"You're really rude!" Ayumi little loli hugged Haihara's arm and hugged her unevenly, "Haihara-san's dress looks like a girl!" "

Hug, I'm sorry..." said the gold director sarcastically, "but it's really talking about a boy in a blue hat on the other side of the phone."

This is definitely a clue, Conan turned his head to look at Haibara's dress, how did the gangster see Haibara as a boy?

Rabbit Chuan touched his chin and said, "If you only look at the head, it is indeed easy to look like a boy." "

Haihara Mourning turned his hair up today, and the coil was made into two balls, and the blue hat just pressed both balls into the hat, just look at the hairstyle after wearing the hat does look like a boy with short hair.

"Huh?" Conan suddenly realized, "That is to say, the gangster can only see Haibara lying on the stand on the opposite side, and the wall of the stand covers her skirt, so he mistakenly believes that she is a boy."

Rabbit Chuan pursed his lips and nodded as he looked at Conan who kept chattering in front of him.

Today's Conan is a little floating, let Conan continue, if he doesn't find something, he feels sorry for his new brother.

Rabbit Chuan took the conversation and hurriedly said: "The football was sniped directly below us, and the range of the pistol is very limited, so the gangster should have shot next to us."

Rabbit Chuan turned to the Twilight Police Department and said, "It can be seen from this that the gangster who called and the gangster who shot are two different people.

The Twilight Police Department was stunned and exclaimed, "Brother Rabbitchuan, do you mean..."

Rabbit Chuan stretched out two fingers to the Twilight Police Department, "I mean there are at least two gangsters hidden among the fifty-six thousand people at the scene!" "

All the 56,000 people in the gymnasium are hostages, and likewise, these 56,000 people are all suspects, which is the 56,000 people in the New Year's deluxe version.

The Twilight Police Department immediately ordered all police officers to disguise themselves and make sure to keep an eye on all the callers in the gymnasium when the gangsters called again.

Under the reminder of the juvenile detective team, the Twilight Police Department picked up the walkie-talkie and said to pay attention to the items of suspicious people, and the gangster's hands should be far away tools.

The gangsters called again and asked the TV station to put 50 million in cash on Exit 18 during halftime in the first half of the game.

During the call from the gangsters, the police locked up 8 suspects in the audience.

The police department believed that one of the eight people must be one of the gangsters, and immediately ordered to kill the eight suspects before the gangsters noticed.

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan take advantage of the twilight police department to look at the map, secretly found the walkie-talkie in the pocket of the twilight police department, and installed a ... Bug?

This is really torture!

This is Conan, if someone else does this, Rabbit Chuan suspects that this person is an accomplice of the gangster.

Alas, after all, it is his own brother, and Rabbit Chuan cannot expose him, so he has to choose... Silently put on the same type of receiver that comes with the Conan bugging device in his ear.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the coolness.

And just as Conan was concentrating on installing the bug, the three little ones also quietly returned to the gymnasium.

Young detective corps, dispatch!

"This is Motana, I don't see any suspicious characters, Over!"

"This is Mitsuhiko, there are no suspicious characters, Over!"

"Hey, I'm Ayumi!"

"What 'I'm Ayumi'! What the hell are you doing! Conan yelled at the detective badge, "Do you know that the other party has a gun and will be shot to death!" You kids give me the immediate evacuation of the gym! "

'Don't!' Three identical words came from the detective badge.

"Aren't you a child yourself!"

"We want to help catch the bad guys too!"

"We are companions of the Young Detective Corps!"

Conan had no choice but to agree, and told them not to act alone, and he and Haibara returned to the gymnasium to join them.

While everyone was doing their job and taking their place, Rabbit Chuan sat in the director room and did not leave.

Rabbit Chuan sat in the position of the gold director who followed the police to leave, picked up the director's walkie-talkie, and began to give the unlucky gold director a free substitute.

"Machine 10 gave the camera to Akagi Hero."

"Shot of machine 6 to the goalkeeper of the Osaka team!"

"No. 1 and No. 4, quickly give the camera to Naoki Uemura!" Rabbit Chuan stood up excitedly, "The ball went in!" The ball went in! Almost, oops, didn't get in!

Rabbit sat down again in frustration, and he remembered that this Naoki Uemura was the same teammate who kidnapped Akagi's heroic brother.

It was that Miss Xiaolan who almost blocked the new brother in the toilet, and after the incident, she was blocked by Miss Xiaolan on the street corner, and finally relied on Dr. Agasa to save the scene and gave him a shadow incident.

Rabbit Chuan commanded one by one photographer, and the photographer on the scene did not hesitate at all about Rabbit Chuan's command, it is better to have a director than nothing, and the director is not a guide!

It's halftime.

Officer Sato and other police officers ambushed at Gate 18, and when the gangsters came to withdraw the money, the police officers who were ambushed around them rushed up.

Officer Sato took the lead, knocked down the gangster with an over-the-shoulder throw, and then gave the gangster a severed head lock, making the gangster completely incapacitated.

"Don't move my companions, or I'll shoot the audience immediately!"

The voice of another gangster came from the gangster's mobile phone.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan heard everything clearly from the bug, Conan's expression was solemn, but Rabbit Chuan knew that the opportunity had come!

Officer Sato immediately let go of the gangster and retreated with the other officers.

"Sure enough, there is a strip!" Another gangster's voice came from the other side of the phone, "I didn't ask for it, don't call the police!" Hmph, do you want me to let someone express it!"

"Don't!" Twilight said in a panic.

"Okay, let's give you a chance to compensate, I'm going to pay an additional ransom of 1 billion yen!"

"1 billion?!"

Good guy, this ticket earned, caught up with the gin wine fried several times shinkansen!

The police department suffered another bad news, and the eight suspects who were targeted by the police were not calling at all.

"It's useless, no matter how you insist, you can't see me." The gangster on the phone said proudly, "I have 56,000 hostages in my hands, you should know what the consequences will be for me if you disobey?"

The Twilight Police Department hurriedly said: "I know, I immediately ordered them to retreat!" "

'Don't play tricks, I can see it clearly, the smoking man on the left side of the passage above

the front audience, and the front audience..." Hearing the gangster's words, Conan's brain flashed with light, and he grabbed the detective badge and shouted to the three little ones: "Genta, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi are in the audience opposite right?"


"Let's see if there are any binoculars in the vicinity looking at the people in the audience opposite?" And that person is still on the phone, there should be only one such a special person! "

'Found it!' Ayumi's excited voice came from the detective badge, "There is a strange guy who is looking around with a telescope, but he is not on the phone, but wearing headphones."

"It turns out to be wearing a headset, Ayumi, tell me the location!" Conan said as he ran and did not forget to warn them, "Keep an eye on him, he is a gangster, don't act rashly until I arrive!"

And Rabbit Chuan finally found evidence that could be used to explain, he picked up the phone and called the Twilight Police Department, saying: "Twilight Police Department, I found that person!" "

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