Rabbit Chuan held his chin, the person in front of him wanted to know why he didn't call the police, what should he say?

The Metropolitan Police Department search lesson now does not even have a person, finally eat a bite of Ansheng rice, just this little thing, let them rest!

But Rabbit Chuan couldn't say that, he stood up and carried his cane as a knife on his shoulder, put on the signature move of detective left, and said to the new name Rentaro: "Because of this trick of the mystery novelist disappearing, I have seen it all, the prisoner is you... New name Rentaro! It's all a play you directed and acted in!

"How do you see through?" The new name Rentaro was so surprised, he didn't expect that he could not only see through the code, but also see this layer.

"Because I can't figure out the purpose of the gangsters, this thing doesn't look like the work of avid book fans." Rabbikawa told his new name Rentaro, "My uncle was also a mystery novelist, and his avid fan always liked to steal his unpublished manuscripts, collect them, and finally follow them. "

Huh?" The new name Rentaro felt that his ears were not very good, and the little detective said that he finally followed the original manuscript, "What to do?"

"Haha, this is not important, not important!" Rabbit Chuan tried to fool the past, "And it is impossible to kidnap a new teacher for the manuscript fee, after all, if it is for money, why should the gangsters wait for the manuscript fee to arrive, and if it is late, it will change, and it is not more convenient to directly ask for a ransom?" Tu

Chuan finally complained: "And here is the luxury suite of the Cup City Hotel, staying for more than a hundred thousand a night, all of them have lived for more than a month, the cost of kidnapping tickets here is too high, right?"

"Of course, I also deliberately brought one more person just in case." Rabbit Chuan pointed to the bookstore manager who was guarding outside the hotel outside the window, "If I haven't gone down when the time comes, he will call the police immediately."

"That's wonderful!" Shinna Nitaro shed tears of happiness, "Seeing you appear in front of me is my last wish in this life, and now I die without regrets!" "

Now the new name Nintaro is very happy, originally he could only endure the torment of illness, waiting hard in the last days of his life, and finally passed away with regret.

All this thanks to the gods, the miracles brought by the gods.

But the gods said: If you dig a hole and do not fill it, you will not blind your eyes! What to close your eyes and think about beautiful things! Fill the pit and close it!

Of course, Rabbit Chuan is a good boy, so he won't say it so directly.

Rabbikawa put his cane aside, held Shinna Rentaro's hand with both hands, looked into Shinna Rentaro's eyes sincerely, and said, "Shinna-sensei, I'm looking forward to the end of this book, so please don't give up, please write until the last moment!" "

The new name Nintaro feels an unprecedented force supporting him, yes, he still has unfinished works, how can he say that he died without regrets?

Shinna Rentaro took Rabbitakawa hands back with his other hand and promised him, "I will write, I will keep writing until the last moment." "

The new lady and the attending physician were moved to cry, which is probably the bond between a mystery novelist and a detective!

Rabbikawa asks the new name Nintaro for an autograph as a thank you gift to the bookstore manager who accompanied him.

Before leaving, Rabbit Chuan did not forget to remind the new couple to go home, their daughter is about to cry when she finds them, and the most important thing is that this Cup City Hotel is quite troubled.

In the last two weeks of his life, the new name Nintaro felt more joyful than ever, and he devoted himself to writing, and he did not even feel the torment of illness.

But both the doctor and the new name Nintaro himself knew that this was just a return to the light before the deadline.

Two weeks later, the new name Rentaro passed away peacefully accompanied by his family after writing the final afterword of "1/2 of the Apex".

After the publication of the single book of the novel, careful readers found that the afterword of the novels of the new famous teacher was "I want to see the reader's proud expression." , but this time it was written "I finally saw it!"

And the most striking thing about this novel is that in the second half of the novel, a young detective appears next to Zuo Wen, although he is still young and does not know the world, but he has the wisdom of a god, and he can always confidently tell the truth!

However, the little detective is more than intelligent, insufficient force, and every time he is chased and killed by the murderer, he will be picked up by Zuo Wen and carried and run, seeing that Rabbit Chuan is angry and does not fight a place, and the final setting is redundant!

New name Nintaro after his death: I was really scared! It's almost slipping! Slipped away!

At the rooftop restaurant of Tokyo Tower, candlelit dinners, food and wine, and a beautiful view of Tokyo at night are viewed outside the window.

A beautiful sexy blonde gently shook the red wine glass in her hand and said nonchalantly: "How is this matter handled?"

The blond man sitting opposite replied quietly, "It's already been dealt with, please rest assured."

"Hehe, it seems to be foolproof." The blonde laughed, "It's you, Bourbon."

Bourbon put down his knife and fork expressionlessly, and the blonde said in surprise: "A-la, isn't dinner to your taste?"

"No, there's no such thing." Bourbon explains, "I just envy other people's ability to enjoy food while working, but unfortunately I can't do that." The

blonde froze slightly, and then the pastry chef pushed the dining cart over, began to cook dessert on the side, and finally poured Cointreau orange wine into the dessert and lit it.

"Sake burning, this is a cooking method that uses fire to remove the sake from foreign sake and bring the aroma of sake to the ingredients." The blonde introduced to her companion, "Without leaving a trace, it can penetrate the mellow aroma of wine into all the ingredients."

"What are you hinting at?" Bourbon hooked the corners of his mouth, "It's like talking about our group!" The

blonde switched her legs and rested her chin on the back of her hand, seemingly looking at each other affectionately.

Bourbon took a bite of dessert and asked, "Is it okay for a big star like you to appear here?" Chris Wynyard, no, Belmode!

"Don't worry." Belmod ruffled his blonde hair lightly, "I'm here to attend the memorial service for that guy in Sakai this time, and after that, I plan to take a break for a while, and I'll be here for the time being."

Bourbon's men paused slightly, why did she stay here?

Belmod still noticed, "How? Not welcome?

"How so?" Bourbon put down the cutlery, and the meal was completely unbearable.

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