rumors, in fact, when Karasuma Renye lived to be a hundred years old, he invited many scholars to come to the Dusk Mansion to look for treasures.

But after half a year, these scholars still did not find anything, and the anxious Karasuma Renye actually killed the scholars in the museum one by one in order to kill the chickens and monkeys, which is the truth of the tragedy forty years ago.

The white crow returned from a round, making sure that there was no one around to monitor here, Rabbit River turned on the lights, and the entire dusk mansion was brightly lit.

All the valuable things in the Dusk Mansion were emptied by Karasuma Renye, and the entire Dusk Mansion now only had some ordinary daily necessities and the Dusk Mansion itself.

"Two travelers look up at the night of the sky, demons descend on the castle, the king absconds, the princess tears the chalice begging for forgiveness, and the soldiers with swords cut themselves and stain the blood..."

Kenji Hagiwara floated behind Rabbit River and asked, "What does this mean?"

Rabbit Chuan said casually: "This is the code word for the treasure in this dusk mansion. "

Is this a code word?" Kenji Hagiwara thought to himself, this code is really abstract enough.

Rabbit Chuan walked out of the mansion, circled around the outer wall, and finally stood in front of a corner that had fallen badly.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the corner of the wall and said to Kenji Hagiwara, "Smash this wall skin for me!"

Kenji Hagiwara said hesitantly, "This is not okay..."

What's so good and bad? Rabbit Chuan suddenly reacted to what Kenji Hagiwara was worried about, and explained to Kenji Hagiwara, "This mansion is my property, I let you smash it, you just smash it for me!"

Hagiwara Kenji gasped, the little rabbit actually has such a big mansion, what a rich!

Kenji Hagiwara picked up the sledgehammer, Rabbit Chuan quickly stopped it, and then changed the small hammer for Kenji Hagiwara.

"I let you smash the wall skin, I didn't let you smash the wall through!" Rabbit Chuan gestured the size of a brick in an inconspicuous place at the bottom of the wall, "Come and smash this wall skin, first take a small hammer to smash the wall skin, and then use a shovel to shovel it down little by little."

Hagiwara Kenji squatted down and started to strike at the place where Rabbit River pointed, first carefully smashing the wall skin with a small hammer, and then using a blade to shovel the broken wall skin off little by little, gradually revealing the red bricks inside.

That's right, red bricks!

Rabbit River knows the mystery of those secret words, the two travelers refer to the hour and minute hands on the only clock in this mansion, and the king and queen and the soldiers refer to the JKQ in the playing cards, and then rotate the hands in the direction of the faces of the characters in the playing cards to find the treasure.

Rabbit River remembers that after Conan solved the puzzle and turned the hand, the clock bounced off the wall and fell to the ground, knocking off the coating to reveal a golden light.

Conan picked up the clock, only to find that it was made of pure gold, and Conan and the mother-in-law thought it was the treasure of the Dusk Mansion.

And when Conan and several people left in the helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Dusk Mansion suddenly made an earth-shaking sound, and I saw that the wall skin outside the Dusk Mansion continued to fall off, revealing the gold inside, and even the sky was rendered in the color of dusk, which is the real Dusk Mansion.

But now Rabbit Chuan sees a fake red brick wall, which is interesting!

He said that if the entire Dusk Mansion was made of gold bricks, there would be no need for Karasuma Renye to violently demolish it, and only the master who repaired and maintained the mansion could discover this secret.

Rabbit Chuan bent down and looked down at the red brick, which seemed to have something shiny in the light of the light.

Rabbit Chuan wanted to reach out and touch it, but the next second he jerked it back again.

Kenji Hagiwara asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "It's mercury!" This red brick is mixed with mercury. "

Mercury?" Kenji Hagiwara thought for a moment and said, "It should be used for antiseptic, right?"

Rabbit Chuan got up, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, looked at the cold moonlight and said, "Mercury... I see! "

No wonder this episode of the monster thief Kidd will appear as a tool man, it turns out to be like this!

Rabbit Chuan instructed Hagiwara Kenji to restore the scene, Hagiwara Kenji's cement work is not good, but it doesn't matter, Rabbit Chui will arrange for the tanuki decoration team to renovate the exterior wall of this mansion tomorrow to ensure that not a single brick is exposed.

Rabbit Chuan returns to the mansion and takes the only clock, the switch of the dusk mansion, off the wall.

Rabbit Chuan weighed the clock in his hand, this amount is not right, this is obviously not the weight of gold.

Rabbit Chuan sits on the ground and removes the dial, and a huge blue gemstone falls out of it, shining with a very mysterious light.

Rabbit Chuan pointed the gemstone at the moonlight, it is a pity that this is not the legendary Pandora gem, but the so-called...

"Philosopher's Stone?"

Rabbit Chuan looked at this gemstone in amazement, although it was not a complete version of the Philosopher's Stone, it was a big surprise to be able to activate the Alchemy Array to refine the entire Dusk Mansion into gold!

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