Whether Asahi Katsuyoshi is a friend of Maori Kogoro or not, even if there is even the slightest possibility, he must be cautious.

Unable to contact Asahikatsu himself, the Twilight Police Department decides to go with Sawaki to meet this Asahikatsu and talk to him face-to-face.

The place where Asahikatsu meets Sawaki is his new undersea restaurant, "Minami Crystal", or Water Crystal for short.

At the Water Crystal Port, Mao Lilan stopped and exclaimed: "This is the Water Crystal!"

Maori Kogoro also sighed: "What a gorgeous building!" "

It's a technologically modern building, with a glass turtle shell at sea level, surrounded by a cable car track, a tall watchtower on the back of the turtle, and a helipad for helicopters on the top floor of the watchtower.

But the most amazing thing about the whole building is the underwater part, and the construction of a fully transparent restaurant underwater, even in the 21st century, is a rare sight, it is simply a cross-century building!

Rabbit Chuan held the railing, looked at the water crystal in the distance and said: "I also like this style, this aesthetic full of technological asymmetry." "

No, asymmetry..." The Twilight Police Department seemed to return to the Moriya case not long ago, and said with a smile, "Brother Rabbitikawa don't say such unlucky things!"

Rabbit Chuan just smiled and didn't speak.

Rabbikawa just wanted to give the Twilight Police Department a preventive shot, and the current Yonehana Town is not the former Yonehana Town.

In the past, Moriya Teiji had to work hard to steal explosives from the Toyo Powder Depot, but now in Yonekacho, it cannot be said that buying explosives in a convenience store is so simple and rude, but it is almost ready-to-use, and it is fried when you want.

Just as Rabbit Chuan and his group were about to leave the parking lot, a red sports car galloped towards everyone, and everyone immediately flashed to the side when they saw this, and the red sports car did not slow down, turned around and entered the warehouse to move extremely coquettishly.

I saw a sexy and hot beauty in a red coat, long fiery red curly hair, and sunglasses walking out of the red sports car.

Maori Kogoro, who felt that his life was in danger and was almost hit, did not care whether the other party was a beautiful woman, jumped to his feet and shouted: "This big sister!" Pay attention to your parking! The

red-haired beauty took off her sunglasses, and just as she wanted to say something, three more sports cars stopped, and three men got out of the car, and these four people obviously knew each other.

The Twilight Police Department asked, "Who are you?" The

red-haired beauty pointed to her face and said in disbelief: "Uncle, don't you actually know me?"


Officer Shiratori introduced to the Twilight Police Department: "This is the popular model Nana Koyamauchi, and this is the essayist Mr. Renko, photographer Mr. Shinto, who is this foreign friend?"

"I'm Peter Ford, Mr. Officer." The foreign friend is quite familiar, "This should be Detective Maori Kogoro, right?"

The police department then asked, "Were you all called here by Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi?"

Peter Ford replied, "Yes, we'll meet at 3."

"So are we." The other three also claimed to have been invited by Xushengyi.

Nana Koyamanuchi said a little anxiously: "It's almost three o'clock, let's hurry in!"

Conan suddenly realized that the names of these four people actually had numbers in them.

And Rabbit Chuan directly said: "Nana Koyamauchi 'Nana' is pronounced the same as the number seven, the lower part of Mr. Shinto's '宍' is the number six, Uncle Maori Kogoro is the number five, Mr. Peter Ford's ford is the same as the English pronunciation of the number four, Officer Shiratori Renzaburo is the number three, Mr. Renko's 'Ren' to the right is the number 'two', and finally the number one."

Rabbit Chuan took a breath and continued, "Together with Mr. Asahikatsu and Mr. Sawaki Fair, the prisoner's set of playing cards has now been put together!" The

Twilight Police Department and Maori Kogoro stopped one after another and exclaimed, "What did you say?!" "

Although some associations are far-fetched, such as Nana and Ford, they are actually like this.

