After receiving a call from Rabbitchuan's brother, the police department immediately took his subordinates back to the director's room.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, you've found another gangster!"

The twilight police department is full of heart, he is worthy of being his good brother, great, he can finally take a holiday after doing this ticket!

Today's New Year, the Metropolitan Police Department implemented a shift break, when this police call came in, just in time for the handover, the previous shift has not yet left work, the next shift has just gone to work, just here to greet each other for the New Year... Gotta go, all the police out!

Rabbit Chuan was not in a hurry to say the gangster, but asked the Twilight Police Department: "Twilight Police Department, how many steps do you think it takes to rob the bank?" "

Brother Rabbitchuan!" Twilight's forehead was bruised.

Dude, are you floating? How did you start thinking about how to rob the bank?

Seeing this, Rabbit Chuan did not joke with the unlucky overtime police department, and directly asked himself and answered: "First of all, we must break into the bank and get accurate information."

"So, what does this have to do with this intimidation of the TV gangsters?" The Twilight Police Department didn't understand at all, where and where is this?

"Twilight Police Department!" Rabbit Chuan could see that the Twilight Police Department really wanted to get off work.

Alas, who is not working overtime, the gangsters do not take a holiday, the police follow overtime, he is not here to accompany them, even to watch a ball game has to be in the director's room, it is better to go home and watch TV!

"The gangster was very confident, he said that we couldn't find him from the 56,000 spectators, and that all 56,000 spectators were his hostages, and he seemed to be inadvertently separating himself from the audience, so I thought, is there a possibility... He is not an audience per se!

"Not an audience per se?!" The Twilight Police Department exclaimed, "Then who is he?" "

The police department knew that this person must be in the gymnasium now, otherwise he would not be able to accurately say the location of the plainclothes police officers in the audience.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the broadcast screen on the screen in the director room and said: "In the current gymnasium, exclude the audience, exclude the players, and the rest is, of course... The TV station's own staff!

"You said he was from the TV station!" The Twilight Police Department did not expect it at all.

"Our own staff?!" Director Kaneko was dumbfounded.

"The only thing that qualifies is the camera in this position." Rabbit Chuan pointed to the video and said, "This is the number 13 camera, and the only camera in the back of the audience." Twilight

Police Department and Director Kaneko watched intently at the video on the screen.

Tuchuan returned the video to the plainclothes police after entering the scene and said: "You see, his camera has been shooting the front audience, and the people who appear in the camera are all strips arranged by the police."

"That's true!" The Twilight Police Department excitedly threw himself on the screen and said, "And the notes that the gangster just said on the phone all appeared in his camera!" "

Very good, finally let them find the gangsters... Wait, what is a police sliver?

"Ha, ha!" Rabbit Chuan laughed dryly, "Slip of the tongue!" Accidentally mouthed.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about this." The Twilight Police Department immediately ordered, "Everyone pay attention, now that the gangster is found, it is Photographer No. 13, surround him immediately!"

Rabbit Chuan did not forget to remind: "Twilight Police Department, don't forget that the gangster has a gun in his hand, be careful of him... Syllable!

Rabbit Chuan made a gesture of shooting, and the police department swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he really forgot.

Twilight thought about it, "Otherwise, it's better to wait until the gangsters go to get the money..."

Rabbit Chuan affirmed, "Everyone knows that 1 billion cash is simply impossible to be ready at the end of the second half, that is, in 45 minutes, so the purpose of the gangsters is to shoot a person at the end of the game!"

"So what do we do?" The Twilight Police Department was a little unsure, and it seemed that it could only send an explosion-proof mobile team.

"It's actually very simple." Tuchuan suggested, "Since the gangster is so confident that the police must not guess who he is, then we will call him out directly!" "

Just call it out?" The Twilight Police Department felt that this idea of Rabbit Chuan's brother was really too bold, "How to call it out?"

"Let Director Kaneko make up a reason at random and call out Photographer No. 13." Rabbit Chuan specially reminded Kaneko to direct, "Remember, it's photographer No. 13, not a gangster, and have a natural attitude, don't make him suspicious."

In this way, Director Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and called the gangsters out to carry the boxed lunch with an extremely arrogant attitude.

The gangster saw that the time had not yet arrived, so he had to leave the camera, cursing and cursing in his mouth, but as soon as he walked outside the door, he was directly arrested by the note ambushed here.

At the same time, the juvenile detective team also launched an attack on the target suspect.

When Conan arrived at the scene, the four of them were entangled, and just when he was about to attack the police with an anesthesia gun, yes, it was the attack, because the person they besieged was Officer Takagi!

"Officer Takagi?!"

The juvenile detective team was surprised and disappointed again, but there was something more disappointing for them, because Officer Takagi said....

"What?! Another gangster has been caught!!

Officer Takagi said kindly: "Yes, because Rabbitikawa Jun deduced the location of the gangsters, both gangsters were arrested." "

The next three little ones are completely lost, like three deflated footballs.

"Alas, the gangsters have already been arrested." Genta sighed as he lay on the railing.

"The juvenile detective corps didn't come in handy at all this time." Mitsuhiko was also devastated.

Ayumi said enviously: "But brother Rabbit Chuan is so powerful!"

"Indeed!" Haihara looked at Conan beside him, "People deduce the truth without leaving home in the director's room, but some people run most of the gym outside, and I haven't thought of it yet." "

The director ... Space? The word woke Conan, "So that's it!" "

So... Conan looked proud, his brother is powerful!

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