Today Rabbit Chuan slept until he woke up naturally, because today he was going to start his winter vacation.

The winter holiday lasts for two weeks from December 24th to January 8th, which is the Christmas to New Year holiday.

Rabbit Chuan soaked a bowl of instant noodles, I have to say that the instant noodles here are really a must!

It turned out to be genuine, the outer packaging depicted beef, and the inside really had exactly the same beef, because the trademark law stipulates that the graphics and text must match.

Rabbit River solved breakfast ... At lunch, the phone rang.

"Hello? This is Kudo's house. Rabbit Chuan picked up the phone, "New brother?

Rabbit Chuan was speechless, the other side of the phone turned out to be Kudo Shinichi, isn't that Conan?

"Is there something going on?"

"Huh? Don't go!

On the phone, Conan wanted Rabbit Chuan and Morilan to sing karaoke together, and Rabbit Chuan immediately thought of the sad couple.

Because a man is too arrogant, he is actually a mouthful plus a dead man, and finally he is poisoned by his crush!

The end of a typical tsundere to a sick petite.

"What do I like, you ask?"

Rabbit Chuan didn't know what the new brother asked him for this, did he want to give him a Christmas present?

In other words, the new brother hasn't given him a birthday present this year?

Wait, he doesn't seem to have his birthday this year, so he is today... Not yet sixteen years old.

In the end, Rabbit River did not agree to Kudo Shinichi to work as a minor ombudsman at karaoke.

Because Rabbit Chuan remembered that under the influence of this pair of pathetic lovers, tonight the new brother, the tsundere, actually told Miss Xiaolan his love, and also gave Christmas gifts and a pair of blood-red gloves.

Rabbit Chuan complained in his heart, what kind of straight male aesthetic is this, although Miss Xiaolan likes red, but she will not give a pair of blood gloves!

Rabbit River didn't expect that he could hide from Chuichi, he didn't dodge Fifteen, and he was now sitting in Maori Kogoro's car, on his way to Snow Mountain Villa.

"Boom! Something incredible happened!

"Wow! It's amazing, how did you get it, Garden? "

Sonoko Suzuki, sitting in the back, is doing magic for Maori Lan.

"Secret!" Sonoko Suzuki laughed, "I'm going to perform this magic trick at dinner tonight!"

"Because all the people coming to the party tonight are magic fans?"

"Yes, we met in an online chat room, the Magic Lovers Alliance."

"I really didn't expect that even the eldest lady of the Suzuki Foundation would need to make friends online." Maori Kogoro sighed.

"In the information age, the Internet is indispensable." Sonoko Suzuki suggested, "Xiaolan, how about you install a computer at the detective agency?"

"Be cautious when you see netizens, through an invisible network cable, who knows who is on the other side!" Rabbit Chuan complained, "What if I encounter bad guys?

"It won't be a bad person!" Sonoko Suzuki retorted loudly, "I met a wonderful person!"

"Who is that?" Maori Lan asked cooperatively.

Suzuki Sonoko clasped his hands in front of his chest, blushed shyly and looked at the sky and said: "His name is Doi Tucker, 21 years old, he is an elegant speaker, humorous and humorous, and occasionally has some quibbles... He must be a wonderful man! "

Did you meet online too?" Mao Lilan asked suspiciously, "Then you haven't seen him yet?" Tu

Chuan suddenly spoke: "Then you have to be careful, don't see the light and die!"

Suzuki Sonoko and Morilan looked at each other, and then asked, "What does it mean to see the light and die?"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Seeing the light to die means to see the light will die, some beautiful things that exist in fantasy, once they are really set aside in the real environment, they become vulnerable, and all the beauty is gone, which is the gap between fantasy and reality." "

Suzuki Sonoko can hear it, this bastard boy is pouring cold water on her!"

Suzuki Sonoko said angrily: "Hmph! I can feel that Doi Tucker must be a good man, so that he will not see the light and die!

"Huh! Ahem! Conan tried to laugh at the garden twice, but coughed non-stop.

Maori Kogoro stopped the car and complained: "Really, you little ghost, since you have a cold, you lie at home obediently, and you are still wandering around." Rabbit

River came down from the co-pilot, Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko and Conan also came down from the back seat, and then they had to walk through the drawbridge to the villa on the opposite hill.

When passing the suspension bridge, Maori Kogoro suddenly smelled a strange smell and muttered strangely: "Why do I have a strange smell?" "

Ahhhh Conan sneezed, he didn't smell anything because of the cold.

Rabbit River also smelled it, but forget it, it's just a mountain, burn it if you want.

If the bridge is not burned, it is estimated that it will be closed by heavy snow, anyway, as long as you enter the Blizzard Villa, it is impossible for the people inside to get out before the incident is over.

Rabbit Chuan and his group came to the door of the villa, and Suzuki Sonoko asked Rabbit Chuan to knock on the door instead of her, because she used the demon number to chat online, and said that she would bring two girls to play.

Rabbit Chuan knocked on the door, and the one who opened the door was a middle-aged uncle, who asked with a somewhat surprised expression: "You are a disciple of the "Magic Messenger"?"

Rabbit Chuan admitted calmly, "yes, what's the problem?"

The uncle smiled and said, "I thought it would be a girl, but I didn't expect it to be a little boy."

"Small is superfluous!"

"Haha, sorry sorry!" The uncle looked back at the people in the room, "This time everyone guessed wrong." "

It's not counting..." Rabbikawa just wanted to tell the truth, when he suddenly remembered the expectant look in Sonoko's eyes on the road, and asked, "Doi Tucker, is the Red Herring coming?"

"He rested on the second floor." The uncle said just in time to see someone coming down from the second floor, "Oh, look, he came down." A

giant red herring with a sight of about 300 pounds walked towards Rabbit River.

Sonoko Suzuki only glanced at it, and his illusions were completely shattered.

Only then did Rabbit Chuan speak: "Actually, I don't..."

Suzuki Sonoko covered Rabbit's mouth and said fiercely: "No, now you are the disciple of the "Magic Messenger"! "

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