The Twilight Police Department subconsciously listened to Rabbit Chuan's words in the midst of the chaos, and together with Conan, he moved Hiroki Tsuji, who was sitting in the driver's seat, to the passenger seat, and was relieved.

"No, Rabbit, Rabbit Chuan, have you ever learned to fly an airplane?" The Twilight Police Department suddenly reacted, how did you learn this?

"Learned, learned, when I was in Hawaii last year, my uncle taught me." Rabbit Chuan said as he sat in the driver's seat, "It's very simple, you see, it's like this!" Rabbit

Chuan unhurriedly held the lever in front of the seat with one hand and gently pushed the lever forward to keep the helicopter flying forward, while lifting the throttle valve with the other hand and increasing the horsepower to raise the helicopter upwards.

With two simple operations, the helicopter lifts off again and keeps running smoothly.

The police department was completely relieved.

But Conan knows that keeping the helicopter flying is simple, and now the hard thing is how to get the helicopter to land safely.

Helicopter hovering requires the foot to press the left and right pedals to adjust the direction until it finds a suitable landing position, although it is not necessary to press the pedal at the same time, but....

"What..." said Rabbikawa to Hiroki Tsuji next to him, "Can you help me lower this seat, I'm not comfortable sitting on."

Hiroki Tsuji reached out and pressed the switch, this helicopter is Hiroki Tsuji's baby, even with his eyes closed, he knows where the adjustment parts are.

After hesitating, Tsuji said: "I remember when I took the helicopter driver's license, the height requirement for men was between 165 and 178 centimeters.

Rabbit Chuan stretched his foot, finally stepped on the direction pedal, and said indifferently: "What does it matter, if it's a woman, it's not okay to reach 160."

Rabbit Chuan didn't care at all, just performed a sharp turn in the air, causing a whooping cry in the helicopter.

Conan lay on the window pane, looked not far below, and accidentally saw a familiar building.

"Brother Tuchuan, you see it's Didan Primary School!" Conan pointed to the familiar campus and suggested, "Do you want to force the helicopter into the playground?"

Rabbit Chuan used his vision of 5.2 in one eye to see the three little ones playing in the playground of Didan Primary School, and then looked at Conan next to him.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Little brother Conan, even if you skip class and don't ask for leave for fear of being criticized by the teacher, you can't let me bomb the school?"

Conan scratched the back of his head and said embarrassedly: "I didn't mean that, haha..." Maori

Kogoro was covered in cold sweat, trembling and said: "Rabbit, rabbit, or you listen to the little ghost, stop first, I'm really panicked!"

The Twilight Police Department also suggested: "Brother Rabbitchuan, you can stop on the tarmac of the Metropolitan Police Department, you see, a little further to the Metropolitan Police Department!" "Just in time to meet directly to take notes.

The Twilight Police Department secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, Brother Rabbit Chuan has been under pressure recently? Today's mental state is a little excited! It's not normal!

Tuchuan refused without hesitation: "No, the helipad of the Metropolitan Police Department is on the rooftop, and the typhoon is too big to be conducive to helicopter landing."

Rabbit Chuan controlled the helicopter to fly over Didan Primary School, and a unique roar of the helicopter caused the three little ones who were active in the playground to look up.

"Motana! Mitsuhiko! Ayumi exclaimed excitedly, "It's a plane!" Motana

: "What?" Where?

Mitsuhiko: "Ah! What a big plane! "

Rabbit Chuan holds his head high, today is another day to protect campus peace and save out-of-school children, it is worth being proud of!

"We flew to Dongdu Airport according to the original route." Rabbit Chuan asked Conan to put the co-pilot's walkie-talkie on Tsuji, "Mr. Tsuji, you contacted the airport tower and said that the helicopter is expected to arrive at the airport in five minutes, so that the ground airport is ready for landing." "

In fact, flying an airplane, as long as you don't encounter special circumstances, is still very good to drive.

So what is a special case?

It is common to encounter special weather, lightning and thunder, storms and the like.

However, today the wind is good, and there are only a few white clouds in the sky, which is a good weather for flying.

Then there is a machine accident, a car accident is a car crash, a machine accident is basically a bird, a car crash can still live, this bird collision is basically everyone finished the calf together.

But now that it's Lord Rabbit Chuan driving the plane, which dead bird dares to crash over?

The birds are as quiet as chickens, dazed like wooden chickens, afraid that they will change from a free little bird to a gray roast chicken.

Bird: Don't dare to fly, don't dare to fly.

In this way, Rabbit River successfully arrived above Dongdu Airport within five minutes, ready to land at a distance of 1,000 feet above the ground.

"I'm getting ready to land!" Rabbit Chuan explained to the four passengers in the cabin, then began to pull down the throttle valve and prepare to hover and land.

Hiroki Tsuji clenched his seat belt excitedly, Maori Kogoro gripped the armrest excitedly, and Twilight Police Department hugged Conan excitedly, they were so excited, this torture is finally coming to an end!

The Twilight Police Department originally thought that the moment when Hiroki Tsuji was blind and the plane almost crashed was the most thrilling, but seeing that it was the Rabbit River brother after flying the plane, how was it more thrilling?

Although the old brother Rabbit River flew all the way very steadily, the Twilight Police Department still felt... He needed a quick relief pill, immediately! Right away!

The landing method of helicopters and ordinary aircraft is different, ordinary aircraft are sliding stops, there is a buffer distance on the ground, while the helicopter is straight up and down, and it needs to be parallel to the ground, otherwise the helicopter will lose its balance and crash overturned.

Rabbit River was turned on for five minutes, shut down for half an hour, and finally hovered successfully!

The passengers inside the helicopter were moved to tears!

Tu Chuan sighed: "Sure enough, you have to combine theory and practice!" "

Rabbit Chuan only learned the theoretical knowledge of driving a helicopter in Hawaii, and has not really operated it, after all, which coach dares to sit on the co-pilot, and then let the lack of legs and eyes Rabbit Chuan sit in the driver's seat and fly the plane?

Hiroki Tsuji was sent directly to the ambulance, and the Twilight Police Department secretly asked the ambulance worker for a quick-acting heart-saving pill and swallowed it silently.

Mori Kogoro slumped on the ground, with Conan and Rabbikawa by his side.

Mao Lilan also rushed to the airport and complained: "Really, in the blink of an eye you are gone, I am worried about death!"

Rabbit Chuan also criticized: "Yes, Conan, why are you so disobedient!"

Conan habitually apologized: "I'm sorry, Sister Xiaolan, I was wrong." "

Conan doesn't feel right after saying it, wait a minute, why is he the only one criticizing him?

Officer Shiratori came over, took out a playing card of 10 of spades and said, "Twilight Police Department, I found this nearby, and now I can be sure that the culprit who murdered Tsuji Hiroki is Murakami Takeshiro."

Conan's mind was instantly drawn to the case, and he hurriedly asked: "Uncle Maory, do you quickly think about who is the next 9 of spades?"

The Twilight Police Department also shouted: "Brother Maori brother, think about who has 'nine' in their name?"

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, Jiuah, gin, vodka, absinthe and bourbon, but it's a pity that Uncle Maori doesn't know any of them.

Otherwise, he might be able to use the hand of this passerby to destroy the Saburo Uotsuka and make Gin Jiu lose the old driver.

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