A day later, Rabbit River came to the Cup City Hotel again.

Rabbikawa looked up at the luxurious suite on the 24th floor, and wondered if the new name Rentaro had listened to him and left the hotel.

But it doesn't matter if you don't leave, the current gin has not evolved to strafe Tokyo Tower with an osprey, and today's action should not affect the pond fish.

Rabbit Chuan walked into the hotel, took out the invitation, signed the guest list, and received a purple commemorative handkerchief at the reception desk.

Rabbit Chuan was silent for a moment, and smiled and asked the young lady at the reception to change a red one, which was not a bad thing, and the young lady readily agreed.

After Rabbit Chuan got the red handkerchief, he breathed a sigh of relief, just now he almost became a Pisco candidate!

Rabbit Chuan folded the red handkerchief, released the pocket on his chest, and walked into the memorial service venue of the director of the sake scroll.

I remember that in my hometown in the past, when attending funerals, I would carry a small piece of red cloth in my pocket, and the old people said that it was used to ward off evil spirits.

The scene is like organizing a team building, all the staff is dressed in black.

Rabbit Chuan is not a social cow, and after a few pleasantries with the organizer, he walked to the corner alone.

But even so, Rabbit Chuan keenly felt that two lines of sight fell on him.

One naturally came from Chrissy Wynyard, that is, Belmode, and the other strand

... Rabbit Chuan looked through the lemon tea in the glass, it was an old man, a big man in the financial and economic world, the chairman of the automobile company, Kenzo Fengshan, and a veteran member of the organization - Pisco!

Pisco's expression is three points of surprise, three points of fear, three points of threat, and he is still very puzzled, this color palette is not complicated enough!

Rabbit Chuan lowered his eyebrows and took a sip of lemon tea, it seemed that another person knew him, no, Pisco should be looking at another person through him.

However, Pisco did not come to find Rabbit Chuan's trouble, and Rabbit Chuan did not bother to pay attention to him.

Anyway, this bottle of wine will not survive tonight, and it is impossible for the two to have any intersection in the future.

For the organization, Rabbit Chuan now wants to open and swing.

Healers do not heal themselves, and ferries do not cross themselves.

Rabbit River can watch the wind and listen to the rain and know everything in the world, but he can't see through his own things at a glance, which is a constraint, and Rabbit River has no way.

But on the other hand, the things that Rabbit Chuan can't know directly are naturally things that are closely related to him.

But Rabbit Chuan feels that there seems to be nothing major, the problem is not big, he is a reincarnation in another world, the matter of the original owner before, what does it have to do with the reincarnation!!

It is definitely not because Rabbit Chuan finally came to the conclusion that a black-clothed organization has a friendly attitude towards him after a series of analysis and reasoning.

Rabbit Chuan thought it was quite strange, not only did Belmod not make a move on him, even Gin Jiu, after the Shinkansen operation, there was no follow-up, and there was not even surveillance, but the well water did not violate the river water is also an attitude.

After all, Rabbit Chuan still doesn't want to use the means of the inner world to deal with the black-clothed organization, for an organization that pursues immortality by means of science and learning, once the existence of metaphysics is known, the devil knows what the world will become?

When Rabbit Chuan was stunned, the two imps sneaked into the venue, and when Rabbit Chuan returned to his senses, he saw Conan wearing his glasses on Haibara's face.

Conan said with that face that resembled Kudo Shinichi: "As long as you wear this pair of glasses, you will definitely not be exposed, even Superman will say yes!"

Haihara put on his glasses and really relaxed a lot, and teased: "Is it? After taking off your glasses, are you now transforming into Superman? At

this time, Gin Jiu was speeding on the road in the Porsche that had no problems after inspection.

Vodka sat in the co-pilot and asked uncertainly: "Big brother, will that woman really come?" Gin

Jiu said with great certainty: "She will definitely come, and after hearing that we are going to use that medicine, she will definitely come to stop it."

"And even if she doesn't come this time, we know that she is hiding near Yonehanamachi, since we already know that she is hiding here, hum!" Gin Jiu smiled wickedly, "Sooner or later, I can trace the taste of the betrayer and catch her!" At

the memorial service venue, Conan finally waited for the organization's assassination target, which was the congressman who was about to be arrested and imprisoned for taking bribes, and the organization wanted to kill people before he was arrested.

Swallow Shigehiko was surrounded by a group of journalists, and Conan had no way to approach the big man, so he had to change his voice and call the Twilight Police Department to seek police shelter for Swallow Shigehiko.

Conan's idea is very good, as long as the police hold Swallow Shigehiko, the people of the organization cannot approach Swallow Shigehiko, and they can't poison with that medicine, and once the other party comes hard, he will use an anesthesia needle to knock people down!

Rabbit Chuan thought Conan's idea was remarkable, but he didn't consider that the killer was not only a member of the organization, but also an authentic rice flower man.

Rice flower people, rice flower souls, killing people and extinguishing this kind of thing, how can it be so simple and rude! Who to look down on!

The lights of the venue suddenly went out, and a light was cast on the white curtain.

The emcee stood on the stage and said, "Distinguished guests, let's enjoy the precious film shot by the director of the sake scroll during his lifetime. In

the darkness, the target disappeared from the police reserve, and the police and Conan searched everywhere, but still could not be found.

In the dark venue, Conan suddenly noticed a click and a flash of light.

The emcee smiled and said, "Haha, although I can understand your feelings, you can't take precious slides with a camera!" The

room was filled with laughter, and Conan heard a bang in the laughter, followed by a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering.

"What's wrong?"

"What sound?"

"Turn on the lights!"

Conan ran towards the place where it happened, a handkerchief fell on his head, Conan just wanted to take it down, he felt a light on his head, not good, the handkerchief was taken away.

At this time, the lights came on, and as soon as Conan looked up, he saw a familiar face.

"One, two, three?" Conan said subconsciously.

Rabbit Chuan emphasized: "It's Brother Rabbitchuan.

"Uh..." "


Screams from the venue interrupted the brothers' conversation.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan looked at each other, and the councilor who swallowed Shigehiko had died under the chandelier in blood.

Rabbit Chuan opened his mouth and closed it again, but he still couldn't help but say: "Has this wine roll director filmed "Phantom of the Opera"? "

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