After Officer Otaki got the news, he asked the Hyogo Driving School to fax the photo of the graduate, and confirmed that the people in the photo were the four deceased and the township councilor, as well as the robber who was fugitive and the fugitive Numabuchi Keichiro!

Officer Otaki immediately called his boss and said, "Minister Toyama, Brother Rabbitakawa found an intelligence that the four deceased in the serial murder case and the councilor of the township were classmates of the Hyogo Driving School 20 years ago, and there was also Kinichiro Numbuchi in the same class as them, so the murderer is likely to be..." Officer Otaki glanced

at the Rabbit River brother beside him, and the Rabbit River brother said very face-givingly: "Yusuke Sakata."

"Yes, the murderer is Yusuke Sakata! ...... Well? "Officer Otaki feels like something is wrong, who is this Yusuke Sakata? Sounds familiar?

Rabbit Chuan picked up the photo and pointed to the person in the middle of the photo, and Officer Otaki looked at it and shouted in surprise: "This is not Sakata!" Yes, Sakata is Yusuke Sakata, but how is he also in the photo!

"Otaki! What happened? The majestic voice of Minister Toyama came from the phone.

Officer Otaki immediately replied, "Report Minister Toyama, I saw in that photo a man who looked exactly like Sakata from our police station.

Rabbikawa approached Officer Otaki, who bent down and placed his phone between the two.

Rabbit Chuan told the phone: "I think the person in the photo should be Officer Sakata's father, who is the instructor of this class, and what happened to the driving school 20 years ago that unknown happened."

Minister Toyama on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment, but still firmly believed in his subordinates, and said: "Even if Sakata's father is related to the four deceased, this does not prove that Sakata is the murderer."

"Minister Toyama, the murderer can only be Yusuke Sakata." Rabbitikawa said resolutely, "That okonomiyaki shop was not on our itinerary today, and we only went there if Officer Sakata drove the wrong way, so only he could let the third deceased smash right on the police car, to be precise, in front of Hattori Heiji!" "

Heiji?" Yuanshan and Ye were anxious when they heard this, "Why do you say Heiji, is he going to do something to Heiji?" Mao

Lilan came over to stabilize the excited Toyama Kazuha and said, "Miss Kazuha, don't worry, Hattori-kun will definitely be fine."

"How could I not be worried, that Officer Sakata has a gun in his hand, what if Heiji deduces the truth and is killed and silenced?" The more Yuanshan and Ye thought about it, the more nervous they became, and the more they thought about it, the more they had a bad premonition.

Mao Lilan also tensed up and said worriedly: "Then what to do, Conan is also there in Hattori?"

Rabbit Chuan reassured them and said, "Officer Sakata only wants to be the driver of Hattori Heiji, and take advantage of the east wind of the Osaka Prefectural Police Son, to infiltrate the search team of the township councilor, and his final target is the township councilor, so rest assured, he will definitely not act rashly until he achieves his goal." "

The township councillor is notoriously averse to the police, and there are so many security guards around him that a small police officer in Sakata can't get close to him.

Moreover, Sakata is only a police officer in the substation, and cannot participate in the search line of the headquarters.

Sakata is well aware of Hattori Heiji's character, as long as he reveals a little clue to Hattori Heiji, he will definitely take the bait, and Sakata can take advantage of the opportunity to be a driver for Hattori Heiji and infiltrate the search team.

Yuanshan and Ye clenched their fists and said firmly, "No! I'm going to save Heiji!

"And Conan! With Miss Ye, I'll go with you! Mao Lilan and Toyama and Ye touched their fists, and the friendship between girls was as simple as that.

Maori Kogoro grabbed his daughter and shouted, "Hey, Xiaolan, what are you doing with you!"

Minister Toyama comforted his daughter on the phone and said, "Kazuha, leave the next thing to Dad, and Dad won't let Heiji have an accident." "

Alas, the birth of a daughter outward, in the end is someone else's little padded jacket.

Minister Toyama added: "And now everything is only speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence that Sakata is the murderer."

Rabbit Chuan said to the phone: "Minister Toyama, it is better for you to check on Officer Sakata's father, after the check, you will understand." "

Minister Toyama asked Sakata's father to check on Sakata's father when he heard Rabbitagawa's speculation, and he wanted to prove the innocence of his subordinates to detective Rabbikawa in Tokyo, but now...

Minister Toyama sighed secretly and said, "It has been found out that Sakata's father is the driving school instructor, who died in a drunk driving accident 20 years ago, and the time of death happened to be the night of graduation from the training course. Minister

Toyama knew in his heart that there must be something hidden in the accident 20 years ago, which led to the serial murders 20 years later.

What Minister Toyama did not expect was that in Rabbitchuan's words, his subordinate Yusuke Sakata became the biggest suspect in this incident.

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but remind: "Minister Toyama, the retrospective period of the murder case is 15 years, and even if we find out the truth, we will not be able to bring the murderer to justice."

"yes." Minister Toyama thanked on the phone, "Detective Rabbitikawa very much for your help, I'm sorry to disturb your trip, what is the truth of this matter, I will personally ask him!" "

Minister Toyama's meaning is clear, now Sakata is just a suspect, and he still believes his subordinates until there is substantial evidence.

Before that, he would personally bring people back to the police station, find out the truth, and return Sakata's innocence.

"I see." Rabbikawa handed the phone back to Officer Otaki.

Rabbikawa knew that Minister Toyama was going to come to clean the portal himself, and he intervened again, but he just hit the Osaka police in the face.

Forget it, the guest is at his disposal, and the next thing is left to the Osaka Prefectural Police, and Rabbikawa believes that they will definitely save the Prince Heiji Hattori of the head family from the hands of serial murderers.

Unfortunately, the plan could not catch up, and Minister Toyama had just ordered Yusuke Sakata, who had just been placed in Osaka to search for him, and now walked into the driving management office where they were located in Rabbit River with Heiji Hattori.

Yuanshan and Ye silently shouted, "Heiji..." "

Wait, Miss Heye!" Rabbit Chuan grabbed the impulsive Toyama and Ye.


Otaki stood up and assured Toyama and Ye: "Don't worry, Kazuha, Heiji's safety will be handed over to me!"

Maori Kogoro also pulled Maori Lan aside, loosened his tie and unbuttoned his cufflinks and said, "You children hurry up and find a place to hide, the next thing is for us adults!"

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the combat power around him, these people seemed to overestimate the strength of the murderer.

What to do so nervously? It's the murderer who should be worried, right?

Rabbit Chuan said easily: "Uncle Maoli, there is no need to be so grassy and soldiers, the enemy is bright and dark, just enough to catch him by surprise!" The

corner of Rabbit Chuan's mouth hooked a bad smile, beckoning to Yuanshan and Ye, Yuanshan and Ye leaned over, Rabbit Chuan quietly said to her: "Miss Heye, you will be like this for a while..." Yuanshan and Ye

nodded, suddenly their faces were red, and they twisted and pinched and said: "This way... This one...... Not very good..."

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Hehe, come on!" "

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