After joking, Officer Sato returned to the matter and began to discuss the case with Officer Shiratori, asking, "What is the basis for you saying that it is not a burglary?"

Officer Shiratori also did not sell off with Officer Sato, and said directly: "I think the prisoner who robbed the house should not attack the person who is calling, so the gangster must have heard that the deceased was talking to the police officer, and did not want her to talk more to kill people." "

Do you mean..." Officer Sato heard Shiratori's implications, "The gangsters are those two bank robbers?"

Officer Shiratori said: "That's right, the deceased was taken hostage by one of the robbers during the robbery, and they grabbed his hood during the fierce resistance, they should have been afraid of what she remembered, so they ran over to kill people."

Mr. Soo seemed to suddenly remember something, and shouted: "By the way, the insider said last night that the gangster looks like some kind of foreigner!"

"That's right!" Officer Shiratori said confidently, "Mrs. Ling must be trying to tell the police about the characteristics of the gangster!"

Officer Shiratori was now more sure of his thoughts, and turned to Officer Takagi and ordered, "Takagi! Contact the special search headquarters and say that one of the gangsters is a foreigner! "

Oh, yes..." The official level crushed the people, and Takagi could only follow the command.

Conan covered his face, this Takagi police officer is completely not good ah!

I don't know where the old brother saw that he could win Officer White Bird, although that Officer White Bird is not very good, so it seems that he has to go out himself!

"But don't you think it's strange?" Conan pointed to the floor and said, "The place where the deceased fell is only one meter away from the bookshelf, how can the murderer sneak up on the deceased from behind?" "

Why is this kid again..." Officer Shiratori picked up Conan, "Children are not allowed to enter the murder scene casually."

"Shiratori, you also know this little brother?" Officer Sato smiled and said to Conan, "It seems that you are quite famous!" Officer

Takagi couldn't do it again, and Sato, Shiratori and Conan turned into a happy family of three in his eyes.

No way! No way! No way!!

Officer Takagi desperately smashed his head with his fist, don't think blindly! I'm not happy to think about it!

Officer Sato heard a strange sound, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Officer Takagi's messy hairstyle and asked, "Takagi, what's wrong with you?"

Officer Takagi stood up and returned to normal and said, "Nothing, nothing..." Although

Officer Sato had doubts, the case was still more important, she bent down and explained to Conan: "A knife in the back does not necessarily mean that the gangster sneaked up from behind the deceased, or it may be that the deceased was stabbed when he turned and fled."

Conan added, "The body should have been farther away, and there was no sign of movement or struggle."

"Yes, too!" Officer Sato was stopped by Conan.

Officer Shiratori thought for a moment and asked Mr. Soo, the husband of the deceased, "Does Mrs. Ling often pedal an exercise bike?"

Mr. Soo replied, "Yes, Neijin works out at 2 p.m. every day.

Hearing this, Officer Shiratori was more confident, he opened the curtain of the bookshelf and said resolutely: "The gangster is hiding in this bookshelf to sneak up on the dead!" "

Officer Sato saw that this bookshelf is only the bottom two layers full of books, although there are very few books in the shelf, but there are layers of partitions in the shelves, how can you hide people?

"Look!" Officer Shiratori reached out and lifted the partition of the bookshelf, and sure enough, this partition could be removed, "In this way, if you remove two partitions, you can just hide a person, so that the gangster can kill the killer when the deceased is unguarded." But

Rabbit knew that there was a big hole in Officer Shiratori's reasoning, and Conan was aware of it, but he hadn't thought of what it was.

"That..." As soon as Conan spoke, Officer Shiratori ordered his subordinates to send the troublesome imp home.

Damn, what the hell is wrong!

Conan looked back at Rabbitikawa but Rabbit Chuan didn't know where to get a chair, and was staring at Officer Takagi dissatisfiedly.

"But isn't that weird?" Living up to Rabbit's expectations, Officer Takagi finally came to the inspiration, "The gangster obviously killed people because the deceased was on the phone with the police, why waste time putting the partition and the book back, he is not afraid that he moves too slowly, just bumping into the police who rushed to hear the screams on the phone?" "

Well..." said Officer Shiratori.

"It's really weird!" Officer Sato pulled the curtain of another bookshelf again, "The bookshelf next to it is full of books, and you can't hide from people at all." "

Officer Shiratori!" The officer who searched the house reported, "A suspicious photo album was found in the deceased's room, and the photos inside were strangely circled in some places."

Shocked, Mr. Soo stepped forward in a panic to retrieve the album and explained, "I'm sorry, this is a drawing by insiders." Conan

immediately understood when he saw the album, it turned out that this was the motive for this person's murder, and the old brother judged correctly, the man in front of him was the murderer of the deceased!

But what is the method of killing? How did he kill someone in the Metropolitan Police Department 10,000 meters away?

Officer Shiratori insisted on his reasoning, Officer Takagi argued, and Officer Sato was not at ease, and several members of the police argued like this.

Now that no one was paying attention, Conan began to search the scene again, and he climbed up the bookshelf lightly, there must be something wrong with this shelf.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at his watch, no wonder he was a little hungry, it was time for dinner.

"Then you say how the murderer killed people!" Officer Shiratori couldn't stand Takagi's grinding, saying that there was something wrong with his reasoning, and asked him, he asked him again and again, "The knife will not fly by itself!"

Conan was awakened by these words.

"Yes, the knife flew over by itself!" Rabbit Chuan spoke Conan's heart.

"What?! Did the knife fly over by itself? Officer

Shiratori never thought that his reasoning was completely wrong, and an unintentional sentence would reveal the truth.

Rabbit Chuan threw out the paper airplane in his hand, and the paper airplane swayed and landed at Mr. Soo's feet.

"You know what?" Rabbikawa stared at Mr. Soo and said, "Corpses can talk.

"What, what?" Mr. Soo glanced down at his wife's corpse and broke into a cold sweat, did she just speak? What did she say?

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the corpse of the deceased and said, "Look at the knife inserted in the corpse, don't you think it's strange at this angle?" The

three police officers gathered around Conan and carefully observed the knife inserted into the corpse, which turned out to be inserted horizontally into the body.

According to common sense, if the gangster attacked the deceased behind the deceased, the knife should be vertical.

"But..." Officer Shiratori still wanted to struggle, and raised his hand while crouching on the ground, "It is also possible that the murderer pushed the deceased to the ground, then knelt on her, and then stabbed her with a knife!"

"But in that case, the dead must struggle, right?" Conan reminded, "But Uncle Zhi said that the deceased had no traces of struggle at all!" "

Uh..." Officer Shiratori was speechless again.

Rabbit Chuan pulled Conan aside and said to Officer Shiratori, "Instead of this, you better send the deceased to an autopsy first!"

"Uh... Good. "Officer Shiratori thinks that Rabbit Chuan has something to say," "

If my next reasoning is not wrong..." Rabbit Chuan pointed to the location of the deceased's knife edge and said, "There should be a very neat line down here... Scars from heavy blows before death, and traces that are still pressed after death.

Rabbit Chuan looked up at the murderer and said, "Right, Mr. Soo? "

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