Haibara Mourning smoothly gets La Conan out, because she says that with Rabbit River there, he will definitely find the murderer.

"Since Shigehiko Swallow died under the chandelier, it means that Pisco did not use that medicine." Haibara pulled Conan to leave the hotel, "So, Kudo, let's go!"

"Nope!" Conan tugged at Haibara, "I still don't know who Pisco is?

"What if you know it?" Haibara wanted to yell, but she couldn't do something remarkable right now.

"Of course, I took the opportunity to steal that medicine!" Conan explained enthusiastically, "You didn't say that Pisco didn't use that medicine, then Pisco must still have that medicine in his hand now, as long as you get that medicine, you can develop an antidote, right?"

Haibara's shameful heart moved, but the oppression of the organization for many years made her wake up instantly.


Haibara raised his eyes, where was Conan in front of him, and after patrolling left and right, he found that Conan returned to the reception area in front of the venue, as if asking the waiter about something.

Haihara had to follow back to the door of the venue, and when he finished asking, he must be pulled away, it was too dangerous, and they could not stay here.

Conan is asking about the purple handkerchief, and he discovers that the purple handkerchief that fell on his head after hearing the chandelier fall is a souvenir of the memorial service.

Although it was taken away by one, two, three, Conan still smelled a burnt smell on the handkerchief, and that handkerchief must have some connection with today's case.

Conan obtains a list of seven people from the young lady at the reception office through a unique cute selling method.

Conan couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, although he had no evidence, but the detective's intuition told him that Pisco was most likely among these 7 people!

Just when Conan was triumphant, the reporters outside the venue were making a noise, the door of the venue suddenly opened, and the people inside swarmed out.


Conan and Haibara looked at the crowd sadly, and then rejoiced in their hearts, could it be that Rabbit Chuan had already solved the case?

Without having time to think about it, the two small ones were directly involved in the crowd, and Conan had no way to resist the torrent of people, so he decided to return to Dr. Agasa's car first.

"Haibara, let's go back first! Gray plains? Conan looked back, and where he could still see the mournful figure of Haibara on his thighs, "Haibara! Where are you?

"Hey! I am here! Haibara's wailing cry was drowned out by the noisy crowd.

Haibara tried to squeeze to Conan's side, but was grabbed by a hand, and then lost consciousness.

Rabbitikawa who remained in the venue secretly put on headphones, and Haibara is now wearing Conan's tracking glasses, and he can use the glasses' radio to monitor Haihara's situation.

Rabbit Chuan heard a noisy human voice coming from the earphones, and Haibara's mournful voice stopped abruptly, followed by the sound of opening the cardboard box, and then the rumbling of a trolley.

When the time came, Rabbit Chuan took out the purple handkerchief and said to the Twilight Police Department: "Twilight Police Department, please leave the person who received the purple commemorative handkerchief in the meeting hall, I think the murderer should be among these people."

"Brother Rabbitchuan, what did you say?! You say there are murderers? The Twilight Police Department was surprised, "Isn't this an accident?"

Rabbit Chuan said unashamedly: "What kind of joke, our environmental facilities in Yonehua Town are so safe, how can an accident happen?" "

Uh..." Twilight's mouth twitched, "but this is the Cupomachi Hotel!"

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand casually and said, "It's not a big difference, it's not a big difference!" "

It's just a few streets back and forth in Yonakamachi, and Conan can wander around casually after dinner, or walk to the next door to Cuptocho.

And the Mihua Hotel just blew up a tequila a few hours ago, and now the toilet has not been repaired, so it can't be a scourge of this hotel.

Rice flower hotel dead agave, cup hotel arranges a pisco, how reasonable this arrangement!

Rabbit Chuan heard the noise in the headset gradually dissipate, and immediately asked the Twilight Police Department to summon the suspect back, and if it was later, his new brother would make a real-name report call.

The Twilight Police Department immediately ordered Takagi and Sato to leave the man who had received the purple commemorative handkerchief.

Fortunately, there were many reporters at the door, and most of them were blocked at the door and could not leave.

Takagi and Sato got the guest list, and according to the list, they invited back the person who got the purple commemorative handkerchief, and now they sent Kenzo Torayama, the chairman of the automobile company.

Takagi began to call Kenzo Toyama's carrying phone, and Rabbit Chuan heard the ringing of the mobile phone in the earphone, the ringtone disappeared, and the phone was connected.

When Kenzo heard that the police wanted to ask him to stay and cooperate with the investigation, he wanted to refuse, but his car was still parked in the hotel parking lot, and the police knew that he had not left, so he had to agree to return to the venue.

Rabbit Chuan heard Pisco quicken his pace from the earphones, followed by the sound of the door opening, then the sound of the door closing, and now the earphones are silent.

It seems that Pisco hid Haibara mourning, and the whole process from beginning to end, whether it was Belmode, who gave him cover, or the upcoming ginjiu, Pisco did not tell anyone about this secret.

Since that's the case, let's go to hell with this secret!

Rabbit Chuan grabbed two bottles of wine alone, trying to delay time, not Belmold not mixing with Shirley's actions, and taking this opportunity to let the new brother see the spirits that were not mixed with water in the distillery.

Rabbit Chuan began to grind and reason: "Now please come back and cooperate with the investigation, because I picked up this purple commemorative handkerchief in the venue."

Tuchuan showed the handkerchief to everyone and said: "There is a small burnt hole in this handkerchief, and the police have also detected a gunsmoke reaction on the handkerchief, so I have reason to suspect that someone shot to cause the chandelier to fall." "

Kenzo Fengshan panicked, but quickly returned to normal, it doesn't matter, he has just got another handkerchief, but it was so simple to be exposed to the modus operandi, and the mood is a little complicated.

"That's how it is now." The Twilight Police Department stood up and said, "We got the guest list from the reception, we received the purple commemorative handkerchief, and it was only the seven of you who were at the venue, so can you please show your handkerchief?" "

As a result, the police department investigated, and the seven suspects present were each holding a purple commemorative handkerchief, what was going on?

Rabbit Chuan spread his hands, what else can be done, the handkerchief is not coded, just let people out once, casually took another one at the reception!

However, Rabbitakawa quickly hammered the fact that Councilor Swallow died of murder, because if you look at the chandelier chain left on the ceiling, you will find that it is not a wear and tear at all, but a gunshot break, and there is still phosphor residue on the lamp chain.

At this time, all the suspects were detained by the police.

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