Bourbon drove Belmod back to the hotel, and looking at Belmode's distant back, the expression on Bourbon's face gradually darkened.

"Belmode..." Belmode

, known as the Witch with a Thousand Faces, whose real identity is Hollywood actress Chris Wynyard, specializes in transfiguration and voice changer, and is responsible for intelligence gathering and assassination missions.

Accustomed to acting alone, he is a "mystic", although young and beautiful, but he has good means, holds a high position in the organization, is a senior cadre of the organization, and ... Deeply loved by the bosses of the organization.

Prior to this, Belmode had been traveling around Hollywood Vanity Fair as Chrissy Wynyard, responsible for organizing events in Europe and the United States, and their side was in charge of Rum by default.

Bourbon couldn't figure out what the purpose of Belmode's return was. It won't always be coming back and grabbing territory with Rum, right?

Bourbon sneered, how could it be, even if Belmod wanted it, Rum would not give up the territory that had been in business for many years, and that impatient might fight with Belmode.

Thinking of Rum's acute son, a figure flashed in Bourbon's mind, why was that child targeted by Rum?

And that operation was only a search, and then there was no follow-up at all.

This is not in line with Rum's character, knowing that after Rum discovered the true identity of Shuichi Akai, he decisively purged him.

Rum has always been decisive and resolute, and he is the kind of person who is determined not to leave hidden dangers.

Bourbon secretly observed that the child who was targeted by Rum lived like a normal person, shouldn't it, does that child have any special identity, even Rum ...

A gust of wind blew through, and the icy touch brought Bourbon back to his senses, and I don't know when flakes of snow fluttered in the night sky.

Bourbon returned to the car, turned around and left with one hand on the steering wheel, and took out the mobile phone to contact the superior with the other hand, it seems that tonight is another sleepless night!

Belmod returned to the hotel room, opened the door, glanced at the room, smiled slightly, closed the door and walked in.

"Ah, it's been a long time, ginjiu!"

Gin came out from behind the wall, the Beretta M92F in his hand was aimed at Belmode's eyebrows, Belmode didn't care, threw the bag in his hand casually, walked to the bar and opened a bottle of absinthe.

Absinthe is poured out in a martini glass before adding gin and stirring slowly, adding a slice of lemon zest as a garnish.

“Martini In and Out!"

Belmod took a sip of the wine glass, and a silent projectile streaked through, and the wine glass shattered like breaking ice.

"Eh, you're really confused, ginjiu." Belmode's fingers gently brushed the body of the ginjiu bottle, "So rough, no wonder that woman runs away from your side, hehe." "

Belmode!" Gin Jiu's gaze was like a knife to Belmode, "Why didn't you report that matter to the organization!" "

That thing?" Belmode had a puzzled look in his eyes.

Gin Jiu's mouth slowly said a name: "Rabbit River one, two, three!"

Belmod was stunned for a moment, then put aside the image and laughed.

"Hahahaha! Gin wine, shouldn't you be... Hahahaha!

Gin Jiu became angry and fired another shot.

Belmode didn't smile at this time, flashed forward, raised his foot and kicked, the high heels on his foot hooked off the Beretta M92F in the hand of Gin Jiu, Gin Jiu reached out to fight back, but was Belmode with a Browning M1906 pocket pistol against his jaw.

"What if you report it?"

Looking at each other, Belmod slowly approached Gin Jiu, the atmosphere became more and more dangerous, Gin Jiu took the opportunity to draw his dagger and fight back closely, but Belmode took a step back at this time.

Belmod glanced at the miserable situation of the room, sighed helplessly, and said: "I opened a room with the identity of Hollywood actress Chris Wynyard, and it doesn't seem good to let the paparazzi know that Chris Wynyard was still making such a noise in the hotel before attending the memorial service!" "

Cut!" Gin Jiu disdained, raised his foot to hook his Beretta M92F, reached out and put the gun away.

Belmod also did not tease the gin wine, and took two more glasses, a gin wine and a glass of vermouth, and drank his own.

"Because it doesn't make sense." Belmod leaned lazily on the sofa and said, "Discerning people can see that the child has a relationship with that person, what can be done if he is caught, killed?" Hahaha! At this point, Belmode laughed again and fell on the couch.

Gin Jiu frowned, the laughter stopped again, and Belmod said expressionlessly: "What do you think will happen to that person if that group knows that someone touched his child?" "

Gin wine, even you, even rum, will have to pay for it, just like now..."

Belmode's eyes were sharp, and he threw out the wine glass in his hand to smash the gin wine bottle, and when he saw the flowing liquor, Gin Jiu's brows locked.

Belmod lay on Gin Jiu's shoulder and leaned in to whisper in his ear: "You have seen him, and if something happens to him, you will not be able to escape, and you may even have to be buried for him, so it is wise to act as if you did not see him."

"Those crazy people!" In a fit of rage, Qin Jiu crushed the wine glass in his hand with one hand.

"It's that group of madmen, they are the faithful followers of that person, even if that person is dead..." Belmod paused slightly, "Even if you use the reason of cleaning up the traitor to clean up his old ministry again and again, he is still with him."

Gin Jiu pulled Belmod down in disgust, straightened his clothes, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, then bring that little rabbit back, I don't believe that he is there, and I can't bring out the remnants of those old parts."

"Oh, your idea is very good!" Belmod didn't care about his coldness at all, and returned to the sofa to lie down again, "It's a pity, some people don't dare to let him come back."

Gin Jiu's brows tightened, of course he knew who this woman was talking about.

But although the group of people are a bunch of crazy people, their abilities are very good, how good they are, as Belmod said, once they are united and rush forward, even he and Rum will not be spared.

But as long as they obey the organization's command, they are still a good bottle of wine.

It is not easy to cultivate a bottle of good wine from tissues, and it is really a waste to kill them all.

"Naw, Belmode!" Gin Jiu lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"What's going on?"

"Did you say that person really died?" Gin Jiu spat out a puff of smoke, "That little rabbit cub is not yet 16 years old this year."

Belmode touched his young and beautiful cheeks, smiled mysteriously, and said, "Who knows? "

Is that kid really only 16 years old?

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