Hagiwara Kenji had no tricks, so he had to go to Zhufu Jingguang to discuss.

Sure enough, Zhufu Jingguang and Valley Zero mean the same thing, that organization is both an abyss, and Valley Zero is now like standing on the edge of the abyss, and the slightest accident will be doomed.

To put it bluntly, don't let Matsuda Jinpei deliver dishes, it is not an organization that can be shaken by individuals, and there are arrangements at the top.

Regarding Zero's true identity, one more person knows the more danger, and when it is not a last resort, Zero's identity must not be exposed.

Kenji Hagiwara understood that they were all police officers who had received professional training from the police academy, and he understood the truth.

Kenji Hagiwara assured Zhufu Keiguang that he would never reveal Zero's true identity to Kojinpei until he had a last resort.

The valley zero is to take his own friends, but it does not mean that the upper echelons of the police have no way to take Matsuda Jinping.

Matsuda Jinpei still has time to secretly investigate other cases, which proves that he is really too idle, since he is idle and has nothing to do, then help his colleagues who are not sticking to the ground!

They don't have much else in the Metropolitan Police Department, that is, they have a lot of work, and when they have nothing to do, they help the household registration department write household registration files, help the traffic department to apply for a driver's license, and then help the police department write reports, and finally support the various search headquarters, always able to put Matsuda Jin down to see if he still has the energy to find trouble!

Matsuda Jinpei: Hurry up and release me to the detonation group! I don't want to investigate the case!!

Matsuda Jinpei and Bourbon leave together, and Conan runs to whisper to Haibara.

Conan learned from Haihara's mouth that it turned out that Haihara had a skill called Organizational Radar, as long as an organization member appeared around her, she would have low blood sugar, low blood pressure, night sweats, palpitations, shortness of breath, and even life-threatening in severe cases!

Conan has seen it, but this is not a skill, this is a disease! It's still a major illness!

Officer Takagi originally thought that Matsuda Jinpei was gone, and he could finally eat with Officer Sato, although there were one, two, three... Seven light bulbs.

But the next second....

"Hey! Takagi! Sato! The Twilight Police Department came over happily, "Everyone who searched the headquarters should go to celebrate together, so let's have a drink together!"

Officer Takagi saw Officer Sato's face instantly red, and he saluted in surprise and joy and shouted, "Yes!" Miwako Sato is happy!

Officer Sato followed closely behind the Twilight Police Department, and took two steps before remembering his partner and saying, "Takagi! "

Officer Sato!"

"After you finish the notes, remember to send the children home!"


Officer Takagi watched Officer Sato leave with the Twilight Police Department, his face was embarrassed, could it be that Officer Sato liked it... Twilight Police Department?!

It's a big deal, Officer Takagi!

Rabbit Chuan took the opportunity to leave after the meal, and rushed at the depression of this Takagi police officer, and this record could not be done today.

As Rabbit Chuan expected, Officer Takagi has been immersed in the shadow of lost love, and Dr. Agasa and the juvenile detective team waited until eight o'clock in the evening and he did not come out, and tonight's transcript was completely lost.

Rabbit Chuan was walking home, he felt that this year's winter was particularly cold, just passed a bookstore, so he walked in to warm up and see if there were any good new manga.

Rabbit Chuan walked into the bookstore, and the most obvious position of the bookstore was pasted with a promotional leaflet of the weekly Literature Magazine, and the new name Nitaro - the long-awaited resurrection of the "Detective Left Text" series!

It turned out to be a detective left text!

No wonder such a big row, in front of this big senior who debuted forty years ago, even Uncle Yusaku had to retreat.

Rabbit Chuan rarely picks up a literary weekly to check out.

Rabbit Chuan used to not read literary weeklies, or unless his classwork required him, he would not take the initiative to read literary books here.

The literature here should not be read more, what human nature, the dark side of society, it is really too lost, young people are easy to go astray when they see too much.

Rabbit Chuan finished the bill at the counter, immediately unwrapped the plastic packaging of the magazine, and turned to the detective left text serial page, the novel has been serialized to the fifth episode, he knows that the first four episodes of the novel hide a secret.

Rabbit Chuan lay on the counter and said to the cashier sister: "Hello, young sister, I just learned that the new teacher has restarted the serialization, is there still a few issues of the magazine in the store?"

"Nope!" The cashier said with a smile, "Because the new teacher restarted the serialization, the first few issues of the magazine were sold out of stock at once, and the publishing house reprinted it once!"

"This way!" Rabbit Chuan is a little lost, does he still have to go to the publishing house?

It's so far away, I'm tired, let's talk about it tomorrow!

Seeing Rabbit Chuan's lost expression, the cashier lady suddenly felt a little unbearable, and quietly said in Rabbit Chuan's ear: "Little detective, or else you go and ask the store manager?" "


Miss Cashier explained: "The store manager is a book fan of the new teacher, and he must have kept several sets of magazines in private, and if the little detective asked him to borrow books because of that challenge, he would definitely borrow you." Rabbit

Chuan went to the store manager's office to ask the store manager to borrow a book, saying that he had seen through the code words in the book, and the store manager was really overjoyed when he heard it, and lent Rabbit Chuan the first four issues of the magazine.

Rabbit River opens the first episode of the novel, and the new teacher writes in the preface: "Detective Jing Kai from all over the country: Those who think their minds are above me, come and find out the truth about this matter!"

Obviously, this is a detective novelist's challenge book to the famous detective in the country, and it is the first and last challenge game for the new famous teacher, who hides the code in his novel in the hope of personally interacting with readers across the country.

Rabbit Chuan read all the novels serialized in the left text of the detective, and then asked the bookstore manager for paper and pens, and wrote down the answers to the code word by word according to the novel.

"My destination is Room 2407 of the Cup House Hotel

" "This is?!" The bookstore manager exclaimed, "Detective Rabbitchuan, is this really?!"

"yes!" Rabbit Chuan picked up the note and said to the store manager, "Store manager, do you want to meet with me, your most beloved new teacher!" "

It just so happens that he can save a taxi fare.

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