Matsuda Jinpei leaned alone in the corner of the wall, still wearing the black suit and sunglasses, holding a cigarette between his fingers, casually flicking the cigarette ash into the trash, and the whole person exuded an indescribable sense of decadence.

In fact, Matsuda Jinpei is indeed very decadent now, Matsuda Jinpei spit out several smoke rings in his mouth in a row, the small circle passes through the large circle, performing the smoke ring stunt, and the three children below applaud.

"Wow! Officer Matsuda is so powerful!

"I'll just say it! How could a police officer not smoke!

"Yes, yes! That's how it's done on TV!

"Ah, Takagi, you're back!" Matsuda Jinpei extinguished the cigarette butt and beckoned to Takagi next to Officer Sato, "These imps are still waiting for you!" Matsuda

Jinpei was going crazy, he just came to the headquarters to get a report, and as a result, there was not a single police officer in it, only an old man and four imps.

Matsuda Jinpei heard them say that they had come here to take notes, but as a result, a phone call was made, and the last police officer left behind in the third department of the search class also ran out to handle the case.

Jinpei Matsuda: ... The city really is....

Although he is no longer working in the three departments of forcible criminals in the search class, he is also the person who searches the three departments of special criminals in the first class, all of them are in one classroom, and he can't leave these people who cooperate with the investigation in the empty classroom, right?

As a result, Matsuda Jinpei almost vomited his soul, and it was really difficult to coax the child!

"I'm so sorry, Officer Matsuda!" Officer Takagi hurriedly apologized, and he really forgot about this note, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Agasa, for making you wait so long!"

"It's okay, after all, it's an emergency, and it's inevitable." Dr. Agasa said he understood very well and that he had long been used to it.

"Pay attention next time." Matsuda Jinpei patted Officer Takagi on the shoulder and said weakly, "It's not early, you take these little imps to eat, only when you are full will you have the strength to work." "


Officer Takagi said seriously, but he thought about the relationship between Matsuda Jinpei and Officer Sato.

Matsuda Jinpei and Officer Sato are former partners, at the beginning, Officer Sato took Matsuda Jinpei, at that time, although the police ranks of these two were police department supplements, but Officer Sato was a veteran of the search class, so as a junior, Matsuda Jinpei naturally was... Don't listen at all!

Matsuda Jinpei has always gone her own way, and after the two partners were together, there was a small quarrel for three days and a big argument for five days, and Miwako Sato swore that she had never encountered such a thorn in the police station!

But Miwako Sato had to admit that Matsuda Jinpei is indeed a talent, can fight, can drive, reasoning ability is not even lost to those so-called detectives, with such a partner, high efficiency in solving cases, even holidays have increased.

After the two partnered, they made many achievements, and in just two years, the situation was reversed, and Matsuda Jinpei was promoted to the police department by virtue of his merits, and since then he has crushed Miwako Sato.

This is also normal, in the search lesson Miwako Sato is Matsuda Jinpei's senior, but in fact, in the police academy, Matsuda Jinpei is a senior who graduated before Miwako Sato, and Matsuda Jinpei is promoted before Miwako Sato, which is too normal.

However, this is not the life Matsuda Jinpei wants, the murderer who killed Kenji Hagiwara has already fallen under the law, and Matsuda Jinpei, who has a great revenge, wants to return to the detonation group.

Matsuda Jinpei just wants to simply defuse the bomb and take a vacation occasionally, he doesn't want to solve the case endlessly!!

After Officer Takagi was transferred to the search class, Miwako Sato began to take the junior Takagi again, and later Matsuda Jinpei was transferred to the third series of special crime search in the search class, and Officer Takagi became Officer Sato's regular partner.

Takagi summed up in his heart into a sentence, this Matsuda Jinpei is Officer Sato's ex-boyfriend, ah, is a former partner, powerful fighting, super car skills, and will solve cases, the most important thing is that he is still very handsome, as Officer Sato's partner, he is completely inferior to this person.

"Shall we go eat ramen together?" Officer Sato suggested to the children, "I know a very good ramen restaurant, and this time I asked Officer Takagi to pay for his crimes, so you can eat whatever you want!" "

Yay!" The three little ones jumped to their feet with joy, and Motata even said that he wanted to eat his favorite eel rice.

Dr. Agasa smiled and said, "How is this embarrassing?

"It's okay, it's okay, it's what I'm supposed to do." Officer Takagi secretly touched his wallet and silently wept in his heart.

Officer Takagi comforted himself that he was actually fine, although he was not dating alone, he could at least eat with Officer Sato.

Officer Sato said to Matsuda Jinpei again: "Matsuda, you also come together, you should not have eaten!" "

Nope." Matsuda Jinpei covered his mouth and secretly yawned and said, "There is a little sister over there, I don't know why she seems to be afraid of me, so I won't go to make fun." "

Withdraw, he wants to stay away from this group of noisy imps."

Rabbit River and Conan looked over and found Haibara shivering behind Dr. Agasa.

Conan was confused, why is that?

Rabbit Chuan thought thoughtfully, he saw Hagiwara Kenji not far away, his eyes kept glancing back, and he seemed to know the reason.

Kenji Hagiwara and Rabbikawa mentioned that Matsuda Jinpei was originally pursuing the serial fire and explosion cases of the pharmaceutical company, but later the police issued an order that Matsuda Jinpei was not allowed to pursue it.

But who is Matsuda Jinpei?

Matsuda Jinpei is a fierce man who entered the police academy in order to beat up the police chief, how could he obediently obey the orders of the so-called upper echelons.

Matsuda Jinpei, the pharmaceutical company, Miyano Shiho, he is the only one who can be involved with these three!

Through the perspective of Kenji Hagiwara, Rabbit River really saw the member of the organization hiding in the corner and secretly observing this side, Bourbon!

Bourbon, that is, Valley Zero, felt that his head was almost bald, and he never expected that his friend would be involved in the organization's case.

Although Zero Shimoya ordered the case to be transferred to the public security through the top, can he still not know what kind of person Matsuda Jinpei is?

Matsuda Jinpei is a thorn, and the more the upper echelons do not let him check, the more vigorous they are.

What can you do if you can only use the two identities of public security and organization members to sweep up the crimes of the organization, and fight with this friend of your own, and you must not let Matsuda Jinpei discover the existence of the organization!

At the same time, Bourbon can't let the organization notice Matsuda Jinpei, he is already in hell, he can't save Keiguang, and Hagiwara is not there, so he must not let this evil organization take away his other friend.

From the corner, Zero Shimiya secretly glanced at Matsuda Jinpei, who was laughing and scolding with his colleagues, and smiled gratifyingly.

It's so good, as long as you see that your friend is still alive, you will be bald!

Zero turned his back to his friend, left from the opposite direction, sat in his Mazdaly, put on gloves, and now he is Bourbon.

Zero was relieved, but Hagiwara Kenji was entangled.

Kenji Hagiwara knew that Zero was working undercover in a particularly dangerous criminal organization, and Kojinhei now happened to find out about this organization's case, and even wanted to find out to the end, but for various reasons, Zero couldn't let Kojinpei investigate.

Kenji Hagiwara is too entangled, so do you want to tell Kojinhei the truth?

From the point of view of professional ethics, Hagiwara Kenji could not tell Matsuda Jinpei about the secrecy work of the public security, but as a friend, Hagiwara Kenji did not know whether to stop Matsuda Jinpei from continuing to investigate.

Kenji Hagiwara couldn't help but think that if only Zero could see him, he could still discuss it with Zero.

Kenji Hagiwara immediately shook his head, no, no, only those who survived the death tribulation can see him, Zero or live well!

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