
"What's wrong?" Yijun, did you catch a cold?' On the other side of the phone came Kudo Yukiko's concerned voice.

"It's okay, Aunt Yukiko, maybe someone missed me."

Rabbit Chuan said that there was nothing wrong, thinking about two scolding and three colds, he only sneezed, it should be that someone was secretly nagging him.

Rabbit Chuan thought that just now he felt Gin Jiu call his name, and he secretly felt it....

Ma Yay! Gin and Belmode fight in the hotel! All pulled out guns!!

emm...... In the hotel... Fight? Is this serious?

Rabbit Chuan immediately thought of one thing, it turns out that gin and Belmod together can really mix Martini!!

Don't look at the impolite, don't listen to the impolite, he took his leave!

So Rabbit Chuan doesn't know that he missed a very important conversation, which is probably providence!

Heaven (world) consciousness: This matter really has nothing to do with Him, it has nothing to do with it, don't throw the pot (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻!)

Kudo Yukiko huffed on the phone, "Ichikun! How many times have I said, don't call me aunt, call me sister!!"

Rabbit Chuan agreed very happily: "Okay, Aunt Yukiko, no problem, Aunt Yukiko!" "

'Huh...' Kudo Yukiko chuckled softly, "Next month's pocket money..."


'It's good to double you!'

"Aunt Yukiko, Saigao!"

"Aunt... Forget it." Kudo Yukiko gave up, and Kazukun's pocket money for the next month was deducted from her husband's pocket money!

"However, why did Aunt Yukiko call all of a sudden?" Rabbit Chuan asked suspiciously.

Kudo Yukiko complained, "It's not your uncle who said he wanted to show me the aurora, but we're stuck in Antarctica and can't go back!"

"Ah, that's so, haha..." Rabbit Chuan was embarrassed, he remembered that the aurora could only be seen in summer, but it was still winter!

Outside the window, snowflakes are flying, and small snow rabbits are bouncing in the yard, this winter is a bit long, jumping repeatedly in winter and spring, but it seems that summer will soon come.

"I thought I could rush back, but now your uncle and I can't go back in Antarctica, and I can't contact your brother, so I can only ask you to go to the memorial service of the director of the wine roll for me."

"Wine Roll Director's memorial service?" Rabbit River was taken aback, it turned out that Yukiko Kudo was also invited?

But when he thought about it, it seemed to be right, Yukiko Kudo is a Hollywood actress, and so is Chris Wynyard.

Since Chris Wynyard can come to the memorial service, it is naturally normal for Kudo Yukiko, who is of the same nationality, to be invited.

However, Kudo and his wife could not come back, Kudo Shinichi was "missing", if it were not for the presence of Rabbitagawa , no one in the Kudo family would really be able to attend the memorial service of the director of the sake scroll.

Rabbit Chuan thinks of Gin Jiu and Belmode, and then thinks of Conan and Haibara Mourning, isn't this a goodbye with the Black-clad Organization!

Ah, hapless Pisco!

Ah~ Shirley!

"Ahem!" Rabbit Chuan coughed lightly, "Okay, I know, I'll go on time." "

'Ichikun, are you really not cold?' Kudo Yukiko asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little dry in my throat, just drink some water."

"Well, if you get sick, remember to go to the hospital!" Speaking of going to the hospital, Kudo Yukiko remembered something, "Kazukun, haven't you been to the hospital for regular checkups recently?"

"Huh?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned, regular checks?

What regular checks?

Mental health status test and physical rehabilitation examination, once a month.

yes, and this thing!

But it's only been a few months now, and although it's actually been a year, it doesn't feel like it's even a month!

If someone asked Morilan how long it had been since she saw Shinichi Kudo, she would have replied, "It's only a month?"

So Rabbit Chuan replied very affirmatively: "It's not time yet, and it's time to go to the hospital for examination in a few days." "

'Well, well, I took time to go back once recently, and I always feel that you alone will not obediently go to check."

"No need, I'm not a child, just go by yourself." Rabbit Chuan firmly objected, "If you are not at ease, I can ask Dr. Agasa to accompany me." "

Okay then." Kudo Yukiko couldn't help but sigh, "Hey, the child has grown up, it's not fun."

Rabbit Chuan smiled, the new brother is fun!

"Well, the organizer's invitation letter was sent directly to Tokyo's home, and now it should be put away by Miss Akemi, so remember to attend on time, and don't forget to wear formal clothes!" Bye bye!'

"Got it, goodbye!"

Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone and wanted to participate in the formal clothes of the memorial service, isn't that mourning clothes, mourning clothes, this is interesting!

In the Agasa house next door, a little brown-haired girl is suffering from nightmares.

The game is over... Wake up....


Celebrate our reunion with your favorite crimson....


Isn't it good? Shirley!


Haibara woke up from her dream, and the gin wine in her dream stepped down from a Porsche, and in the flying snow, shot after shot, all the people around her fell in a pool of bright red blood.

The snow was really cold, so cold that she didn't feel it, she stiffened, and then a gun was held against the back of her head from behind, and she looked back to see that the person turned out to be...

"Hey! Little mourning, what's wrong with you? Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand and dangled in front of Haihara's mournful eyes, "How do you feel dumbfounded, is it a nightmare?"

Haibara came back to her senses, she found herself standing outside Dr. Agasa's house with her school bag, was she still dreaming?

Seeing that Haihara was still looking like a wanderer, Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but reach out and squeeze her baby fat little face hard.

"Whew... Let go..."

Rabbit Chuan let go of his hand, Haihara had tears in his eyes, rubbing his cheeks with his hands, it hurt, he was not dreaming at all.

Damn, this bear child hit too hard, no wonder she dreamed that this kid shot her.

She thought this kid had something to do with the organization! What can it matter? This is clearly thinking about it day and dreaming at night!

Rabbitagawa and Haibara walked for a while, and at the intersection they separated, one went to high school, the other went to elementary school, in short, today is school day.

Haibara Mourning looked depressed all day, and the little ghosts of the Young Detective Group only thought it was because of a cold, but Conan knew Haibara's heart.

and the three little ones were separated at the intersection, and now only Conan and Haibara were walking on the way to school.

"It's not where I'm still there..."

"You're afraid of getting hurt by others, aren't you?" Conan said confidently, "But Haibara, you don't need to think cranky, normal people who would think that our bodies would become smaller, they would definitely not know!" "

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