Rabbit Chuan sat in a taxi, and the car slowly drove towards the Cup City Hotel.

Rabbit Chuan covered the magazine over his face, blocked the light from the street lamp, and closed his eyes for a nap.

Mystery novelist Shinna Rentaro is a contemporary writer who has been debuting for 40 years and is well-known throughout the country, and his masterpiece is the novel series "Detective Left Text", the entire series of nearly 40 books, and the TV station is still rebroadcasting and remaking the TV series adapted from this novel.

Ten years ago, the new name Nintaro finally finished this popular feature-length work, and at the end of the novel, Detective Zuo Wen disappeared into the fire with the murderer.

In an instant, countless blades from readers flocked to the scene, and book fans always held out hope.

The left text just disappeared, he is not dead yet, he will definitely come back!

As long as the new teacher continues to serialize, the left text of the detective will be revived, just like a certain Fuda detective!

But no matter how much the editors and book fans begged for persuasion, the new teacher refused to restart the serialization, and later some even sent threatening letters to the publishing house and threatened: "If you don't continue the serialization, you will set fire to the publishing house."

But the new name Rentaro still insisted: "Zuo Ji is dead, and the dead cannot be resurrected!" "

The new name Rentaro, who was so resolutely opposed at the beginning, now ten years later, restarted the serialization of "Detective Left Text" a month ago, and even challenged the national detective with a high profile against the gentle style.

At the same time that "Detective Left Text" is resurrected, the new name Nitaro and his wife disappear together, and their only daughter, Shinna Kahori, soon discovers the abnormality, and she finds that she can't even contact her parents.

However, the new name Kabori did not receive a call from the kidnappers, and the original novel manuscript of his father's new name Nintaro was sent to the publishing house on time before the magazine typesetting every week, and the original manuscript was accompanied by the autograph of the new name Nintaro.

The editor of the publishing house said that the new teacher should be writing in retreat, which is a normal thing, they used to close the new teacher's small dark room, no, no, no, it is to help the new teacher write in retreat.

But the new name Kabori always had some bad premonitions, she didn't know whether her father was simply writing in retreat, disappeared, or was kidnapped.

In this case, once reported by the media, it is likely to cause a riot of excessive book fans, so the new name Xiangbori can only privately commission detectives to investigate, but still has not found the whereabouts of his parents.

Shinna Kabori searched all the detective agencies in Tokyo, searched for his parents for two months, and finally came to the Maori detective agency.

But it was too late, Shinna Nitaro had just taken his last breath before they arrived, Shinna Kabori also missed the last face of his father, and the much-anticipated "Detective Left Text" was only resurrected in eight episodes, which is really a sad story.

The taxi stopped in front of the Cup City Hotel, and Rabbit River looked at the towering Cup City Hotel and sighed softly.

Although, after that, the new name Kabori inherited the pen name of her father's new name Rentaro to continue the "Detective Left Text" series, and even her writing was better than her father's, Rabbikawa still thought that the author was still good with the original.

For example, Aoyama suddenly burped, and his team took his legacy and continued to draw Conan, even though they may draw better than Aoyama's original work, but it still feels weird.

Rabbit Chuan walked into the Cup City Hotel, took the elevator and pressed the 24th floor button, and sorted out his clothes in the elevator by the way.

When the elevator door opened, Rabbit Chuan walked to the door of room 2407 and gently pressed the doorbell, and now he looked like a wise detective.

The new lady in the room secretly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, it has been more than a month, and no detective has found here.

Her husband can't even move his hands now, and if it goes on like this, I don't know if her husband will survive until the moment when the detective cracks the code to find them.

The new lady couldn't help but say to the gods in her heart, God, please, please let the miracle come!


new lady was stunned, who would be ringing the doorbell at this time?

Could it be?!

The new lady's heart burst with joy, and the new name Rentaro also opened her eyes with difficulty, and the couple looked at each other and smiled, maybe a miracle had really come.

Mrs. Shinna opened the door expectantly, and outside stood a teenager dressed in a black detective suit, a top hat, and a cane in his hand, walking step by step in front of Shinna Rentaro.

The new name Rentaro stared intently at the little detective who walked in front of him, his gait was calm and confident, the godless coldness in his eyes and the extraordinary wisdom were perfectly combined, who was he?

"In Shimotuchuan, at the challenge of the new teacher, I came to visit!"

What happened next was unexpected by Rabbitagawa, and the new name Rentaro was so excited that he almost didn't come up in advance!

Fortunately, the attending physician of the new name Rentaro has been staying in the room and rescued the new name Rentaro in time, otherwise the novel in Rabbikawa would have been pit in advance.

"Are you... How...... You know..." Shinna Rentaro insisted on not closing his eyes.

Rabbit River sits next to his new Nintaro who is taking oxygen, talking like a detective.

It is clear that the disappearance of the new name Nintaro was planned by himself.

It has been 40 years since his debut as a mystery novelist, and countless praise from readers makes him feel extremely happy, but he still has a kind of happiness that he has not experienced, even once, he wants to see it with his own eyes!

He wanted to see the reader's confidence come to him and tell him....

"I found the answer before you wrote it!" Rabbikawa took out four magazines and placed them in front of Shinna Rentaro, "Shinna-sensei's new book is called "1/2 of the Vertex", which means that the top word of each line is only 1/2, and combining the two words together is the real message, so that the content of the first sentence is "Hurry up and save me", but the second sentence cannot be interpreted smoothly. Shinna

Nintaro was excited to sit up, and Mrs. Shinna and the attending doctor rushed to help.

"So there's another rule of interpretation for this code, and the hint is here." Rabbit Chuan picked up the first sentence of the novel, "The new teacher wrote himself into the novel for the first time, and it appeared in France four times in a row, so this hint is the special pronunciation of French, the silent "h".

"It means to remove all the words ha, hi, hu, he, and ho in the fifty-tone ha, and then combine the rule of 1/2 vertices to interpret the next code code as "My current place is Room 2407 of the Cupdo City Hotel"!

Shinna Rentaro took two more breaths of oxygen, and before he could finish his reasoning, he asked, "Since you have understood my distress code, why didn't you call the police, but came alone?" "

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