"What do you understand?" Haihara hasn't figured it out yet.

"The other gangster is a TV cameraman!" Conan explains, "We were all stuck in the mindset, thinking that the gangster must be hiding in the audience, and no one thought that he was actually the TV station's own person, and One, Two, Three must have noticed this while observing the camera in the director's room."

Haibara teased, "In this way, your younger brother is much smarter than your great detective!"

Conan scratched his head stupidly and said with a smile: "Yes, thanks for the compliment, my brother is not an ordinary intelligence."

Haihara teased again: "I didn't expect that you are still a brother control, and I am really more and more interested in you as a research subject." "

Huh?" Conan said unceremoniously, "I don't want to be told that by an 84-year-old woman." "

Uh..." Haibara choked, she shouldn't be joking with this creature called a straight man.

In desperation, Haihara had to tell Conan directly: "I joked with you before, I am actually 18 years old about your age."

"Really?" Conan was very skeptical, after all, his mother said that a woman's age is always 18.

Haibara's mournful eyes are fierce, why not straight when it's time to be a straight man!


"Remember, remember..."

Conan touched his chest fearfully, this old woman, so fierce!

The young detective team was lost for a short while, and then they were attracted by the wonderful game in front of them.

"Tokyo Akagi hero dribbled the ball, and in the last 10 seconds, Osaka team Rams outflanked in front of the goal and successfully guarded the goal!"

At the final whistle of the referee, BIG Osaka won the game.

The first case of the new year ended unharmed, all the gangsters were arrested by the police, and the final of the Emperor's Cup ended smoothly with the passionate cheers of the 56,000 spectators who were safe and sound.

The tense nerves of the police department finally relaxed, fortunately quietly caught the gangsters, otherwise the New Year's football final was forced to be suspended, and the next broadcast was the Metropolitan Police Department's Tuxia Seat Apology Gift.

The police department finally got off work and could go home for the New Year's dinner prepared by his wife.

And Rabbit Chuan also has to take his smaller brother and the little ghosts of the Young Detective Group to eat the first big meal of the new year.

Target, Chinatown!

As the saying goes, delicious is not as good as dumplings, comfortable is better than upside down, no matter what festival, what solar term, solar calendar year or thirty, eating dumplings is always right.

"Wow!" Several children looked at the long line with no end in sight.

Although it is not the first day of the new year, and it is still past the meal, there is still a long queue on the door of the restaurant, because since yesterday there have been dumplings and rice balls with a variety of fillings.

Although Rabbit Chuan is accustomed to eating dumplings during the New Year, he also knows that southerners eat rice balls for the New Year, and he also eats rice balls on the fifteenth day of the first month.

"Come with me!" Rabbit Chuan directly led the children around the human wall, "I have a private room in this hotel."

Rabbit Chuan walked into the hotel, and the lobby manager immediately ran over and greeted: "Rabbit Chuan consultant, you are here, please upstairs!" "

Rabbit River?"


Conan was just as questioning as the few ones.

Rabbit Chuan took the children to the private room on the second floor, and the real children explored this Chinese-style room with a look of amazement, red lanterns, Chinese knots and carved wooden doors, all of which were new in their eyes.

Conan admonished, "Don't move!

"Got it!" Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko said obediently.

Ayumi Lori said happily: "This room is really beautiful, and the clothes of Haihara-san are all red."

Mitsuhiko said seriously: "Because this is a Chinese restaurant, it is arranged in this Chinese style." "

Rabbitagawa and Haibara are flipping through the menu, which is illustrated and simple, and 18 kinds of dumplings and 8 kinds of rice balls have been added to the main food.

There are 18 kinds of dumplings, including the most common three fresh stuffed dumplings, pork cabbage stuffed dumplings, pork shiitake mushroom dumplings, pork and green onion dumplings and beef stuffed dumplings, lamb stuffed dumplings and fish stuffed dumplings, and some are not very ordinary.

"Yo! Here it comes! "Before Rabbitakawa could order, Teruki Kume kicked in the door with a steaming plate in his hand.

"Can't you just knock?" Rabbit Chuan put the menu on the table and complained, "I brought the children here today, and you scared them all."

"Ah, sorry, I thought you came by yourself!" It is rare for me to apologize obediently, in case this group of imps cry, he will not coax.

"In order to apologize, please try my new dumplings - Shenglong dumplings!"

