Hattori Heiji was remorseful after learning that the murderer was most likely Yusuke Sakata, he really rode a donkey to find a donkey, pulled the murderer to find the murderer, and lost people home!

Hattori Heiji secretly grabbed Conan and whispered: "I said Kudo, how does your brother's brain grow, how did he think of suspecting the policeman?"

Conan smiled and said, "Of course, it's because this is the truth left after eliminating all impossibilities!"

Hattori retorted, "But... Did he rule it out? Rabbit

Chuan said that he was not convinced, ruled ah, why didn't he exclude, a total of seven people excluded six of his own people, then the suspect is not left with one Sakata Yusuke!

Hattori Heiji also wanted to see the scene of the arrest, he wanted to ask him why he did it, couldn't he hear the crying of the cherry blossom badge on his police card?

However, Officer Otaki was firmly opposed, how could he throw the guests aside and run away by himself, and if he brought Kazuha Heiji to the scene, the boss of Toyama and Minister Motomo would not be allowed to scold him to death!

Hattori Heiji was discouraged, and when he learned that his subordinates had gone astray, Uncle Toyama and his father must have been more distressed than him.

At this time, Minister Toyama had arrested Yusuke Sakata, and Yusuke Sakata wanted to apologize with death, but was punched to the ground by Minister Toyama.

Yusuke Sakata knelt on the ground and cried: "I'm sorry, Minister! Sorry, I discredited you!

Minister Toyama picked up Yusuke Sakata and yelled, "Stand up for me, Sakata!" You are a criminal policeman, stand up and take your responsibilities, and then live with dignity! "

Twenty years ago, Yusuke Sakata's father was a well-known devil instructor at Hyogo Driving School, who was serious, unkind, and taught in a very strict way, and his students were full of resentment.

So, in order to take revenge on the devil coach, the students worked together to get the coach drunk at the graduation dinner and secretly drained the brake fluid from his car, which eventually led to the death of Yusuke Sakata's father in a car accident.

The crash ended with a drunk driving accident, but Yusuke Sakata knew that his father could never have drunk driving.

In order to find out the truth, Yusuke Sakata became a criminal policeman, but when he learned the truth, it was now 20 years later.

The retrospective period for the killings was only 15 years, and one of them was a powerful parliamentarian.

Yusuke Sakata's repressed hatred for 20 years has no recourse to justice, and he has no choice but to personally punish those who kill his father.

Yusuke Sakata's remorse is not because he is an enemy of the blade, he regrets that he broke the oath of the police academy and smeared the Sakura badge of justice.

Officer Otaki drove with Rabbikawa and his party to Hattori's mansion in Hattori Head.

Hattori Heiji held Conan in his arms and sat in the front co-pilot, Kazuha Toyama, Moriran, Maori Kogoro and Rabbikawa sat in the back seat, plus the driver, Officer Otaki, and the car miraculously sat down with seven people!

Although not very crowded, is this car really not overloaded?

Rabbit Chuan endured sleepiness, the case was solved, and it was time to think about the bad world that attacked him.

Rabbit Chuan was just a little frightened by the malicious attack of other worlds, he thought that this little injury only needed to sleep well and wake up.

But now it seems that it is not so simple, Rabbit Chuan vaguely feels that the force that attacked him not only did not disappear, but even wanted to quietly integrate into his consciousness.

Rabbitakawa : Hmm??? What is this?

If it weren't for the fact that Rabbit River was attacked by the world consciousness for the first time, worried that it would leave sequelae, and has always maintained a cautious and vigilant attitude, maybe that force would have succeeded.

But this is also too strange, why can this force be integrated into his consciousness?

And Rabbit Chuan felt that this power was very familiar, as if it was the same power as his own origin, that is, the kind that came from um... The power of wisdom?

Could it be the power of wisdom?

It seems that this is the case, so at that time, Rabbit Chuan did not realize the malice of this force towards him, and by the time he sensed the danger, that malice had already surrounded him.

In other words, now Rabbit Chuan is very sure and sure that he must have been calculated!

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that just by chance passing by a god of wisdom was hurt by the power of the source of wisdom in another world?

There can be no way he was unlucky!!

Even if he goes out and encounters bombs, often encounters corpses falling from the sky, occasionally sees several fires, and occasionally encounters several kidnapping cases, and even has a brother of death, but this is all daily! How can it be considered bad luck?

There must be some finished calf thing calculating him!!

Rabbit Chuan had palpitations, if he hadn't been vigilant, he might have let it succeed.

So the key now is, to understand where he was calculated?

If his passing through that bad world was a conspiracy he had designed a long time ago, then was Wen Hao's disappearance also in the other party's scheme?

Then how did the other party know that he would go to the gap in time and space to find the Imperial Library?

Yes, it's Kitsunosuke!

It was Kitsunosuke who mentioned the eroders that made him think of going to the Imperial Library to find literary heroes.

But Kitsunosuke is Shikigami, his mission is to deliver messages, it is impossible to violate the mission to calculate him, but because of this, it is likely to be used by people with intentions.

Therefore, it may be that earlier, perhaps even Kitsunosuke strayed into the world of Kogaku was also in the other party's scheme.

No, maybe also....

Rabbit Chuan thought about it, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he slowly fell asleep....


The car made a sharp turn, and Rabbit Chuan slammed his braincase on the glass of the car, and instantly sobered up.

Officer Otaki felt out the siren and hung it on the roof of the car, and while pressing the accelerator to the end, he said to the people in the car: "Sorry, I have been notified of an urgent mission at this time, and when I get to the place, I will find someone to take you home."

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his braincase and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?" What happened? Hattori

Heiji was very excited in his words, and replied: "I just searched the headquarters to inform Uncle Otaki that I found Kinichiro Numbuchi's car in the Minoh Mountains!" "

Ichiro Numabuchi? Is it the armed murderer on the run? "Rabbit Chuan summed up in his heart, isn't this the substitute ghost that Yusuke Sakata locked up!

Koichiro Numabuchi also stabbed Conan when he was arrested, and if it weren't for the amulet that Heiji Hattori lent to Conan to block it, Conan would have been gone.

This is the only member of the organization in black that makes Conan mistakenly think that he is dead, although he is a defector, although he himself does not know what great achievements he has done.

Officer Otaki parked his car under Minoh Falls, when the sky was overcast and heavy rain poured down.

Officer Otaki turned around and handed the car keys to Maori Kogoro and said, "Detective Māori, I'm sorry to take these children home by car!" "Good

!" Maori Kogoro answered, sat in the driver's seat and said to the side, "Hattori boy, you come to show the way... What about people? Maori

Kogoro turned his head and saw that the co-pilot was empty, let alone people, not even a single hair.

"What about Heiji?" Distant mountains and leaves looked left and right, and Mao Lilan also got up and looked, "Conan is also gone!"

Rabbit Chuan pulled out two umbrellas from under the back seat and said, "As soon as Officer Otaki stopped, the two of them got out of the car and ran, and now they are probably searching for the missing Jiichiro Numabuchi with the police." "


Mao Lilan and Yuanshan and Ye are full of frustration, what is this called!

Rabbit Chuan spread his hands, just left the mouth of the tiger, and entered the wolf's den, the disaster is not alone!

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