Conan hurriedly ran back to Dr. Agasa's house, only to see that Dr. Agasa's house was brightly lit, but his own home was dark.

Hasn't one, two, three come home yet?

Conan thought for a second and decided to sneak into Dr. Agasa's house first to find out.

He carefully pushed open the door, there was music playing, coffee was brewing, and the computer screen was still on, but he didn't see anyone.

Could it be Dr. Agasa, he has ...

"Dr. Agasa!"

"Oh, it's Shinichi!"

Dr. Agasa came out of the bathroom and saw Conan's hell-stricken expression, full of question marks.

"I just called you why didn't you answer, I thought something happened to you!"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I've been hooked on the Internet lately, so I often occupy the phone line." Dr. Agasa explains.

At this time, the Internet is dialed up with a telephone line, and once the Internet is accessed, the telephone line will be occupied, so the outside phone cannot be called.

"I'm back." Haibara walked in casually.

"Welcome back, little mourning." Dr. Agasa smiled like a kind old grandfather, "How was your day at school?" "

It's pretty fun." Haibara put down his school bag, took out the fashion magazine in his school bag, and sat down on the sofa.

"Huh! Fool me! Conan was exhausted, "Dr. Agasa, so who is she?"

"Don't you know yet? She is an accomplice of the man in black, who took that medicine and became smaller like you. Dr. Agasa said suspiciously, "Didn't she tell you?" Strange, she said she was going to tell you personally?

"She wants to play with me herself, right?"

"Hahaha, maybe it's because Yijun has been teasing her lately, so she wants to tease you too!" Dr. Agasa laughed.

"It's not this what I'm asking..." Conan was stunned for a moment, "By the way, why is there no one in my family?" Where did one, two, three go?

"You ask Ichikun, he went to Yuanyue Academy to find a friend to get the hot pot base, because it was too late, so he stayed there by the way."

"Far Moon Academy?" Conan flipped through his mind twice, and finally remembered that it seemed to be a local tyrant technical school that trained cooks.

That school occupies a whole mountain, the big one is outrageous, if you can climb all day on foot from the school gate at the bottom of the mountain to the school at the top of the mountain, no wonder the old brother can't come back today.

"However, when did One, Two, Three meet the students of Yuanyue?"

Conan quickly shook his head, now is not the time to think about this, what matters now is the woman in front of him.

"Oh, by

the way, I gave her current name, the word 'Gray' comes from the female detective Curtilia Grey's "Gray" (gray), and the word 'mourn' comes from the female detective V· I. Woszywski's 'I'.

"Originally, I wanted to name her "love," but she insisted on using the word "mourn."

"I didn't mean to ask this!" Conan shouted angrily, "I want to ask why she showed up at your house without incident!"

"I was picked up by the Doctor." Haibara replied, "I escaped from the organization and wanted to go to your house to find you, but I accidentally fainted at your door. "

Organization? Escape?

"That's right, I betrayed that organization, and I have always been against the use of medicine on humans, of course, the main reason is that they killed my sister."

"I wanted to commit suicide by taking poison, but I didn't expect to become a child."

"You know what, Kudo Shinichi?" Haibara looked at Conan, "The organization has twice sent searchers to search your home, because you are the only one who took the drug and has not confirmed your death.

Conan panicked, only his brother was at home at home, should he be glad that the organization was not completely eliminated for the time being?

"I had a creepy guess after discovering that your childhood clothes had disappeared, and that was that you may have degenerated into a child."

Conan asked in horror, "That organization already knows I'm getting smaller?!"

"Thank me, I wrote "Confirm Death" on your information." But Haibara changed his tone of voice, "But if they find out that it was me who filled out the report as a betrayer, it is likely that they will be suspicious."

"Similarly, if the organization continues to kill with that poison, there may be a special case like ours."

"Now we are a community of destiny, once the organization discovers my existence, you will be exposed."

Haibara looked at Conan and asked, "Now do you understand?"


was silent, good and bad things had made her say, what else could he say, he couldn't drive her out regardless of it.

"Shinichi." Dr. Agasa reminded in a low voice, "Xiao Wei is a drug developer, and she will definitely be able to make an antidote."

Conan looked at Haihara, who spread his small hands and said, "The information is all in the laboratory, how can I remember the drug ingredients so complicated!"

"Then we'll be in the lab..."

Three days ago, the newspaper was covered with news of the fire at the pharmaceutical company, "The laboratory has been reduced to ashes, and they have always done things without leaving a trace."

Conan also thought of the bar in the Big Black Building that had exploded before his eyes.


"However, I once accidentally mixed three data disks into the magnetic disk I sent to my sister, and now I should be teaching it at her university with my sister's relics."

Conan quickly asked, "Do you know which professor it is?"

"Professor Masami Hirota of Nanyang University."

Conan froze, this name is so familiar!

Can't manage so much, but the night is long and dreamy, Conan decided to go to the professor's house overnight to retrieve the magnetic sheet, who thought that someone would kill people first and take away the magnetic sheet.

Not only Conan had a wonderful time, but also the winery side.

After Shirley fled, Gin Jiu launched a search overnight but found nothing, in order to prevent Shirley from leaking the organization's intelligence, she had to destroy all the strongholds related to Shirley.

This time, the organization lost a lot of money, not only losing one researcher, but also losing several research and development institutions.

"Big brother, we've searched all the places where she might go, but we still can't find anyone."

Vodka didn't have a clue now, he really couldn't figure out how Shirley ran out of that gas chamber was a secret room.

"Have you looked for everything?"

Gin Jiu suddenly remembered a certain little rabbit cub, and immediately denied his idea, Shirley's disappearance was obviously a mouse behind it.

Vodka also thought that it was the inner ghost among them who let Shirley out.

"Big brother, what should I do now?"

"Hehe, if you live to see people, you must see corpses, whether dead or alive, you must find them!"

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