"We are also working very hard to help with the case!" The three little ones said a little unconvinced, "Our young detective team is fighting for justice!" "

Huh..." Rabbit Chuan didn't speak, just glanced at them obliquely, giving them a look for them to experience for themselves.

The three little ones took a step back with a weak heart, as if every time they met Brother Tuchuan, the battle was over before they began to fight for justice.

"Alas!" Rabbit Chuan sighed and said, "Justice is not that simple. "

There is no love for no reason, and there is no hate for no reason, and so-called justice is never black and white.

Rabbit Chuan recalled that most of the cases these imps had experienced were absolutely evil, such as robbers, thieves, and kidnappers, and had not experienced helpless and helpless tragic events.

What a blessing, naïve little devils!

Rabbit Chuan looked at Conan again, it seemed that there was nothing to worry about, his brother was the scale of justice, and he would never tilt.

"Detective Rabbit River is right." Officer Sato looked down at the children and said, "Justice should not be said casually, but should be taken to heart." Remember, little detectives. "

Hmm." The three little ones looked up at Officer Sato stupidly, their cheeks slightly red.

Officer Sato also blushed a little, but he didn't expect that he would say this.

Officer Sato turned to look at Officer Takagi and asked, "Is what I said a bit cliché?"

Officer Takagi immediately shook his head and said, "No, Officer Sato said very well!"

"However, didn't Officer Sato go with the Twilight Police Department to support the search headquarters for the 200 million million yuan robbery?" Officer Takagi remembered business, "How did you get back?"

"I came back for that case." Officer Sato looked back at Officer Takagi and said, "The branch manager of that bank called me last night and said that I remembered something, so I will come to the Metropolitan Police Department at two o'clock this afternoon with my wife."

Conan asked, "Why did you come to the Metropolitan Police Department with your wife?" Conan

was more interested in bank robberies than in recording confessions.

"Because his wife was also in the bank at that time, and she became a hostage of the robbers, maybe he thought of some clues?" Officer Sato replied.

Rabbit River found that Officer Sato had completely two attitudes towards Conan and other imps, was this also the effect of Ko Xue's aura?

"Huh?" Officer Takagi was a little surprised, "But his wife also called me and told me that she was coming alone at 5 p.m.?"

"Oh, this matter his husband said, he wants to solve the incident as soon as possible in advance, so that his wife will not be murdered by gangsters."

"So that's it!" Officer Takagi didn't think much of it, but Conan sensed that something didn't seem quite right.

"Pretty rude, huh?" Rabbit Chuan muttered softly, and Conan immediately turned around, "Obviously made an appointment with Officer Takagi, turned his head and threw Officer Takagi aside, and spoke to Officer Sato again."

Conan nodded, yes, it was this sense of discord, why didn't the lady explain it herself?

And even if you want to change the time, you should say something to Officer Takagi?

Officer Sato glanced at the time and casually asked Officer Takagi, "By the way, Takagi, did Yumi from the Ministry of Communications say strange things to you?" "


Officer Sato closed his eyes, frowned, and said, "I was drunk last night, and it seems that I talked to her a lot, but I can't remember the content."

"No, it's nothing..." Officer Takagi refused to admit it, but he remembered what Yumi Miyamoto had said.

This morning Yumi Miyamoto stopped Takagi and teased him: "Takagi, Miwako drunk and spat out the truth last night, saying that the person she likes is searching for a lesson!" Maybe it's you!

Officer Takagi was thrilled.

But it's impossible to think about it, he has just entered the search class, his qualifications are still shallow, his position is also lower than Officer Sato, and he is useless, how can Officer Sato like him?

"Officer Sato!" Officer Takagi, who was in deep thought, was startled by the patrolman who brought people over, "The branch manager of Dongdu Bank has arrived!!" Zeng

Wei Guizao, the head of the Dongdu Bank Cup Branch, looked at his watch breathlessly, frowned, and said: "Whew, it's finally here!"

Officer Takagi turned around, saw that there was no one behind the head of the shop manager, and asked strangely: "Mr. Soo, didn't Mrs. Ling come with you?"

Mr. Soo explained, "I went to the bank on something, so I made an appointment to meet here with Renren, and she hasn't arrived yet?"

"Strange, hasn't she come yet?" Is it oversleeping at home? Mr. Soo glanced at his watch again and said to Officer Sato, "May I borrow a phone?"

Officer Sato replied, "Please use."

Mr. Soo pressed the phone number and glanced at his watch again.

"Three times!" Haihara Mourning suddenly spoke, this person has looked at his watch too many times!

Conan also noticed this, this person is so strange.

Mr. Tsao made a phone call, and before he could say a word to the other side of the phone, he handed the phone to Officer Takagi on the side.

As soon as Officer Takagi said two words, the phone was snatched up by Mr. Soo again.

Mr. Tsao yelled two more words, when Officer Takagi accidentally pressed the hands-free button, and a scream resounded throughout the search lesson.

They are all experienced people, and when they hear it, they know that something must have happened on the other side of the phone.

Officer Takagi immediately snatched back the phone, but no matter how much he shouted, there was no way to respond on the other side of the phone.

"Takagi! Call the search team immediately! Officer Sato gave an urgent order and ran to drive himself.

The aircraft search team is a mobile search team, which is the first team to arrive at the scene to maintain law and order and search the scene.

Conan mixed up with Officer Sato's car, Rabbitikawa ... Rabbit Chuan chooses the machine search team, takes someone else's car and asks for money, and riding in Officer Sato's car may be fatal!

Officer Sato sped all the way, leaving Rabbit River and the mechanized search team far behind.

The search team that was supposed to be the first to arrive at the scene: ......

Tuchuan patted the shoulder of the driver of the search team and comforted him: "Safety first!" Safety first! "


The driver of the search team burst into tears silently, he can too, but the car is carrying a fragile Rabbit River detective, and he dare not drive a flying car!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the driver, dreaming? How could you possibly drive Sato Chejin Miwako.

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