Mori Kogoro didn't expect the bottle of sake to break his head, but he thought of another person, that is, Sawaki Fair, who may represent "8 of Spades".

Sawaki is a sommelier, and the character "gong" in his name is a "eight" character on it.

The Twilight Police Department decided, then go and see this Sawaki Fair first.

The group arrived at Sawaki's house, and Sawaki was a little surprised when he learned about their intentions, and said, "You mean that Murakami began to attack Mr. Mori's acquaintances one after another in order to take revenge on Mr. Mori?"

Twilight nodded and said, "That's it, and Mr. Sawaki is likely to be the prisoner's next target." "。

Sawaki continued, "But Mr. Mori looks calm!

Maori Kogoro touched the back of his head and said with a smile: "Because I am 'five', there are several people before me, haha!"

"And how many people are in front of me?" Rabbit Chuan suddenly spoke, "My name is one, two, three, is it one, is it two, or three?" "

Huh?" Everyone looked at Rabbit River strangely, "Why do you think that?"

The police department said, "No matter what, he won't do anything to children, right?"

Maori Kogoro also said: "Yes, although Murakami Sho attacked Eiri, Murakami Sho excluded Xiaoran from the list of retaliation, so I think he should not attack children."

Rabbit Chuan blinked, and what he said seemed to make sense.

Reading it as Maori Lan, writing Maori 籣, because the Chinese characters on this side only use traditional characters, so the characters cannot be separated from the numbers.

Conan was also taken aback, because from the Twilight Police Department to Tsuji Hiroki, the prisoner's target had been locked on adults, so even he ignored the special name Rabbit River One, Two, Three.

At this time, Conan felt a sense of urgency, although the prisoner should not attack the child, but only he will catch the prisoner in advance to ensure that the brother is really not in danger.

Conan began to inspect Sawaki's house, and when he saw the cabinet next to him, he exclaimed, "There is a lot of wine in this cabinet!" Sawaki

said, "That's a wine cooler that keeps the wine at the right temperature.

Māori Kogoro said, "It's only a few bottles of wine, Mr. Sawaki's hometown runs an orchard, and there are hundreds of bottles of wine in the cellar!"

Officer Shiratori came with interest and politely asked Sawaki, "May I take a visit?" "

Please." Sawaki Fair has nothing to disagree with.

Conan walked back from the wine cabinet, felt a tingling pain under his feet, and looked down to see that something seemed to have smashed a pit on the wooden floor, and a group of small wooden thorns appeared around it.

"It's okay, little brother." Sawaki asked with concern, "I accidentally dropped the bottle on the ground before, you need to be careful." Conan

retracted his feet, it was a little strange that someone like Mr. Sawaki would accidentally drop a wine bottle on the ground.

Officer Shiratori sighed, "Margo, Lafitte, Obiang, all fine wines!" "

Anyway, what's that called?" Maori Kogoro said excitedly, "Mr. Sawaki's baby, Boto..." Officer

Shiratori dropped his eyes: "Huh? Does Mr. Sawaki even have a collection of Bertus? "

Bertus, the "king of wine", is the supreme of Bordeaux wine, more than a notch higher than the Lafite in '82.

Conan had the figure of a detective in his mind.

Rabbit Chuan said for Conan: "Isn't that the wine that Poirot drank in Agatha Christie's "Massacre on the Nile"?"

Sawaki said calmly, "Yes, yes, but I drank it before."

"But didn't you say that it's not yet the best tasting period?" Maori Kogoro seems to have missed hundreds of millions, that is the "king of wine", how can you drink it lightly?

Sawaki said embarrassedly: "I didn't hold back for a while..." The

unbearable twilight police department came in and said: "Mr. Sawaki, we will talk about the wine later, I can ask..."

At this time, Rabbit Chuan interjected again: "Then let's talk about Detective Poirot!"

The Twilight Police Department stiffened and asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what's wrong with Detective Poirot?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "Because it feels like it!"

"What's similar?" The Twilight Police Department did not know why.

Rabbit Chuan stood up and picked up a wine glass, like Detective Poirot, and said, "It's the famous 'ABC Murder' of the great detective!"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "The serial killer in the 'ABC Murder' book is committed step by step in alphabetical order.

Moreover, before committing the crime, the serial killer also sent an anonymous letter to Detective Poirot, in which he predicted his three murders, and he would kill people whose names began with "A", "B", and "C" in cities beginning with "A", "B", and "C".

"The three dead had nothing to do with each other, except as death markers, and the killer left an ABC Railroad travel guide next to each victim's body, and the page opened was the address of the killing."

After that, there was a fourth

murder in "D" City, followed by "E" City..." "But in fact, the real target of the murderer is only "C" in "C" City, and in order to cover up the real motive for the murder, the murderer used an alphabet of victims to disturb the police's sight, which is the truth of this serial homicide. "

Rabbit Chuan said to stop here, in addition to what he couldn't understand, thoughtfully, there was another person here who was very nervous!

Sawaki got up and said, "Yes, yes, I had a meeting with Mr. Asahikatsu at three o'clock, and it's almost time to leave." "

Mr. Asahi Katsuyoshi?" Maori Kogoro is the one who doesn't understand.

Sawaki took out Asahi Katsuyoshi's business card and showed it to Maori Kogoro, and Maori Kogoro remembered when he saw it, this is not the big boss of the catering company that asked him to help find cats!

"Wait a minute, Mr. Māori!" Officer Shiratori pointed to the business card and said, "Look at this Xu Shengyi's Xu character, isn't this "nine"!"

"But I don't know him well?"

"But what if Murakami doesn't think so?"

"But we've really met twice!"

Maori Kogoro is a little confused, this is still with friends out of nothing?

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