After leaving the Higashi-Kuji Office, Hattori Heiji and Conan directly got into the car rented in advance by Officer Sakata.

Originally, Hattori Heiji wanted to go to the township councilor to see the bustle, but Officer Sakata suddenly said that the woman he met at the scene happened to live nearby.

Hattori Heiji and Conan decided to meet the lady with the secret first, who would have thought that Officer Sakata had opened his head on the one-way street again.

In a hurry, Hattori Heiji and Conan get out of Sakata's car and run all the way to the woman's home, only to find that the lady's home is empty.

At this time, in the public toilet in this neighborhood, the cleaner found her body.

A knife was inserted through the purse into the chest of the deceased, and the woman became the fourth victim of the serial killings.

Officer Sakata wanted to rush to the Senji councilor as soon as possible, but after his casual reminder, Hattori Heiji and Conan realized that the wallet was most likely referring to the driver's license in the wallet.

That's why Heiji Hattori and Conan asked Officer Sakata to drive them to the driving office.

As soon as Hattori Heiji entered the door, he saw Toyama and Ye standing in the center of the hall imposingly, and asked suspiciously: "Kazuha, why are you here?"

"Hattori Heiji, you bastard!"

"Huh?" Hattori was confused.

Toyama and Ye shouted loudly and rushed to Hattori Heiji, not giving him any chance to explain, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to directly throw Hattori Heiji to the ground with a grappling and throwing throw.

Heiji Hattori: Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Toyama and Ye desperately suppressed Hattori Heiji and shouted angrily, "You bastard! Who was your first love? What's going on with that fiancée of yours? You tell me! "

Hattori Heiji was asked in a trance, what first love, what fiancée, what is this?!

"Heye, don't make trouble!"

Hattori struggled to remember, but after seeing the tears in Toyama and Ha's eyes, he didn't dare to move.

The thing that Hattori feared the most in his life was the tears of Kazuha Toyama.


Toyama and Yeichi cried, and Hattori Heiji was considered wasted.

Forget it, let's wait for him to solve these messy things!

Conan showed a melon eating expression, this Hattori is really... Gee!

Conan gave Heiji Hattori a reassuring look, and the rest was left to him Kanto Detective Kudo Shinichi!

"Conan!!" At this time, Mao Lilan called out to Conan, "Really, how can you be so naughty!" In the blink of an eye you are gone, I am worried about death, come back with me!! "

Sister Xiaolan?!" Conan shouted badly in his heart and forgot to call Xiaolan!

But how did Xiaolan know they were here? By the way, it must have been the brother who deduced the meaning of that wallet, so they will be here, it must be like this!

I just don't know where the dude found out?

Thinking of this, Conan looked up and asked, "Sister Xiaolan, where is Brother Rabbit Chuan?"

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "One, two, three is inside, I'll take you to him!"

Morilan picked up Conan and walked inside, not forgetting to glance at the distant mountains and leaves who were entangled with Hattori Heiji.

Mao Lilan thought happily, fortunately, Conan's little one hugged and took it away, if it was replaced by Shinichi, she probably could only drag him down fiercely!

Officer Sakata standing in the middle is numb, who can tell him what is going on, this development is too inexplicable!

What to do? Now that Hattori Heiji is entangled by Toyama and Ha, how is he going to sneak into the house of a councilor from the township?

Just as Officer Sakata decided to make a desperate bet and was about to step forward to break up the pair of childhood sweethearts, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Officer Sakata picked up the phone and said, "Hello, I'm Sakata... Huh? Let me go to support the headquarters? Be! I'll go! "

Yusuke Sakata, this is excited! It's really sleepy to send pillows, come at the right time!

Hattori Heiji stretched out his hand and shouted, "Wait! Wait for me! "

Toyama and Ye did their best to suppress Hattori Heiji, and they must not let Heiji stay with the murderer suspect!

Yusuke Sakata directly threw down Hattori Heiji, who was entangled with Koome, and drove all the way to his final target.

And Yusuke Sakata did not know that at this time, Minister Toyama was sitting in the house of a member of the township councilor, personally waiting for him to throw himself into the net.

After Yusuke Sakata left, Rabbit Chuan came out from behind the pillar, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's already okay!" Toyama

and Ye felt relieved in their hearts, and after letting go of Hattori Heiji, they felt a burst of distraction, and fell directly on Hattori Heiji's body, so dangerous, it really scared her to death just now!

Mori Lan put Conan down, and Maori Kogoro and Officer Otaki also came out from behind the other two pillars.

"What the hell is going on here?" Hattori Heiji is getting more and more confused, and Kazuha is still lying on him, so soft! I can't even turn my brain!

"What do you say?" Rabbit Chuan touched his chin to hide his malicious smile, "You are really a childhood sweetheart!" "

It's hard to catch the killer... It's not very difficult, but it's not necessary, and arresting people shouldn't be the job of the police.

If detectives not only have to reason, but also be responsible for arresting people, then what else should the police do? Keep to be a tax thief?

Rabbit Chuan just wants to take Hattori Heiji to Hattori's mother for a meal, so just keep Hattori Heiji and Conan here to ensure their safety, and the rest is another price.

Hattori Heiji and Toyama and Ye looked at each other, only to realize how close the distance between them was!

Toyama and Ye swooped up, and Hattori Heiji sat on either side, their faces were red, and neither dared to look at the other.

Yuanshan and Ye covered their faces, and what she had just done came to mind, it was really humiliating!

Hattori Heiji slowed down first, and after seeing Officer Otaki, he said in surprise: "Uncle Otaki, why are you here?"

Officer Otaki smiled blandly, "Kazuha called me to be a driver." Hattori

Heiji said to Toyama and Ha dissatisfied, "Why do you always like to instruct police officers to do things!" Yuanshan

and Ye replied, "Don't you also use police cars to visit tours!" The

pair of childhood sweethearts regained their original noisy feeling, and their hearts were relieved.

Rabbit River looked at the pair of childhood sweethearts in Osaka, and then at his own.

Forget it, the little brother likes the big sister can understand, but the big sister likes the little brother that is perverted!

Can't let Miss Xiaolan be perverted!

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