The Twilight Police Department frowned, thinking carefully that it was really like this, and said, "It's worthy of being the old brother of Rabbit River!" "

Rabbit Chuan leaned against the railing and didn't go, one step forward is the sea, the key is that he can't swim!

The main thing is not to swim on one leg.

Rabbit Chuan said to the Twilight Police Department: "I think it's better not to rush to the water crystal, in case the prisoner ambushes in the water crystal now, or directly planted a bomb in the water crystal, won't it be a pot for us?" The

Twilight Police Department thought that what Brother Rabbit Chuan said was very reasonable, and quickly shouted to Officer Shiratori: "Shiratori, quickly stop those people!" Those

few people did not want to obey, but when they heard that someone might attack them, they all stayed on the shore one by one.

Maori Kogoro nodded along, and then he suddenly reacted and said, "Wait a minute, but I don't know these people at all?"

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "But the prisoner wants to put together a set of playing cards, what does it have to do with your Maori Kogoro?"

Maori Kogoro was stunned by the question, and said dryly: "Didn't you say that the prisoner attacked my acquaintance in retaliation against me?"

Rabbit Chuan shook his head and denied: "No, no, no, just like the 'ABC murder case' I said before, the first few cases were just a trick of the criminal, the purpose was to blame Murakami." "

Huh?" At this time, even the Twilight Police Department was stunned.

Rabbit Chuan answered a phone call at this time, and then sighed and said: "Don't believe it, just now Officer Matsuda contacted me, he accidentally found Murakami's body while sleepwalking last night, which means that Murakami Sho is dead." "

In fact, Rabbit River deliberately called Kenji Hagiwara in the middle of the night and asked Kenji Hagiwara to go out to find it.

However, Hagiwara Kenji directly pulled Matsuda Jinpei, and Matsuda Jinpei's state at that time was not much different from sleepwalking.

Matsuda Jinpei: Overtime, overtime, overtime....

The Twilight Police Department subconsciously asked, "Why don't I know about this?"

Rabbit Chuan replied, "Because Officer Matsuda didn't know that the body was the Murakami Sho we were looking for, he also finished defusing the bomb in the water crystal and just received the news when he arrived on the shore."

Rabbit Chuan raised his finger to point at the water crystal in the distance, and faintly saw a person standing on the water crystal, and the twilight police department narrowed his eyes and looked over, that person turned out to be Matsuda Jinpei!

"Why is Brother Matsuda there?" The police department asked, "No, brother Rabbitchuan, you just said that brother Matsuda defused a bomb in the water crystal?" Tu

Chuan smiled and said, "Yes! Officer Matsuda happened to come to the water crystal to look for Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi, but he did not expect to see only Mr. Asahikatsu's body and the bomb buried in the water crystal. "

What a good water crystal restaurant, it's a pity to blow up like this, leaving the one-stop service of contracting Aoko Nakamori and Kuroba Kudoto from date to wedding!"

Rabbit Chuan handed the phone to the Twilight Police Department, and the Twilight Police Department took the mobile phone, and Matsuda Jinpei in the water crystal explained the situation in the water crystal to the Twilight Police Department in detail.

The key is that the murderer intended to blow up the murder scene with a bomb, so the murderer did not deal with the scene at all, leaving a lot of traces of crime at the scene, and the police will definitely be able to catch the murderer as long as they carefully investigate!

At this time, someone really couldn't stand, only heard a scream, the popular model Nana Koyamanouchi died tragically under the knife of Sawaki Fair.

"Don't move!!" Twilight shouted and pointed a gun at Sawaki along with Officer Shiratori.

Sawaki abducted another girl at the scene with his backhand, put a knife to Mao Lilan's neck, and shouted: "Don't come over!"

Rabbit Chuan blinked, is this a fixed plot?

However, the non-war-damaged version of Miss Xiaolan, can this weak chicken control it?

Sure enough, when Maori Kogoro was hesitant to shoot his daughter in the thigh, his daughter was already performing a bare rolled steel knife!

Rabbit Chuan held Conan down and said, "Conan, you are still young, and it is still too late to worship Sister Xiaolan as a teacher!" "

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