Mao Lilan said indignantly: "Why should he resent his father, isn't it natural for the police to arrest prisoners!" "

That's what I said, but..." said Twilight, his eyes secretly sweeping over Eiri's face.

Concubine Yingli's face was frosty, as if she was recalling something bad.

Officer Shiratori said, "I have also heard about this, it is said that after he was caught at the police station..."

Twilight interrupted Officer Shiratori forcefully, "Don't mention that again, now the important thing is the next target of the gangster!" "

Mao Lilan covered her chest with her hands, and for some reason she thought of the nightmare she had a few days ago, when her mother, who looked younger than now, was standing in the rubble, and suddenly her mother shouted to her, 'Don't come here, Xiaolan!' , and then a bullet hit Mom.

Mao Lilan had a hunch that the twilight police department was hiding something that seemed to be related to her dreams.

Rabbit Chuan looked at his watch and said, "Calculate the time, by now Uncle Maori should have arrived at Dr. Agasa's house." As

soon as Rabbit's voice fell, Officer Shiratori's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, I'm Shiratori." Officer Shiratori said to his cell phone, "It turned out to be a Maori detective... What did you say?! Did you just see someone attacking Dr. Agasa with a pistol-style crossbow?

Officer Shiratori asked the Twilight Police Department with his eyes, and the Twilight Police Department nodded slightly, and Officer Shiratori pressed the hands-free button.

Maori Kogoro on the other side of the phone gasped and said: "The prisoner was wearing a red motorcycle suit riding a black motorcycle, holding a crossbow and planning to attack Dr. Agasa when he was discovered, and then the prisoner directly rode the path and escaped, I couldn't drive in, Conan's little ghost stepped on the skateboard and chased over!"

Rabbit River could already imagine Conan chasing a motorcycle prisoner on a skateboard.

Officer Shiratori asked, "Detective Māori, did you see what the prisoner looked like?"

Maori Kogoro replied, "I didn't see it, he was wearing a red helmet, and the whole person was tightly wrapped, and I couldn't tell if the man was male or female, old or young."

The police department asked, "Brother Maori , what is the license plate number of the locomotive?" After

learning the number of the prisoner's license plate from Maori Kogoro, the Twilight Police Department immediately ordered all departments to round up the locomotive.

Officer Takagi then drove the Twilight Police Department, and Officer Shiratori drove Rabbawa and Morilan to Dr. Agasa's house.

On the way, Mao Lilan couldn't help but ask Officer Shiratori: "Officer Shiratori, what did you just want to say?"

Rabbit Chuan reminded, "What Sister Xiaolan wants to ask about Murakami is the matter of Murakami Sho, right?"

Officer Shiratori thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, anyway, you can know as soon as you inquire, so I said it directly."

"Actually, I also heard from an old criminal police officer that 10 years ago, Maori detectives, who were still police officers at that time, arrested Murakami Sho back to the police station together with the Twilight Police Department, and after returning to the police station, Murakami Sho excused himself to go to the toilet, in fact, he was looking for an opportunity to attack the guard, and then snatched the gun and fled, and on the way Murakami happened to meet the concubine lawyer and her daughter who came to the police station to bring her husband a change of clothes."

"I remembered it all!" Mauriland trembled and said, "The prisoner kidnapped my mother, and my mother yelled not to let me go, and then the police department took me away, and then I saw my father shoot twice, and the prisoner and my mother fell."

Mao Lilan is now in a very low mood, saying: "I have forgotten all this since then."

Officer Shiratori comforted, "Maybe it's because you don't want to remember these bad memories yourself."

Mao Lilan asked excitedly, "But why did Dad shoot?"

Officer Shiratori guessed, "Maybe he's too confident in his marksmanship, right?" This was followed by criticism of Mr Māori, who resigned from the police shortly thereafter. Mao

Lilan bowed his head sadly, could this be the real reason why Mom and Dad had been separated for ten years? Is that why Mom has always refused to forgive Dad?

Rabbit River looked ahead, so what was he going to do next, to explain it for Uncle Maori?

Miss Xiaolan, Uncle Maori shot the concubine lawyer in the thigh in order to incapacitate the concubine lawyer, so that the prisoner would give up the hostage who could not move.

But this kind of thing has not been personally experienced, has not felt empathy, can it really be explained?

Wouldn't it be worse if the prisoner was ruthless and dragged the hostages away without regard for their safety!

What if the prisoner loses his heart and shoots the useless hostages?

In case the prisoner has a bad look in his eyes, thinking that Uncle Maori shot him, and wants to pull a cushion before he dies, it is not impossible to directly kill the hostages!

"One, two, three? What do you think? Maori Lan called Rabbit River.

Rabbit Chuan scratched his head, not knowing what to say: "This... I'm sorry, Sister Xiaolan, with my current life experience, I don't know what to say, it's better for you to ask the new brother later, he should give you an answer to Ke Xue. "

Rabbit Chuan decisively threw the pot to the old brother, if the old brother can explain it directly to Miss Xiaolan, then Rabbit Chuan will catch the murderer before the water crystal is blown up.

Water crystal is an underwater restaurant invested and built by capitalist Xu Shengyi, the water crystal restaurant is built on the real seabed, most of the walls are transparent glass, just like human beings inlaid a beautiful crystal in the seawater.

An absolutely immersive deep-sea experience, full of fish at a glance, thinking of this, Rabbit Chuan suddenly felt the urge to change the stage for the magician at the end of the century.

Rabbit River estimates that Na Asahi Katsuyoshi Yassei is already cold, or persuade the Suzuki family to buy the water crystal underwater restaurant and transform it into the Suzuki Underwater Art Museum?

By the time Rabbit and the police arrive at Dr. Agasa's house, Conan has returned, apparently his skateboard has not caught up with the prisoner's motorcycle.

Maori Kogoro stepped forward and said, "Twilight Police Department, why is it that even you are here, the body doesn't matter, right?"

The Twilight Police Department smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a small injury, the most important thing now is this continuous injury incident." By the way, what did the prisoner leave at the scene this time?

"It's this!" Conan took out a folded figure-8-like thing and a card card, "This is exactly the same as the pattern of the sword in J of Spades." "

Sure enough," Twilight said with a serious expression, "Brother Māori, do you remember Murakami?"

"Twilight Police Department?" Maori Kogoro frowned.

Twilight patted the Maori brother on the shoulder and said, "He was released from prison a week ago, and I speculate that the prisoner is likely to be him, with the aim of retaliating against you by hurting the people around you."

Maori Kogoro's brows furrowed, and he closed his eyes and said, "If it's him, it's indeed possible, then the next 10 of spades is... Miss Toriko!! Maori

Kogoro drove away again, his roar still in the air: "Wait, I'm here to save you, Miss Juaiko!!" The

Twilight Police Department asked, "Xiaolan, who is this Miss Juheko?"

Mao Lilan's face was cloudy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's Mom-san, whom Dad met at a Ginza nightclub." "

Uh..." Twilight was embarrassed.

Rabbit Chuan looked down at the grass, did he think wrong, this Maori Kogoro can increase his IQ as long as he encounters a beautiful woman and has an accident?

Maori Lan and the Twilight Police Department chase Maori Kogoro together, and Conan takes the opportunity to rub into the car.

Rabbit Chuan didn't go, he couldn't get in anyway, and the most important thing was that this Miss Juheko was not the prisoner's next target at all.

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