Dr. Agasa drove the Beetle on the mountain path again.

Who would have thought that a small four-seated beetle would sit 7 people and not crowd at all, is this the legendary space extension?

Dr. Agasa sits alone in the driver's seat, Haihara and Ayumi sit in the co-pilot, Rabbitikawa , Conan, Mitsuhiko and Genta sit in the back, and the trunk is full of camping items... Although this time the items are not complete.

Mota complained: "Alas, really, I came to camp in the countryside and forgot to bring the most important tent."

Mitsuhiko also said with a dejected face: "That is to say, ah, a rare vacation was wasted."

"And..." Ayumi was a little worried, "we seem to be lost."

Dr. Agasa retorted stubbornly, "It's not you who are chattering in my ear, I'm driving the wrong way!"

Conan leaned back and scolded them, "Looks like we're going to spend the night in the car tonight." "

Don't!" Ayumi was frightened.

"Don't worry!" Rabbit River comforted them and said, "There should be people living in this neighborhood, right?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Rabbit Chuan was very sure in his heart, after all, who could resist the urge to invite death home?

"Yes!" Ayumi naively fantasized, "If you don't know, you will encounter a mysterious castle like a lost princess in a fairy tale!"

"How is that possible!" Conan didn't even know what to say.

"Ah..." Haibara looked into the distance sadly, "I'm afraid it's really possible!" "

Uh..." "

Ayumi is worthy of being a little Maurilan, oh, it's a little Ou God!"

Deep in the forest, a beautiful castle suddenly appears, with fantastic Gothic architecture with pointed towers, brilliant blue roofs and beautiful courtyards.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!

Dr. Agasa parked the car in front of the castle, and the children were attached to the railing with a look of surprise.

Dr. Agasa exclaimed, "It's like a castle in the West."

Conan calmly analyzed: "It must be some rich man who bought a foreign castle and reassembled it there!"

"So why build a castle in the deep mountains and old forests!" Rabbit Chuan doesn't understand the ideas of these rich people, and there are those who build villas on the edge of the cliff, this is too much money and crooked, right?

Just as Conan and Dr. Agasa were saying two words, a nimble bear fat man successfully climbed over the railing and broke into the house!

"Hey! What are you doing? Dr. Agasa shouted in panic.

"Of course it's an adventure!"

Motai easily jumped over the three-meter-high railing into the courtyard, only to land in a box and be directly picked up by one hand.

"Where did you little imp come from!" The gardener of the castle picked up Genta and yelled at him, "How can you come in without permission!"

"I'm sorry!" Dr. Agasa, who was now outside the door, quickly apologized and explained, "We are not bad people, we just passed by here and accidentally saw this magnificent castle, so... Can you give us a tour?

The gardener roared impatiently, "Get out!" Get out! Outsiders are not welcome here! "

Dr. Agasa was a little embarrassed by the gardener's very blunt and unfriendly attitude, what should I do, if they don't live here, they will sleep in the wilderness."

Rabbit Chuan is not worried at all, this castle they live in today, or that sentence, who can resist the temptation of death?

No, the owner of the castle personally came out to greet them.

"Who are they?" I don't remember any guests visiting here today. "

Sir!" The gardener pointed back at Dr. Agasa with his thumb and said, "This dumbfounded old man said he was coming in to visit." "

Stay, dread?" Dr. Agasa retorted dissatisfied, "Who do you say is a nerd?" I'm a scientist! "

Scientists?" The old man groped his chin thoughtfully.

"That's right!" Rabbit Chuan nodded earnestly and agreed, "Dr. Agasa is the most powerful scientist in the world!" "

Ahem!" Dr. Agasa blocked his mouth and said modestly, "No, no, no, it's far from it, it's still far away!"

The old man muttered, "The mind of a scientist... It must be very good..." Thinking

of this, the old man showed an amiable look and said to Dr. Akasa enthusiastically: "Please come in!" It's not too early, so stay here for the night! "

Yay!" The children cheered.

"But sir." The gardener was a little worried, "Madame there..."

"Just say it's our friend." The old man said without care, "My mother-in-law can't remember telling her that." The

gardener had to open the door and invite Rabbit Chuan and his group to come in.

In the courtyard in the middle of the castle, there is a strange meadow, a two-color lawn specially trimmed into a chessboard, and the lawn is decorated with black and white stone carvings of chess pieces.

Dr. Agasa exclaimed, "It seems that the owner of this house likes to play chess!"

The gardener finally felt his true mission and began to introduce the relationship between the characters in the castle and said: "I just sorted it out every day according to the orders of my predecessor, Master Zhenzhao, and according to Master Zhenzhao, this is the last words of the old man who passed away 15 years ago." "

Former sir?" Dr. Agasa was a little confused, "What is the master just now?"

"That's Master Man, Madame's second husband."

To put it simply, this castle is surnamed Mamiya, and the old lady and the old lady have only one daughter, Mrs. Mamiya.

Mrs. Mamiya recruited two husbands before and after, and the former husband Sadaaki died of illness six years ago, and Mrs. Mamiya had a son, the noble young master.

And just now Rabbit Chuan they saw that the master was the second husband of Mrs. Mamiya - Master Man.

Mrs. Mamiya and Mr. Man, who have been living abroad since their marriage, returned four years ago to celebrate their mother's birthday, together with her friends, the maids and servants of the family, and more than ten people all died in the fire in the tower.

The relationship between this family can be complicated, although they are all surnamed Mamiya Palace, the surviving people have no blood relationship with each other, in fact, only the young master and nobleman have the bloodline of the Mamiya family.

Thinking about it this way, Rabbit Chuan feels that the relationship between this family is a bit similar to the relationship between the new teacher's family!

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