Sawaki is arrested, and he is the one who committed this series of crimes.

As Rabbawa said, Sawaki's real target is not Maori Kogoro's acquaintances, but the haters who put pressure on him to suffer from mental taste disorder!

Hiroki Tsuji, who took pleasure with him and tarnished his dignity as a sommelier, Tsuchidai Katsuyoshi, who did not preserve rare red wine, Ninko who instilled the wrong knowledge of red wine in readers, and Nana Oyamauchi, who drove into him three months ago, causing him to lose his sense of taste and had to end his career as a sommelier!

And a week ago, Sawaki, who had nothing to do, met Murakami Sho by chance after being released from prison, and he suddenly had an idea of this brilliant plan.

Sawaki kills Murakami Sho fairly, and then takes revenge on Maori Kogoro under the guise of Murakami Sho, mixing private goods to avenge himself, and in order to eliminate his suspicions, he also counts himself in the target.

But Sawaki Fair never expected that such a brilliant plan of his would fall short!

To be honest, Rabbit Chuan didn't expect Sawaki's fair psychological tolerance to be so poor, he hasn't yet produced evidence, why did this person expose himself?

However, this is not expected, but it is reasonable, people who can suffer from mental taste disorder due to excessive pressure, the psychological endurance is indeed not high!

Due to Sawaki's fair self-disclosure, coupled with his murder on the spot, as well as the explosive remote control and playing cards found in his pocket, it is basically possible to arrest people and close the case.

And when Conan saw that Sawaki Fair directly chose Koran as a hostage instead of choosing a better control of one, two, three, he suddenly understood why Maori Kogoro wanted to shoot Concubine Eiri.

It's all because of the hostage's legs! Without a leg, this delays the prisoners to take people to escape!

So Uncle Maori will break Aunt Yingli's leg in order to save Aunt Yingli!

Conan's depression was swept away, and when he went back, he called Xiaolan and told Xiaolan the answer, making her happy.

In fact, the real reason why Maori Kogoro and Concubine Eiri live apart is that Maori Kogoro never expected that Concubine Eiri could insist on cooking for him if she injured her leg, which is really terrifying!

And what Concubine Yingli didn't expect was that the dish she made with her leg injury was actually disliked! Shike can't bear it, the old lady doesn't serve!!

Now everyone is happy, only one person is unhappy.

Matsuda Jinpei is very unhappy now, why does he work overtime every day, the key is not his own shift!!

Matsuda Jinping grabbed Rabbit Chuan's shoulders, rubbed the top of Rabbit Chuan's hair hard, gritted his teeth and said: "You little devil, I have smashed all my vacation in your hands in the past two days, next time!"

Rabbit Chuan looked up at Matsuda Jinpei and said, "Next time?"

Matsuda Jinpei let go of his hand, took off his sunglasses, and said with a smile: "Next time will be like this time, if you find a corpse, a bomb, or something, you must tell me in advance, you can't do it yourself."

"Got it!" Rabbit Chuan secretly rolled his eyes, "Matsuda, do you want to find a wife, I feel that you are more and more like a male mother now!" "

Huh?" Matsuda Jinpei took off his sunglasses in shock, "What is a male mother!"

Conan looked solemnly at Matsuda Jinpei who was standing with his brother, was this man in black really an accomplice of the black-clothed organization?

But Officer Matsuda is really dedicated, how does he not feel like someone from the black-clad organization? Could it be that he was an undercover agent sent by the Black Organization to the police?

Matsuda Jinpei felt that someone was staring at him, looked back, and found that it was a child, and now the children's expressions are so mature?

Matsuda Jinpei drove Rabbit River home, although the body in the water crystal was found by Matsuda Jinpei, and the bomb was dismantled by Matsuda Jinpei, but this is a case to search for one lesson and three series, and after Matsuda Jinpei handed over the case, he can still continue to take a vacation and spend his only half a day of vacation.

Alas, there is only this half-day vacation left, or go home and sleep!

Matsuda Jinpei sent Rabbit River home, by the way, left Kenji Hagiwara behind, and went home to sleep by himself, he will sleep until dawn tomorrow, and no one will want to find him to work overtime tonight!!

Rabbit River also wanted to say goodbye, but saw Matsuda Jinpei drive away with the posture of the Akina Mountain Carriage God.

Rabbit Chuan and Hagiwara Kenji looked at each other, forget it, people who don't dare to mess with sleep deprived!

Rabbit Chuan walked into the house, but he didn't expect to see Akemi Miyano at home at this time.

Since Kuga's restaurant began to deliver dinner, Akemi Miyano is usually in charge of breakfast, then tidying up in the morning, and leaving by noon.

Rabbit Chuan walked in and asked, "Miss Akemi, are you in trouble?" "

Rabbit-kawa-kun?" Akemi Miyano looked at Rabbit River strangely, "Aren't you supposed to be in school now?" "

Uh..." Rabbit Chuan stopped, "Then what plane exploded, I took a leave of absence in order to save the plane and the water crystal."

Akemi Miyano was quiet, this sounds quite unusual... Quite real.

Rabbit Chuan is not weak at all, this is the truth, if it were not for him, the helicopter, Didan Primary School and Water Crystal would have exploded, Rabbit Chuan thought so, only to find that he did a lot of good things today!

Rabbit Chuan took off his coat and hung it up, turned his head and said, "By the way, Miss Akemi, you haven't said what happened to you?"

Akemi Miyano returned to his senses and said, "Oh, by the way, I received a call from the Rabbikawa family lawyer in the morning. "

Rabbit Chuan family lawyer?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, and didn't remember who this person was for a while, "The lawyer who handled the inheritance?" "

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