Time was tight and the task was heavy, Rabbit Chuan did not explain much, and directly asked the Twilight Police Department to bring a group of relevant personnel to Song Island, where the dream began.

Blah blah! Nightmare! Absolute nightmare!

When he arrives on the island, Rabbikawa meets Kazuma Kurosawa, the owner of the opera inn, who has a large, visible scar on his left cheek, which makes him look less like a good person.

But in fact, he is a world-class actor who lives here for some purpose, and the breadth and variety of performances are so wide and varied that no one has yet surpassed it, and he has even been called the behind-the-scenes hero who reformed and promoted the development of modern drama.

But before this title, he was just a sad father.

Four years ago, his daughter, also the actor of "Phantom of the Opera" heroine Christine, committed suicide in the island's opera house, which is also the foreshadowing of the next tragedy.

"Hello, Kurosawa-sensei." Rabbit Chuan greeted politely.

A hint of surprise flashed in Kurosawa and Ma's eyes and asked, "Hello, you are?"

Rabbit River replied, "My aunt is Yukiko Fujimine, and I was fortunate enough to see your picture there." "

A person does not appear out of thin air, his appearance must intersect with the world, the same neon world-class actors, also mixed in Hollywood and Broadway, they cannot be without communication.

Sure enough, Kurosawa and Ma nodded as if they were recalling something.

The Twilight Police Department couldn't help but speak, interrupting the exchange between the two, and said, "Brother Rabbitchuan, time!" Time!

Rabbit Chuan patted the shoulder of the Twilight Police Department and said indifferently: "Twilight Police Department, you relax!"

The Twilight Police Department did not dare to be angry or speak, but only dared to mutter: "How to relax!"

"Don't worry, we'll release the people when we get to the point." Rabbit Chuan's voice changed, "But what is the difference between releasing people on this isolated island and not releasing people?" I don't believe it, let's not sail, they can still swim back on their own? Matsuda

Jinpei, who was walking in front, almost slipped and fell when he saw this, when did this little rabbit's personality become so lively, isn't it just playing hooligans?

Rabbit Chuan glared at Matsuda Jinpei, looking at anything, he just wanted to liven up the atmosphere and make a joke.

The Opera Inn, a huge mansion perched on a cliff face, was built on this uninhabited island by a capitalist from the Meiji period, and looks like a European aristocratic courtyard.

It is said that this bourgeoisie loved opera, so he built an opera house next to this villa for himself to enjoy, so he called it an opera hotel.

After that, the isolated island changed owners several times, until it was bought by Kurosawa and Ma ten years ago.

He spent six years renovating it to make it the most suitable stage for the Phantom of the Opera.

Rabbit Chuan led the group to the opera house next to the hotel, and now what he wants to do is repeat the case.

Although reasoning alone can be clarified, this form is still more intuitive.

Rabbit Chuan stood on the stage and said to the people below, "Now please stand according to the position at that time."

"I'll play Officer Matsuda at the time." Then Rabbit Chuan said to several police officers: "Officer Takagi, please play the first victim, Miss Hidaka Orie." "

Officer Shiratori, please play the second victim, Miss Harumi Kiryu."

"Officer Matsuda, you..." Matsuda

Jinpei replied, "I see, it's the third victim, Natsuyo-sensei Ogata."

Rabbit Chuan nodded, Matsuda Jinpei is very good!

Officer Sato also wanted to answer and said, "Then I will play the last victim, Ryoko Saotome."

Rabbit Chuan shook his head and refused: "No, the Twilight Police Department plays the last victim, and Officer Sato you play the murderer." Officer

Sato and Twilight looked at each other, and then returned to where they should be standing.

The remaining few people present were Mitsuhiko Bushiko, a third-year president of the private Fudo High School Drama Club, Yutaka Sendo Club, Ichiro and Yuji Arimori, the personal doctor, Hidesaku Yuki, and the innkeeper, Kazuma Kurosawa.

And the whereabouts of the strange man 'Katsuki' with his face bandaged are still unknown, but Rabbit Chuan knows that this person does not exist.

At this time, the male protagonist Busch classmate is playing against Officer Takagi who plays Hidaka's classmate on stage.

Officer Takagi was sweating profusely and wanted to cry without tears, why did he play an opera actress in front of his colleagues and suspects!

Officer Shiratori and Twilight Police Department are also standing on the stage, let's not laugh at anyone.

Rabbit Chuan shouted below: "Officer Takagi, line lines, say lines!" "

Officer Takagi was dumbfounded, what lines are coming?

The male protagonist Busch reminded in a low voice: "It's time to scream."

Officer Takagi exclaimed, "Ah——!

Rabbit Chuan shouted: "Card! Okay, time is urgent, let's move on to the next scene. Matsuda

Jinpei looked at Rabbit Chuan, who was more like a consultant teacher than him, in other words, isn't this little rabbit cub playing him Matsuda Jinpei? He remembered sleeping in his room, right?

Rabbit Chuan looked at the transcript in his hand and concluded: "After that, because Saotome played a big name, everyone dispersed, returned to their rooms, and waited until dinner time to meet in the restaurant, the seats in the restaurant were fixed with name tags on it, and everyone was seated in an orderly manner, and only Hidaka-san was late at this time.

"During this period, no one has a clear alibi, which means that everyone has the opportunity to set up murderous tricks."

Everyone present exclaimed, "What murderous trick?

Rabbit Chuan ignored several people's inquiries and continued, "You heard Hidaka-san's screams in the cafeteria, and then looked for Hidaka-san separately, and there was no alibi during this time.

"After searching for a while, the opening bell of the opera house suddenly rang, and when you all rushed to the theater, you saw that Hidaka-san on the stage had died tragically under hundreds of kilograms of lights!"

"The murderer cut the wire of the chandelier according to the murderous method of the phantom in "Phantom of the Opera", so that the stage lamp fell on the actress."

"That bell was like the opening bell of this horrific tragedy, and it also set the curtain on the successive killings that followed."

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