At this time, Belmode's mood was even more complicated than Pisco's, because she found that this little rabbit reasoned unhurriedly, laid out the evidence layer by layer, and it was really possible to send Pisco in.

If the veteran cadres of the organization were arrested for an ordinary homicide case, they would not be laughed to death by industry peers and enemy undercover agents.

Belmod is tired, this Pisco, let him kill someone, kill a mouth, secretly drug to kill the end? Don't look at how old you are, you have to engage in these tricks!

Rabbitikawa chirped and drew the standing of the seven suspects on the paper, and then eliminated the five people standing under the chandelier and in front of the screen through the angle of the pistol shot, and locked the murderer in the back row of Kenzo Tozan and Yasuo Sanbei.

Kenzo Fengshan was a little panicked, this person wouldn't really want to send him in, right? Why?

Kenzo Fengshan took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat and took the opportunity to give Belmode a look of help, what the hell is going on?

Belmod glanced at Fengshan Kenzo coldly, making him stiffen instantly, and Fengshan Kenzo had to hold back his words.

Damn it! This woman didn't even give him face, he was the elder of the organization, if it weren't for the boss's preference for this woman, he would have been...

Rabbit Chuan didn't notice the eyebrow lawsuit between the two bottles, and most of his attention was on the headphones.

Now that Haibara has woken up from her coma, she is giving her last words to Conan through the radio of her glasses, and Conan accidentally learns that Haibara is in the wine cellar, so he says to change her magic.

Astound! In order to do magic for the little girl in the same class, the little boy in the first grade coaxed the little girl to pour half a bottle of old white dry, is this a decline in morality, or a distortion of human nature!

Moreover, after drinking half a bottle of liquor, Haihara did not forget to steal documents from Pisco's laptop, and even used his brain to decipher computer passwords.

APTX4869's APTX stands for apotoxin, which means programmed cell death, and 4869 sounds very similar to Sherlock, so people in the organization once called the drug that was still under development "the detective who undertook it."

Therefore, Haihara speculated that the computer's passcode was probably the name of the detective, and it really passed, and she immediately downloaded the information to the storage disk.

But even so, Haihara Mourning can't take it away today, because... He's coming! He's coming! He came with vodka!

Because Gin couldn't reach Pisco, he followed the computer signal and found a special brown hair in front of the fireplace.

Ah~ Shirley! I want to kill you!"

In the venue, Belmod and Pisco were numb.

Rabbit Chuan, the detective, did not talk about martial virtue, trapped 7 suspects and the police chatted with him for two hours, and finally directly took out a photo of Pisco shooting at the ceiling, why did he go early!

And this photo will also become the front-page news of tomorrow's Mihua Morning Post, and anyone with eyes can see who the murderer is.

Belmod noticed that Rabbit Chuan was wearing headphones on his ears, could it be that someone was behind his back to instruct him to do this?

Belmod dismissed the idea because she found that Rabbit's expression was less like listening to an order and more like listening to a play, and the smile on her face never stopped.

"Shirley... I miss you so much! "Gin wine

" black fog and white snow in the dark, stained with red blood, isn't it beautiful?"

"It's a bit ugly for you to die wearing the glasses and dirty overalls of the deceptive organization, but it's a good place to execute traitors, isn't it, Shirley?"

"I could have let you die in that filthy chimney, but I still want you to die a little more splendid."

Rabbitagawa : Gee! Toothache!

The police had already had conclusive evidence, and Pisco was speechless, and he fell to his knees with a limp.

How ironic it is that the organization asked him to kill Shigehiko Swallow, who was about to be arrested, but instead of being arrested, he became to be arrested by the police!

Pisco didn't need to think about it to know that it was his turn to face the organization's annihilation operation!

Belmod is ready to evacuate, this Pisco is considered wasted, but you still have to contact the boss to make a decision.

No way! He can't be arrested! Once caught, he has only one way to die! The organization will not let him go!

Pisco stared at Rabbit River, why? Why did he do it!

Rabbit Chuan was still listening to the gin wine in the headphones to torture Shirley to force a confession, not noticing that the danger behind him was quietly coming.

Pisco suddenly burst out, took out a gun from his arms, and rushed towards Rabbit River like crazy.

“Oh! No! Chris Wynyard screamed.

As soon as Rabbit Chuan turned around, he saw Pisco standing behind him, with a hideous expression, trembling with both hands holding a gun to his throat.

Bang -

Rabbit Chuan was taken aback, is this Pisco so loyal?

After learning that he was about to be arrested by the police, he didn't have to organize a move, and he actually swallowed a gun and killed himself?!

Gee, it's a pity, the organization lost another bottle of pure spirits.

The Twilight Police Department blocked Rabbit Chuan behind him with a black face, scaring him to death, he also thought that Kenzo Fangshan rose up to take revenge on Rabbit Chuan's brother, but he didn't expect that he was actually committing suicide!

However, how can this Kenzo Fengshan commit suicide in front of minors, I don't know if this will affect the mental health of Rabbit Chuan's brother?

No, maybe this is his purpose, he just wants to create a psychological shadow for Brother Rabbitchuan, so that Brother Rabbit Chuan thinks that his reasoning forced him to death.

The Twilight Police Department stared fiercely at Kenzo Fengshan's corpse, really sinister, how many adult detectives were forced to give up their detective careers because they could not withstand this pressure.

Brother Rabbit Chuan is still a child, look at this is scared silly! Alas, go back and take the child to see a psychologist!

Rabbitagawa : Thank you so much!

Really scared stupid someone else, Belmod was really scared stupid, she knew very well that Pisco was going to the little rabbit, but the little rabbit just looked back at Pisco, Pisco's hand was like uncontrollable, and he shot himself!

Belmod felt great danger, as if the man had returned, but she knew very well that the little rabbit was not that person, human appearance can lie, but DNA does not lie, except body and soul....

Belmod accidentally broke her nails, and the pain brought her sanity back, how could it be?

Even if it's a soul... Hehe, how could she not recognize the soul of that person, or that person had been by this child's side?

We Can Be Both Of God And The Devil,Since We're Trying To Raise The Dead,Against The Stream Of Time.

We are both gods and demons because we want to turn back time and bring people back to life.

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