I opened the steamer and the steam inside the steamer spread.

"Ah! Moved!

"Something is moving!"

"It's a dragon!"

In the fairyland-like mist, a red dragon stood up in the steamer, the tail of the dragon was slightly cocked, the dragon's head was held high, and the dragon's whiskers kept swaying with the steam.

"It's so cool!" The three little ones were completely amazed by this moving dumpling.

"Did the dumplings really move?" And Conan and Haibara Mo, the two children, fell into a brain storm, "How could dumplings move?" "

It's not scientific!

Tuchuan said proudly: "That's why it's called Shenglong dumplings!" "

Shenglong dumplings are dumplings invented by Xiaodangjia, with shrimp meat as a trap, shrimp shell carved into the shape of a dragon's head, using two different materials of dumpling skin, wheat and oat husk, heating and expansion degree of different principles, so that the dumplings move, in the hot vapor with the tail as the fulcrum to form the spectacle of the dragon raising its head, like the ascending dragon.

Not only the appearance is unique, the filling is also amazing, and the shrimp meat filling is added to the shrimp brain pith, bringing more delicious and addictive taste enjoyment.

Under the improvement of Rabbit River and Kuga Teruki, the original shrimp filling was replaced with a smoother lobster filling, and the dragon head carved from the large lobster head was even more powerful and domineering.

The mist cleared, and the dragon lay down in the steamer again.

"Let's try it, how did I do this time?!" Kuga Teruki said to Rabbit Chuan with anticipation, "I originally wanted to use the flower dragon, the flower dragon has a good meaning, but unfortunately the shrimp head of the flower dragon is too heavy to lift, and then I tried Boston lobster and Australian lobster again, so this time it was South African lobster."

"Let's not be so rigid!" Tuchuan complained, "Hang the sheep's head to sell dog meat, the lobster head is too heavy, change the shrimp head with bamboo shrimp, shrimp meat three fresh dumplings wrapped so much, it is also okay to leave the shrimp head to carve the dragon head."

"How can this be the same!"

Hokkaido's top bamboo shrimp is 20cm long, and the tender and firm shrimp meat and large shrimp head are also very suitable for making Shenglong dumplings, and the price is more affordable.

But Rabbit River is full of lobster cubs, South African lobster is the smaller size of lobster, so it is also called lobster cub, isn't that crayfish!

Rabbit Chuan divided the dragon dumplings into 6 segments and sandwiched a few drooling children.

Rabbit Chuan was eating Shenglong dumplings in his mouth, and his thoughts had drifted to the spicy crayfish, garlic crayfish, and thirteen-spiced crayfish in the back kitchen.

This is also inevitable, after all, this Shenglong dumpling from Rabbit Chuan proposed the method to Jiu I Zhengji made the finished product, he has eaten it more than a dozen times, or crayfish is more attractive.

But now compared to the crayfish, Conan's red-eared appearance surprised Rabbit Chuan even more.

The Grim Reaper is actually descending!

Rabbit Chuan thought uncertainly, did he burst his clothes? Can't you see it? Where did it explode?

Conan: What a delicacy like a volcanic eruption in your head!!

Before he had time to eat, he didn't dare to lower his mouth at all... Is this poisoning!!

Rabbit Chuan smiled and ordered a table full of dishes.

After the unremitting efforts of Rabbit River, you can finally find dishes other than Sichuan cuisine on the menu, pot wrapped meat, sweet and sour tenderloin, pineapple goo old meat and sweet and sour ribs, as well as various soups and dim sum.

After all, today is the solar calendar year, and Rabbit Chuan directly ordered four meats, two vegetarians, two dim sum, and two plates of three fresh dumplings.

For a long time, I looked at it, except for Mapo tofu, none of them are Sichuan dishes, okay, a table of children.

And Haihara Mourning escaped the wonderful Shenglong dumplings, and finally did not escape the temptation of the magic mapo tofu.

With a bite of magic mapo tofu, Haihara felt that his body was full of vitality, and the cells of his whole body were active, and he even had the illusion of returning to his original appearance!

It's not scientific!

But how can it be so delicious!! This is absolutely poisoning!

Rabbitakawa : Hey, that's an exaggeration!!

These imps came in standing and going out sideways, all with round bellies and couldn't move, and finally Rabbit Chuan had to ask Dr. Agasa to drive over and send the imps home one by one.

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