"What are you talking about? How can I not understand it? Mr. Soo tried to take out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his sweat, when he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his fingertips.

The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth rose slightly, and he said to Mr. Soo: "No matter how you deny it, it is useless, what you hide in your pocket is evidence of a crime that you cannot deny, and the murderer is you, Mr. Soo!"

Officer Takagi looked dazed, but since Detective Rabbit River said so, he could only cooperate and said to Mr. Soo: "Mr. Soo, can you please cooperate with the investigation?"

"No, I..." Mr. Soo nervously covered his pocket, "How could I be a murderer, I was with you all the time when my wife was killed!"

But the more Mr. Soo did this, the more the officers thought he was suspicious, and even Officer Shiratori came over and said, "No one is suspicious until the murderer is found, so in order to prove your innocence, please cooperate."

In desperation, Mr. Soo pulled out what was in his pocket, a thumbtack wrapped in tape, and the tape was stained with blood.

"This is?" Officer Shiratori asked suspiciously, although he didn't know what this thing did, the more he looked at it, the more suspicious he felt.

"I accidentally pricked my hand when I just took out my pocket, you see!" Mr. Soo stuck out his injured finger.

Everyone looked at Rabbit Chuan, but before Rabbit Chuan could speak, Conan suddenly spoke up and said, "Ah, what is this line?"

Conan pulled a fishing line from the hinge of the exercise bike's pedal, and there was a small circle at one end of the line.

"Ah! This..." Mr. Soo quickly explained, "This may be a prank or prank of a child who came to my house to play before, haha!"

Rabbit Chuan sneered and said, "This is indeed a prank, but it is not a child's prank, but Mr. Soo's fatal prank on Mrs. Ling!"

Rabbit Chuan walked to the bookshelf, placed a book on the top of the shelf, and said while swinging: "You used this fishing line and pushpins to connect the exercise bike and the bookshelf to make a long-distance killing mechanism."


it be..."

Officer Takagi and Officer Sato looked at the fishing line, then at the bookshelves, and immediately understood what Rabbit River meant.

It's really teachable!

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said: "That's right, the murderer fixed the knife horizontally in the gap between the book on the top of the bookshelf and the bookshelf like this, and then glued the pushpin to the bookshelf with tape, and then hung the small circle of the thread on the pushpin, so that the line rolled shorter and shorter when the deceased was riding an exercise bike, and finally the knife would fly over by itself to kill the deceased!"

"But will it really be that accurate?" Officer Shiratori asked subconsciously.

After asking Officer Shiratori, he felt that his question was a bit silly, after all, the pin had been discovered by them, as long as they checked whether there were blood stains of the deceased on it, everything would be revealed.

And Officer Shiratori also found that there were neatly broken blood stains on the top of the bookshelf, and you could tell at a glance that something had been pasted here.

"It's quite accurate, after all, I tried it hundreds of times last night, and the position of the pushpin is perfect." Mr. Soo laughed bitterly, "I knew I wouldn't do more, anyway, it's normal to have a pushpin hanging on the shelf."

"It's useless!" Rabbit Chuan waved his hand, "I said, corpses can talk, even if you don't hide the pushpin, I can still deduce the truth."

Tu Chuan shook the bookshelf and couldn't move at all, and said: "The bookshelf you chose is quite heavy, if it weren't for this strong fishing line, it is estimated that it would not be able to move." "

After all, the bookshelf does not sink, and it is impossible for the knife to directly stab the deceased to death, so that the deceased has nowhere to escape."

"But because of this, the bookshelf will also leave bruises on the body of the deceased, this kind of pre-mortem contusion, will cause blood vessels in the soft tissues to burst, local tissues will appear coagulation and hemorrhage, usually more limited, and the realm is clearer, as long as the autopsy is easy to find."

"So that's it!" Mr. Soo breathed a sigh of relief, he thought the corpse was ghosted!

Officer Takagi asked incomprehensibly, "But why did you kill your wife?"

Mr. Soo lowered his head and said with a guilty expression: "I am for my wife's insurance money..." "

Actually, because your wife discovered that you colluded with friends to rob your bank." Rabbit Chuan picked up the suspicious photo album and directly debunked his lie, "The person circled here is another robber." "

Tsengo Katsura completely kneel, everything is over!

In this way, the bank robbery and homicide were solved together.

Afterwards, according to Tsengo Keizao's confession, he robbed the bank because his wife spent money excessively, but in the end he killed his wife because of the robbery, and it was really ... What a move!

Rabbit Chuan felt that Mrs. Soo should not have thought of going over to report her husband, robbing so much money, two hundred million! It's too late to be happy, how can you expose him!

And Mr. Tsengo robbed the bank for his wife, and also killed his wife, this is not robbing the bank in vain, then it is better to kill his wife directly at the beginning!

"I'm so hungry!" Officer Sato glanced at his watch, it was dinner time.

When Officer Takagi heard this, the opportunity came, and he said, "That..." "Officer

Sato, please come with me to dinner!" Officer Shiratori walked up to Sato and thought, "My uncle is the chef of a three-star restaurant, let's have a glass of Romani Conti, and we will toast together in the beautiful night view."

Officer Sato cheered, "Oh, that's great!

Officer Takagi hung his head, and sure enough, he was no match for Officer Shiratori.

"But no!" Officer Sato refused the next second, "I don't eat French food." "

What a pity..."

Officer Shiratori left the scene sadly, and Officer Takagi regained hope.

"Doesn't Officer Sato eat French food?" Officer Takagi immediately took note.

Officer Sato smiled and said, "I'm not a picky eater, but I don't like the atmosphere that is too restrained."

"Then we..."

It's Sato!

Takagi shut up again, because he had killed Matsuda Jinpei halfway.

Wait a minute, Officer Matsuda is also the one who searched for a lesson!

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