If you ask, what is the most evil opera staged in the most outrageous opera house in the world?

Rabbikawa would reply that it was the "Phantom of the Opera" staged at the Ukashima Opera House.

The Ukashima Opera House is an "opera" inn on an isolated island in Izu, where Kanedaichi experienced four horrific successive murders during his detective career.

Whenever "Phantom of the Opera" is performed on the stage of the opera house, the Phantom in the play will turn into a ghost and take the life of the actor, which is the place where the most people die in Kanedaichiri.

And after each murder, the opera house is rebuilt, as if bidding farewell to the grief of the past and welcoming the birth of another new tragedy with a new look.

"In short, it was a very evil opera house, where the curse of the Phantom of the Opera was circulated, the curse of the karmic fire of hell called revenge." Rabbit Chuan, who happened to come to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes, said.

The hearts of the Twilight Police Department and Matsuda Jinpei both mentioned their throats and eyes, and they swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, how did they feel that the water of this case was very deep!

The Twilight Police Department sighed, no way, who let the Maori brother go to what Sherlock Holmes tour, Kudo brother is also nowhere to be seen, now he can only count on the rabbit river brother!

The Twilight Police Department told Rabbit Chuan and the details of the murder.

Three days ago, in the "Opera House" hotel on the isolated island off the coast of Minami-Izu, there was a horrific series of killings involving four women, all teachers and students from the private Fudo High School Drama Club.

Rabbit Chuan counted in his heart that it was the private Fudo Higher Killer Training Technical School, which was the first case of the manga - the opera house (first) murder, and the play that their drama club was preparing to rehearse was "Phantom of the Opera".

Phantom of the Opera is the writer Caston. Lull's famous horror novel, which was adapted into an opera and brought to the stage.

Underneath the ornate Palais Garnier, a talented but ugly-faced man lives in seclusion, who wears a mask all day and calls himself a ghost.

One day, this ghostly freak falls in love with the beautiful newcomer opera singer Christine, who constantly commits murder to fulfill her wish to become the glittering heroine on stage.

Rabbit Chuan scolded the world consciousness in his heart, even if he loves the lake, that is a disposable item, the opera house on this song island is built and demolished, dismantled and covered, this land can actually be used repeatedly, and four consecutive kills in one breath, what do you want it to do, for energy conservation and environmental protection?

The Twilight Police Department continued: "At the time of the crime, there were eleven travelers on the isolated island, as well as the innkeeper and two employees, a total of fourteen people.

"Eight of the guests were teachers and students from the private Fudo High School Drama Club, four boys and three women, and one music teacher was a consultant teacher of the Drama Club."

"The other three travelers were Hidesaku Yuki, a personal doctor from Yokohama, a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, and a bandaged man wearing a mask calling himself 'Katsuki'."

"Ahem!" Rabbit Chuan spewed out a mouthful of water, "Officer Matsuda, why are you going to Ukajima!" "

I'm going on vacation!" Matsuda Jinpei said helplessly, "I have encountered too many cases recently, I am always working overtime, and I finally have a vacation, I just want to go to a place where no one is, and enjoy a peaceful vacation alone." So

Matsuda put on his backpack, didn't tell anyone, didn't bring the phone, got on a small boat casually, came to a strange island, and came to a walk-and-go trip.

No one wants to find him to work overtime this time, he wants a holiday!

Rabbit Chuan gave a thumbs up, go on vacation to an isolated island, or an isolated island without a signal, cow, what a cow!

When the police department said that there were eight teachers and students from Fudo High School, Rabbikawa knew that there were no Kaneda and Miyuki among them, and was wondering if there would be a sword-wielding police officer, when he heard Matsuda Jinpei's name in the passenger list.

The last time I was sad about Kokudo's new generation for Kazuichi Kaneda, this time the opera house Matsuda Jinpei replaced the sword holding police officer, which is very good, and the relationship between these characters is very reasonable.

"Now the focus is not on me, but on this case." Matsuda Jinpei frowned, "I killed three female high school students and a female teacher in a row for three days, and the murderer's methods were extremely cruel, and he committed the murder in my face, and the behavior was rampant, and I must arrest him immediately."

Rabbit Chuan asked, "So do you see who the murderer is?"

Matsuda Jinpei exhaled deeply and replied, "It's the Phantom of the Opera, and the murderer appears in front of us in the costume of a ghostly weirdo with a mask in the Phantom of the Opera.

"The scene of the crime is an isolated island, the police have searched the island, and there are only people in the hotel on the island, so the murderer can only be among the remaining people." "According to the current evidence, the murderer is likely to be the bandaged man who claimed to be 'Katsuki', and in the entire incident, only he did not have an alibi."

"Rather, none of us travelers except the owner have actually seen this person, and the boss only met this person once on the day he checked into the hotel, after which the person disappeared and disappeared." Matsuda added, "In my opinion, there may not be a person called 'Katsuki', which is probably a trick of the murderer, who wants to blame all the crimes on this person who does not exist."

"It's a real possibility." The Twilight Police Department sighed, "But now there is not much time left for us. "

In the absence of evidence, the police summons must not exceed 24 hours, so by 12 noon tomorrow, the police must release these important references."

"In fact, it can be narrowed down a little further depending on the motive for the killing." Matsuda Jinpei wiped his face, "The murderer's purpose may be to take revenge, in order to avoid the revenge of the original heroine Fuyuko Tsukishima, who committed suicide at the high school drama club. "

Fuyuko Tsukishima, a sophomore at private Fudo High School, has an innate talent for drama and is an optimistic, cheerful and laughing girl.

She is the pillar of the drama club and plays the heroine Christine in "Phantom of the Opera".

However, a month ago, Fuyuko Tsukishima accidentally poured sulfuric acid on her head in a science class, and her face was severely burned, and she committed suicide shortly after.

But before she died, she stood on the roof of the hospital, took off the bandages on her face in front of the members of the drama club who came to visit her, and said it in a clearer and louder voice than usual.

"I am the Phantom of the Opera... It's uglier than you think, isn't it?'

"Although an ominous monster like me is trapped in hell karma, he also yearns for heaven!"

This is the line when the ghost freak is discovered by the heroine.

After that, she jumped down from the rooftop in front of everyone's eyes.

After the crime, when everyone in the hotel was looking for the 'Song Moon', they saw someone writing this sentence in blood on the wall of the Song Moon's room, that is, the sentence "Caught in the fire of hell karma".

Rabbit Chuan looked through the information in his hand, and without the involvement of the detective, the murderer completed his revenge plan, but the plan could not catch up, and he still killed an innocent life.

Because of this flaw, pure and noble revenge turned into a ridiculous murderous drama, and the ugly heart eroded by the karmic fire of hell can never reach heaven.

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