After confirming that Dr. Agasa himself was unscathed, but had suffered a little property damage, and the door glass was smashed by the prisoner, and by the way, he cared about the Haibara mourning child who should be recovering in bed and was actually doing experiments in the basement, so he turned around and went straight home.

Don't look at this prisoner's high efficiency, three kills a day, but in fact, he rubs the skin, and the police department and Dr. Agasa have a thick layer of defense under the skin!

Even the poisoning is the pesticide of his own farm, and the pesticide can kill people in rice flowers? It's no joke!

In other words, these three cases did not even pay attention to the prisoners themselves, so the prisoners only took one day to fool over.

Rabbit Chuan pushed open the door and shouted, "I'm back!" "

Welcome back." Kenji Hagiwara rarely has this time at home.

Tu Chuan exclaimed: "You today, you have a holiday today?"

Hagiwara Kenji said speechlessly: "What's so surprising about this, even ghosts need to rest, I accompany Xiaojinping to enter the personal household registration file of the last three years into the computer, he still squints in the hall for six or seven hours every day, but I am spinning, you see, my dark circles are out."

At this time, Rabbit Chuan held Kenji Hagiwara's shoulder, and Kenji Hagiwara didn't know why, and felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Kenji Hagiwara crouched down and asked cautiously, "Excuse me, is there something wrong with you?"

Rabbit Chuan said deeply, "I was just thinking about whether to let you two work overtime tonight, but... After all, I'm not a devil either, am I?

Hagiwara Kenji nodded: "Yes, you are a god-sama, how can you be the devil, haha..."

Rabbit Chuan withdrew his hand, then sat down on the sofa and waved to Hagiwara Kenji and said, "Okay, you tonight, rest well!"

Hagiwara Ken turned back in two or three steps, always feeling that this little rabbit had something to say, but... Forget it, or rest first, tomorrow's things will be talked about tomorrow!

Rabbit Chuan's recent dinner has been delivered from Kume's restaurant, this Kume Teruki is really a talent, this tiger skin green pepper he actually did not go to the tendon, and he must have deliberately made it with the hottest pepper!!

Teruki Kume: There is no chili pepper that is not spicy here!!

Rabbit River had a good night's sleep, but Maori Lan couldn't sleep all night.

Mao Lilan felt as if he couldn't trust his father anymore, and called Shinichi, but Shinichi said that his mother trusted his father, but asked him why he couldn't explain it, it was really annoying!

Maori Kogoro was miserable and worked as a flower messenger for the night downstairs of the beauty, but when he stayed up until the next morning, the police department received a call from Moriland, saying that they might be guarding the wrong person.

Because Conan accidentally saw the signed photo that Maori Kogoro put on the table, Maori Kogoro's friend Hiroki Tsuji also has a "ten" in his name, and the relationship between this Tsuji Hiroki and Maori Kogoro is obviously closer than that of Juaiko's mother-san.

What is it called to see and forget friends!!

This is embarrassing.

Moriland also said that after contacting Hiroki Tsuji's family, he learned that Hiroki Tsuji would be going to the heliport in half an hour.

Between going to school and solving the case, Rabbit Chuan chose to solve the case, decisively intercepting Maori Lan and Conan's taxi on the way to school.

That's right, it's school day!

Miss Mao Lilan, who has excellent character and learning, actually learned to skip class with children!!

And this little child she brought will also fly to bomb the school and help his friends skip class together!!

That's a bit too much!!

Rabbit Chuan severely condemned this behavior, what a waste, he has not yet flown a helicopter!

The three of Rabbikawa and Maori Kogoro hurried to the airport before Tsuji got on the helicopter.

But after hearing Maori Kogoro's speculation, Tsuji still insisted on driving a helicopter to the Toto Airport, because the air route was the safest, and it was impossible for prisoners to attack him by helicopter, right?

Rabbit Chuan nodded a like, really a big clever, but it's a pity that the prisoner is serious this time.

The prisoner secretly replaced Hiroki Tsuji's eye drops with a therapeutic pupil dilator, which blinded the eyes after seeing strong light, and could not be felt at all after use, and only took effect after 20 minutes, and this effect could last for half a month, even if Tsuji survived, he would not be able to participate in the important international competition a few days later.

The Twilight Police Department dragged Maori Kogoro onto Tsuji's helicopter, and Maori Kogoro hugged his head and closed his eyes in fear.

Rabbit Chuan sat in the passenger plane first, and Conan had to secretly climb into the back seat of the plane.

Mao Lilan, who remained at the airport, looked up and sent the helicopter away, and when he turned back, where was this person? Why is she left alone?


sheep, two sheep, three sheep..." Maori Kogoro counted the sheep there with his eyes closed, and Conan, sitting next to him, asked innocently, "Uncle Maori, is this a spell to keep planes from falling?" "

Maori Kogoro and the Twilight Police Department were shocked, how did this kid come up? When did you sit between the two of them?

But then came another child's voice: "How great! I was also the first co-pilot on a plane!

Hiroki Tsuji said to Rabbitikawa who was sitting in the co-pilot, "Welcome to my helicopter, the next stop is Yonehanamachi!" "

Mr. Hiroki Tsuji." Rabbit Chuan smiled, "You are so brave!

Hiroki Tsuji was stunned for a moment and said, "Thank you? "That should be a good thing, right?

The helicopter rushed upwards through the clouds and saw the bright morning sun in Yonehanamachi, but the direct light of the bright light instantly blinded Hiroki Tsuji's eyes.

Hiroki Tsuji panicked that the helicopter lost control, and Twilight Police and Mori Kogoro hurriedly grabbed the handle, and Conan tried to step forward to stop it.

At this time, Rabbitikawa unfastened Tsuji Hiroki's seat belt and shouted to the Twilight Police Department behind him: "Get him aside!" Conan

then thought, yes, the brother also learned in Hawaii, although it was a simulation aircraft.

Rabbit Chuan: Haha, finally got on a real plane!

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