As far as the eye can see, the Chinese Cuisine Research Association of Far Moon Gakuen is full of corpses.

Rabbit Chuan confidently announced, "I won this halberd duel!"

"It's so despicable..." "

Kuga Teruki was really eye-opening today, he had seen bribery of the judges, and this was the first time he had directly poisoned the judges!

"Huh? Is this your attitude towards the savior's words? Rabbit Chuan pointed, "If I hadn't come in time, you would still have lost money to the murderer in the Metropolitan Police Department!" "

For a long time, I covered my face in Teruki, the past is unbearable to look back!

Just today, an accident occurred in his Chinese restaurant, a diner died on the spot from a heart attack while eating, and the deceased's wife insisted that the deceased was spicy to death.

Of course, Jiu I Zhaoki was not convinced, and the police conveniently sent people back and forth to the Metropolitan Police Department to cooperate with the investigation.

When Rabbit Chuan arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Yuanyue's lawyer was already preparing to lose money privately.

The lawyer also encountered this kind of thing for the first time, he has seen many people who touch porcelain with health, and he has not seen people who touch porcelain with life, no matter who is right and who is wrong, first turn big things into small things.

Teruki is going crazy, what a joke, how can someone be spiced to death!

Although capsaicin is a neurotoxin, when the concentration is expanded to a certain extent, it can indeed cause seizures, heart disease, and even death.

But studies have shown that only by grinding 3 pounds of extremely spicy peppers into powder and eating them in one gulp can a person weighing 150 pounds be put to death.

But in fact, the human body will immediately sound the alarm before this, will have stomach pain, mouth and nose are not controlled, and will not allow death to occur at all.

Kuga Teruki was not convinced, but the line was like a mountain, and he couldn't convince the lawyer and the police at all, and finally Rabbit Chuan stood up and returned Kuga Teruki to be innocent.

Rabbit Chuan speculated that the deceased died of aconitine poisoning caused by arrhythmia, and the murderer deliberately took the deceased to eat Sichuan food, that is, he wanted to cover up the paralyzing effect of aconitine with the taste and stimulation of chili peppers.

The murderer was naturally the other three people who ate with the deceased, namely the wife of the deceased, the lover of the deceased, and the lover of the wife of the deceased, one of the three.

In the end, it was found out that the murderer was the lover of the deceased's wife, because he was the real lover of the deceased, and he thought that the deceased was forced to marry his wife and have children, and it turned out that there were other women!

Moreover, the murderer and the deceased's wife cheated on him, which was also arranged by the deceased, in order to be able to divorce his wife and drive her out of the house.

Made, scumbag!

The lawyers of Teruki Kume and Yuanyue have really gained knowledge, what the hell!

In this way, Teruki Kuga decided to cook himself in order to repay Rabbitagawa.

"Pot wrapped meat, soft fried tenderloin, pint cherry meat, sweet and sour pork ribs and West Lake vinegar fish."

Teruki Kume: "..."

Isn't it?"

"What do you think?"

For tonight's menu, Rabbitagawa proposed a halberd duel to Teruki Kuga, and whoever wins listens to whom.

The judges are all members of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association, and this was originally a showdown that was absolutely beneficial to Kuga Teruki, but...

"It's called Northeast Stew!" Rabbit Chuan took the lead in bringing out what he made... Stuff?

Northeast stew, also known as the Great Harvest, is a traditional famous dish in the Northeast region.

Northeast stew does not need any cumbersome craftsmanship, after the meat is simply chopped, the dish is directly torn by hand, what you want to stew and what to stew, and then throw it into the pot, put on the fire on the rack and stew directly, and then add some seasoning according to feeling, and the last fire stew wildly, showing the tolerance, heroism and enthusiasm of Northeast people.

Rabbit Chuan originally wanted to stew the goose in an iron pot, but unfortunately the conditions did not allow, what a pity!

Goose: I thank you, I can die blind.

Judge: "What is this... Northeast stew? Why purple?

Rabbit: "Because I put purple eggplant!"

Judge: "Why is it still bubbling?"

Rabbit Chuan: "Because the stew is going to be stewed on a high fire!"

Judge: "Why is there an octopus in it?"

Rabbit Chuan: "Because stewing is what you want to stew!"

The judge trembled and said, "But it's still alive!!

