Twilight didn't know if the director of Shumaki had ever made Phantom of the Opera, but he hoped not.

"Brother Rabbitikawa...," the Twilight Police Department muttered with a black face, "Don't say such unlucky things, this is not Song Island." "

The Phantom of the Opera murder is a major serial murder incident under the base of three people, and its first victim must have been smashed to death by a falling chandelier, but there is no rehearsal here Phantom of the Opera, shouldn't it?

"Gee, Twilight Police Department, the pattern is small!" Rabbit Chuan patted Twilight's shoulder.

You must know that when Kaneda returned to Ukajima at the age of 37, the ominous opera house had long been demolished and the small hotel had been turned into a large resort, but the Phantom serial killings continued.

"Brother Rabbit Chuan, is there still someone..." The Twilight Police Department blocked the sight of outsiders, secretly stretched out two fingers and shook under Rabbit Chuan's eyes, and compared it with a murderous gesture.

Rabbit Chuan understood the meaning of the Twilight Police Department, and he wanted to ask if there would be a second victim, but... No need, really unnecessary!

Rabbit Chuan patted the arm of the Twilight Police Department again and said: "Let's take it easy, the pattern is small, this is not Song Island, where is the phantom to kill!" The

Twilight Police Department breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was not a serial killing.

The Twilight Police Department was slightly stunned, why did he think it was a murder? This may also be an ordinary accident!

"How did the Twilight Police Department come so quickly today!" Although Rabbit Chuan knew, he asked anyway.

"Because the police received an anonymous call from the police, saying that someone was going to take the life of a swallowing MP." The Twilight Police Department did not hide it.

"Anonymous phone...," Rabbit Kawa muttered, okay, knowing that he couldn't use Kudo's voice.

Haibara mourned and grabbed Conan, the two did not get to the Rabbit River and Twilight Police Department, now it is too conspicuous to go there.

Conan stared warily at everyone's expression in the black-pressed crowd, the swallowing councilor was killed by someone hiding in the venue, it was Pisco, a member of the black-clad organization, he must still be in this venue now!

The Twilight Police Department began to ask the people standing around Councillor Tunkou at that time, and asked, "Excuse me, have you noticed that there were any suspicious elements around Councillor Tunkou at that time?"

"Not really, but you see," a middle-aged man college professor Yoshiji tugged at the torn clothes, "I almost got smashed too!"

Twilight nodded and looked at another witness.

“ Sorry, I didn't see anyone suspicious." The actress from Hollywood replied.

The police department was stunned, and the officer standing next to her forced the translator to translate: "She said she didn't see suspicious elements."

"It was an accident!" Music producer Naoya Tarumi interrupted Twilight's questioning, "It must have been the chain of the chandelier that would have fallen and then happened to fall on this person, so I don't think there is any need to trap us people in the venue of this dead person because of an accident."

"This police has his own judgment." Twilight replied strongly, but now the venue is full of big people with heads and faces, and they are indeed a little uncontrollable.

"But didn't the police get a call to the police?" Kenzo Fengshan stood up and said, "Before the police investigate us people, they should first investigate who the person who called the police is, right?" Maybe that person is the murderer? Fengshan

Xiansan smiled like a kind old grandfather, but in his heart he planned that when he knew who that person was, she would immediately send that person to hell!

"This is an accident, but it's just retribution for doing too much!" The owner of a professional baseball team didn't care so much about three bottles of Yasuo, picked up a plate of fried rice and ate it.

Three bottles of Yasuo chewed and suddenly chewed a hard pimple, snorted in disgust and vomited, clanging on the ground.

"Bah! Bad luck! Conan

got under the table and secretly picked up the thing with a handkerchief, and when he saw that it was a fragment of the chandelier chain, why did this thing fall into the fried rice plate?

"Anyway, it's an accident!" The female writer Nanjo Baogo stood up and said, "You have also investigated, and there are no traces of hands and feet on the ceiling and the chandelier on the floor, so this cannot be murder, so can you let us leave now?" "

This..." Twilight looked at the Rabbit Chuan brother beside him.

Help, dude!

But today the brother is so quiet, is this really an accident?

The Twilight Police Department didn't know that the Rabbit Chuan brother he had in mind was not thinking about the case at all, and his Rabbit Chuan brother was thinking about his new brother who loved to die.

Rabbit Chuan thought that if he solved the case now, Pisco would be arrested by the police immediately, and then Belmod would definitely contact the nearest ginjiu who was arriving and let the gin snipe Pisco halfway.

In this way, Rabbit Chuan can use Pisco to contain Belmod and Gin Jiu, Pisco will not see the members of the organization until death, naturally will not expose Gray Plain Mourning is Shirley's secret, Shirley naturally solves the crisis, this is the happy ending.

But Rabbit Chuan was a little hesitant, is this really good?

As the saying goes, what you don't get is always in turmoil.

Just rush Conan's unstoppable energy, not let him touch Gin Jiu, let him see the means of the organization, long memory, who knows what he will do next time.

Rabbit Chuan hesitated for three seconds, then decided to let go, since his uncle pretended to be useless to scare, then let it really come.

Let Conan bump into Gin Wine, let him see what is called a ruthless extrajudicial maniac, and see if he dares to pry the door of Gin Wine casually next time.

As for the gray plain mourning, Rabbit Chuan's symbolic hesitation for a second, alas, reluctant that the child could not trap the wolf, turned back and used the new brother's pocket money to buy her a bag to suppress the shock.

Just when Rabbit Chuan hesitated, Haihara Mourning pulled Conan to leave the venue, and the door of the venue opened a gap, and the reporters waiting outside the door frantically pressed the shutter, and the flash flashed non-stop, illuminating Haihara's side face.

The commotion at the door attracted the attention of the people in the venue, and someone opened his eyes wide in disbelief, immediately went to the corner and turned his back to take out his laptop, crackling and knocking.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Belmode with afterlight and saw that she didn't have any abnormal reaction, and she couldn't see Haibara's side face in her position, only Conan's side face, and Conan covered his face with a hood.

Rabbit Chuan is not sure if Belmod found out that it was Conan, but even if he did, it didn't matter, Rabbit Chuan was not worried at all, who let Conan be her godson!

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