Rabbit Chuan stepped down from the police car, stood in place and closed his eyes, took a deep breath of fresh air without the smell of blood, slowly exhaled it, opened his eyes and waved his hand, and majestically led the machine search team into the murderous house of the Zeng Ao family.

The members of the search team subconsciously followed behind Rabbit River, although it felt as if something was wrong, but... There doesn't seem to be anything wrong either.

Before Rabbit Chuan entered the living room, he saw a woman lying on the ground, with a knife stuck in her back, motionless, and she could no longer die.

You don't need to guess that this deceased is Mrs. Tsoo who spoke to Mr. Tsao at the warning hall.

"The deceased was Kayo Tsengo, 42 years old, and the murder weapon was a knife inserted into the back." Officer Sato reads the police handbook in his hand.

The forensics officer reported to Officer Sato: "The deceased showed no signs of struggle and there were no other wounds on his body, which should have been stabbed to death."

Sato analyzed: "I think the time when the gangster committed the murder should be the time when the deceased screamed on the phone."

"It should be more than just making phone calls!"

"Huh?" Officer Sato thought that Rabbit River was talking, turned his head and looked down again, but he did not expect that it was the little brother who came with them who spoke.

"This person must be on the phone while stepping on an exercise bike." Conan pointed to the exercise bike beside the deceased and said, and then squatted on the ground and looked at the body of the deceased, "You see, her body is sweating a lot, even her clothes are soaked."

"Once a person dies, the metabolic function stops, so even if the room temperature rises, the body will not sweat." Conan explained in a serious way, "That is, Mrs. Tsao must have been doing something sweaty before she was killed." The

officers at the scene stared at Conan in unison.

Officer Takagi, who took Conan into the Metropolitan Police Department and was responsible for recording Conan's confession, was sweating profusely, and quickly squatted next to Conan and said, "Didn't I tell you that you can't come in casually?" Officer

Takagi coaxed Conan in a low voice, trying to coax Conan, a little ghost who was a big ghost.

Conan was completely unmoved, finally encountered a murder, how could he go out!

"That's right, little brother." Officer Sato also bent down and said to Conan, "Your name is Conan, right?" "

Well, my name is Edogawa Conan and I'm a detective... Oops! Conan held his head and shouted.

Rabbit Chuan unceremoniously knocked on Conan's clever little head melon and said, "Children don't bother the police officer to handle the case!" "

He's still here, don't wave! Let Conan wave go down, Rabbit Chuan is embarrassed to say that he doesn't know that Conan is his new brother.

"Detective Rabbit River is right, little brother." Officer Sato was not angry, but said to Conan gently, "But when you grow up, you can become a criminal policeman, and if you can become my subordinate, I will definitely take good care of you." "

Right, Takagi?" Officer Sato turned around and winked at Officer Takagi, who immediately nodded yes.

What is it!

The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth twitched, and Conan became a criminal policeman? Still want to take Conan as a subordinate?

Does Officer Sato know what he's doing? Does she want to become the first-ever female police commissioner with her resume?

No, I'm afraid I want to live in the Metropolitan Police Department and say goodbye to the holidays!

In this case, there is no time to fall in love and get married, and directly marry the Metropolitan Police Department!

Officers began to search the house to determine the owner's belongings to determine whether it was a murder.

"This is not a robbery and murder, I think the murderer's target was this lady in the first place." Officer Shiratori's voice suddenly appeared.

Officer Takagi turned back in surprise and shouted, "Shiratori Police Department supplement? "

Rabbit River wants to whistle, he is worthy of being the highest person in charge of Sato Miwako's defense line, he came so fast!"

"I'm no longer a police department supplement." Officer Shiratori put his hands in his pockets and looked up and calmly said, "I am promoted to the police department from today, so I am in command of this case." "

Officer Shiratori is an elite who has passed the Japanese National Civil Service Type I Examination, that is, the Career Group, and after its adoption, he starts with the police department, and after three months of junior officer training and nine months of practice in the police department, he can be automatically promoted to the police department.

Officer Takagi's current position is patrol, and the initial rank of police officer who passed the national prefectural police officer test is patrol, which is the lowest level of police.

However, if you pass the promotion examination, you can be promoted to the rank of inspector general, and even if you fail the promotion examination, you can be promoted to inspector general after 10 years, and if you are promoted to inspector general, you can qualify for the promotion examination based on experience.

"That's nice! Sitting in the office is a promotion is fast! Officer Sato walked up to Officer Shiratori and congratulated him.

Officer Sato's current rank is a police department, and if you want to become a police department, you must pass the promotion exam, unlike Shiratori, which can be automatically promoted after the end of the internship.

Officer Sato is a person who passes the National Civil Service Class II examination, and the National Police Agency enrolls 10 people every year, called the Quasi-Occupation Group.

The quasi-professional group starts as the head of inspection, and then obtains the qualification to take the promotion examination based on experience, and only after passing the examination can he be promoted, up to the rank of police commissioner.

Officer Sato nudged Officer Shiratori with his elbow and jokingly teased, "If you can, put me on your list of bride candidates!"

Officer Shiratori shrugged calmly and replied, "I'd love to."

Officer Sato was immediately amused by Officer Shiratori, while Officer Takagi looked terrified and broke out in a cold sweat, even his clothes were soaked.

Could it be....

Officer Takagi instantly recalled Yumi Miyamoto's words in the morning traffic department.

Could it be that the person that Officer Sato likes is Officer Shiratori?!

At the same time, Takagi's mind conjured up images of Officer Sato and Officer Shiratori.

Then he knocked his head sharply, no, you can't think blindly!

Conan showed dead fish eyes, this Takagi police officer was shocked, what was going on?

Rabbit Chuan leaned into Conan's ear and said, "Probably lost love, right?" "

Conan is speechless, hey, can these police officers still solve the case!"

No, Conan looked at Rabbit Chuan, his brother looked like a lively melon-eating mass, are there still serious people solving cases here?


Rabbit Chuan whispered next to Conan again: "Isn't this case obvious?" The murderer can only be that person, the husband of the deceased, Mr. Soo. "

After all, in addition to the police and detectives, there is only Mr. Tsengo at the scene, which is another obvious proof question!"

And the key evidence is also very simple, the murderer stained with the blood of the deceased is on the murderer's body!

"That's right, the murderer is..." Conan reacted, didn't the brother already solve the case?

"Brother Rabbitchuan..."


"Have you solved the case?"


"Then why not say it?"

Rabbit Chuan and Conan stared wide-eyed, but unfortunately they couldn't stare at him, Rabbit Chuan blinked and said, "I'm wondering if I want to give Officer Takagi a chance." "

Huh?" Conan didn't understand what this had to do with Officer Takagi, "What chance?"

Rabbit River looked at Officer Shiratori, who was laughing with Officer Sato, and said, "Win the chance against Officer Shiratori." "

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