Rabbit Chuan slapped a spoonful of octopus that accidentally dropped the pot and said, "... This is called Chaoshan raw pickle, and it is called the "poison" that cannot be quit after eating once!

Judge: "Don't you come here!!

Rabbit: "How do you know if it's good or not if you don't eat it?"

Judge: "The main general... Run away..." As

for the outcome of the duel, the corpses were strewn with corpses as far as the eyes of the Yuanyue Academy Chinese Cuisine Research Association could see.

Teruki Kume, who has just made mapo tofu: "... Stay away, away from my kitchen! What do you want to eat, squeak!

Rabbit: "Squeak——! "

At the age of 16, he has experienced too much today.

He realized that not every god's tongue could cook like Erina!

"Let's eat hot pot for dinner today!" Rabbit Chuan remembered his original purpose, he was looking for Kuga Teruki to make a hot pot base.

JiuI Teruki asked, "Sichuan hot pot or Chongqing hot pot?" "

Rabbit Chuan knows that for a long time, I asked whether Sichuan's clear oil hot pot or Chongqing's butter hot pot was a hot pot.

Rabbikawa picked up the fresh matsutake mushrooms and replied, "I want a mushroom soup base." "

Kume Teruki:"..."

"Otherwise... Mandarin duck pot?

"Okay!" For a long time, the Mandarin duck pot is the last bottom line of Sichuan spicy seeds, "Sand tea sauce or sesame oil dish?"

"I want shabu lamb and leek tahini."

"Yes, yes, got it." Kuga Teruki replied weakly, but in the end he chose a spicy hot pot, which is also considered to be his win.

"Do you feel better?" Rabbit Chuan suddenly asked, "That person's death is not your fault. "

“...... Isn't it because of this—" Kume Teruki reacted.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, in case I Zhaoji is hit by a long time and stops cooking and gives up my cooking career, where can he find such a good Chinese cook!

"Just got angry with me?"


He is deliberately comforting Jiu I Zhaoji, hum, the dog bites Lu Dongbin and does not know the good heart!

Rabbit Chuan turned around and picked up the mapo tofu made by Jiu I Teruki and tasted it, and the spicy taste went straight to the brain, and commented: "It's still too spicy!" Kuga

Teruki retorted: "It's obviously delicious, but you can't eat spicy food!"

"Mapo tofu emphasizes the five aspects of spicy, aroma, color, hot and hemp, and these five flavors are the ultimate of Mapo tofu." Rabbit Chuan found a sofa to lie down, "But if you pursue too much spicy taste and ignore the presence of fragrant, it will destroy the wonderful balance of mapo tofu."

"The aroma is not in the match of spices, but in the heat, and only the most appropriate heat can give off the unique aroma of chili peppers."

For a long time, I Teruki's work in his hand did not stop, but his ears pricked up and listened carefully, this kid is quite able to speak!

Rabbit Chuan continued, "And the legendary magic mapo tofu is a six-flavored one. "

The legendary ... Magic Mapo Tofu? "

Kume Teruki stopped what he was doing, and it was clear that mapo tofu was more attractive than hot pot base.

Tuchuan blinked mischievously and said, "This is the recipe of Sichuan Juxia Downstairs special chef, magic mapo tofu, and giant panda magic mapo tofu." "

Bears, pandas?!" Teruki Kume couldn't wait to ask, "What is the sixth taste?" "

Well..." Rabbit Chuan sold a pass and stretched out a finger, "One month's dinner for magic mapo tofu information, one year's dinner for giant panda magic mapo tofu, with God's tongue tasting service!"

I didn't think about it for a long time, and shook Rabbitchuan's shoulder excitedly and said, "I choose the giant panda!!" "

Beautiful! A national treasure is invincible!!

After eating and drinking, it was too late to see the time, and Kuga Teruki invited Rabbitagawa to stay overnight at Engetsu Gakuen.

This local tyrant academy, the dormitory of Yuanyue Shijie turned out to be a single villa!

Wait, Rabbit Chuan remembered, but why did Isshiki, the seventh seat of Shijie, live in the Polar Star Liao?

The next day, Rabbit Chuan wore Yuanyue's school uniform, sneaked to the toilet of the Yuanyue Academy teaching building, walked the realm of Hanako-kun, changed the God Pill school uniform in the realm, and directly appeared in Didan High School.


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