The gardener led them into the hall of the castle, and as soon as they entered, a huge oil portrait came into their eyes, which was particularly majestic and solemn.

"This is Master Tai." The gardener introduced, "On the left and right are Madame and Master Zhenzhao, and Mr. Zhenzhao respects the grand master as a historian, and the lady is often jealous, and often says to Mr. Zhenzhao..."

Right? An old voice came from behind them, "But the old man was not angry when he found out, but he was very happy!"

"Mrs. and Mrs.!" The gardener took off his hat in trepidation and saluted her, "I'm so sorry to remind you of bad things."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." The wife of the Mamiya family is an 83-year-old, gray-haired, kind-eyed old lady, because she has a leg disease for more than ten years, she can only rely on a wheelchair to move.

"Just like the pattern of banknotes and the size of passports, you may not get used to it at first, but you will get used to it over time." Mrs. Mamiya looked at the portrait of the old lady as if nostalgic for the past, "Time is really terrible!"

Rabbit Chuan opened his eyes slightly, this old lady's acting skills are really good, everyone who has acted knows that it is easy to pretend to be tender, but it is not simple to pretend to be old, Kudo Yusaku once pretended to be an old man and did not lie to Conan.

But the lines are too perfunctory, and they are suddenly revealed, an old lady who cannot act and has not been out of the country, has nothing to worry about the size of the passport, the banknote is also counted, the size of the passport has only changed in the last two years.

"By the way, who are they?" After some nostalgia, Mrs. Mamiya finally remembered the stranger who came to the house.

The gardener pointed to Dr. Agasa and said, "This is Master Man's scientist friend. "

Scientist..." Mrs. Mamiya reacted the same as that old man, thinking that this scientist's brain must be very good.

"It's really exciting!" Mrs. Mamiya said to Dr. Agasa, "If you can, can you please solve the mystery left by my grandfather?" "

Puzzle?" Conan was interested.

The gardener explained: "It was the last words of the old man, who said before his death that he would give his greatest treasure to the one who solved the mystery of the castle. "

If you solve the puzzle, leave it to Brother Rabbitchuan!" Ayumi said excitedly, "Brother Rabbitagawa is a detective!"

"Yes, it's the kind of person who can sit on a chair and listen to what the police officer's uncle says to know the truth..." Genta suddenly froze, and after seeing Mrs. Mamiya's appearance, he had an epiphany, "By the way, it's a wheelchair detective!"

Rabbit River almost fell, although... But...... In short, it's excessive, you little fat man!

Mitsuhiko hurriedly corrected, "It's an easy chair detective, Genta!"

"Yes, it's the easy chair detective."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I have a hard time going to the scene every time." Rabbit Chuan retorted fiercely, just like this time.

Conan also helped on the side and said, "Yes, brother Rabbit Chuan happens to appear on the scene every time!" "

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, hey, don't you have any points in your heart? Everyone is qualified to say this, and you Conan is not qualified to say so!

"However, I think it is better for you not to take this supreme treasure too seriously." Rabbit Chuan sighed deeply and said to Mrs. Mamiya, "As soon as I hear the word supreme treasure, I can already imagine what it is!"

"What?! Did you guess what the treasure was? Madame was so excited that she almost stood up.

"Well..." Rabbit Chuan closed his eyes, pondered for a moment and looked around, "You see, to build such a big and fantastic castle in the forest, and to ask someone to paint a portrait of his young daughter like a European princess, your old man must be a romantic and atmospheric gentleman."

"Indeed, Master Tai is a romantic person." Madame Dowager's voice was full of eagerness, "But what does this have to do with treasure?"

"Of course there is a relationship, this person is not only romantic, affectionate, but also comes from a famous family, for him money is just a floating cloud." Rabbit Chuan's bright smile had a hint of mischievousness, "This kind of person's way of thinking should be similar to Uncle Yusaku, so I guess that treasure is probably some kind of chicken soup for the soul or something!" "

Chicken soup for the soul?" Everyone present looked dazed, what kind of soup was that?

Rabbitikawa explains, "It's a quote for future generations.

"How is that possible!" The three little ones looked incredulous for Mrs. Dowager.

Haihara said, "I think it's quite reasonable.

"How is that possible!" Conan smiled, how could anyone be so boring... Wait, it's really possible!

Tu Chuan stretched out his hand and poked the child's braincase and said, "Have you forgotten that when I went to search for treasure a few days ago, the treasure map was drawn by my uncle for my new brother to play." "

Don't say, these three little ones have pictures in their heads.

Rabbit Chuan prompted, "You guys followed the treasure map, and first passed the dangling suspension bridge.

Ayumi continued, "We just walked across the bridge and the bridge collapsed.

"Then climb the steep hill."

Mitsuhiko continued: "I touched the snake while climbing the hill, and we all fell into the water.

"Then use the vine to cross the cliff."

Yuan Tai said with a palpitation: "When I swung over with the vine, the vine broke halfway.

"In the end, you also met the bad guys who hunted for treasure together."

Conan also remembered that he went to the mountains with the juvenile detective team to hunt for treasure, experienced hardships and dangers, and fought wits with robbers.

"In this way, after thousands of difficulties, the juvenile detective team finally found the treasure!" Rabbit Chuan asked wickedly, "That treasure... What's going on?

Conan covered his face, and the last treasure he found was really a sentence written by his father on vellum.

The juvenile detective team obediently said in a voice full of wisdom: "Everything you have experienced in the process is a priceless treasure in your life." "

Gold jewelry banknotes, nothing, the three little ones instantly lost confidence in the treasure of this castle.

"I'm so hungry!"

"When do you eat?"

"I'm a little sleepy!"

Now they just want to eat and sleep, where are there so many treasures in the world, let's think of something real.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Madame Dowager listened to the clouds and did not understand at all.

Conan had to tell Madame Dowager the story of their treasure hunt, in fact, his unscrupulous father, cough, a joke made by some unscrupulous mystery novelist.

"Are you kidding? That's impossible! "The kind-eyed grandmother suddenly became hateful and startled everyone.

Mrs. Mamiya felt that everyone's eyes were focused on her.

"Uh, it's not... By the way, isn't my daughter here yet? Mrs. Mamiya didn't know how to explain it, so she had to pretend to be stupid, "Isn't she going to come back today to celebrate my birthday?" "

That, Madame, Madame, she has..." Before the gardener could finish, Madame left in a wheelchair as if she hadn't heard, and did not forget to say, "When I come back, tell her to come to my room immediately, I am waiting for her."

Rabbit Chuan looked at the back of Mrs. Mamiya who fled in the desert, this old woman was really not frightened!

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