Since Kuma-da and Kumaji's hills were too remote, Dr. Agasa and Rabbikawa walked back to the campsite with their mobile phones, and they were barely able to get through.

Conan and the Young Detective Team finally found the real treasure chest after many difficulties.

Several children gathered around and opened the treasure chest expectantly, only to see a worn-out scroll.

"Eh, is this a treasure?"

The three little ones of the juvenile detective team were a little disappointed, compared with the jewelry they saw before, this contrast is too big, right?

Conan opens the scroll and discovers that it is a letter addressed to adventurers, and what he experiences along the way is truly priceless.

Conan recalled what happened along the way, they crossed the bridge and collapsed, encountered snakes when climbing the hill, and then jumped into the river and got wet, that's all, and finally encountered robbers, this... It's a bit of an out-of-the-box adventure for kids, right?

Conan recalled the treasure hunt, at first he did not take this treasure hunt in his eyes, but the process was really happy, even if he is 17 years old this year, he will not feel tired of several times like this.


Conan noticed the final signature, the way K was written, the tail was a little upturned when it was written K, it was his father's unique writing, it turned out that this letter was written by his father, the date was 18 years ago.

"Ah! This is the name of Brother Rabbitikawa ! Ayumi said in surprise.

"Huh?" Conan saw below and it did say HIFUMI.U.

Conan rounded his eyes, when did this kid come?

Conan took a closer look, the date written next to the name is still today, so this kid came to find treasure secretly?

Not only walked ahead of them, but also avoided the bandit duo, hehe, what a stroke of luck!

No, they didn't take the same road at all, he and the juvenile detective team followed the guide of the map to go around the mountains, and Rabbit River reached their destination directly at two points.

Conan smiled, why did he suddenly feel that this priceless treasure was not fragrant.

"Where, where?" Motata squeezed over, "Where is it!"

Ayumi pointed to the name on the paper and said, "That's this HIFUMI!"

"But isn't Brother Rabbitchuan's name one, two, three?" Yuan Tai was puzzled.

Mitsuhiko explains, "Numbers as names can be pronounced in other ways, such as one, two, three as hifumi, and ninety-nine as sukumo.

"So that's it." Yuan Tai understood, "However, where is Brother Rabbit Chuan now?" "

I'm here!"

"It's Brother Rabbitchuan!"

Rabbit Chuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone, followed by Dr. Agasa and the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department Search Class.

Several children excitedly gathered around and told Rabbikawa and Dr. Agasa about their amazing treasure hunting experience, while Conan took the opportunity to quietly write his name SHINICHI.K on a piece of paper and put it back in its original place for future destined people.

At this point, the treasure hunt came to a successful end, and the jewelry robbery was solved, and the police arrested the two robbers who Conan kicked unconscious and interrogated the truth of the incident from their mouths.

It turned out that one of their accomplices died unexpectedly, and they did not know the specific location of the treasure, but only found a treasure map hiding the stolen goods.

The treasure map was created by the accomplice based on the treasure map from the unpublished novel stolen from Yusaku Kudo.

Later, the police also found the original unpublished novel of Yusaku Kudo from the residence of the robber's accomplice, and returned it to the Kudo family.

Rabbikawa opened the first page of the original manuscript, and the three words for his son on the first line were crossed out, and the next line was written to my son Shinichi, which is a father's expectation and sincere love for his son.

Rabbit River did not continue to flip through, this original manuscript, like that treasure, was a gift that had been waiting for Kudo Shinichi for eighteen years, and Shinichigo must be looking forward to this gift now.

Rabbikawa sends the original novel to Dr. Agasa's house and asks him to pass it on to Kudo Shinichi.

To ask, why did Rabbit River give the original manuscript to Agasa?

Because Rabbitagawa heard that Dr. Agasa always sees Shinichi Kudo.

So the question arises again, why do Rabbit Chuan and Sister Xiaolan always fail to see people?

"Haha, well... Maybe it's because I've been at home all the time, and you have to go to school every day! Dr. Agasa thought he could fool around a little longer.


home, Rabbit called Yusaku Kudo, who was far away in Los Angeles, to tell him the good news.

"In other words, Uncle Yusaku, you won't lose other manuscripts, will you?" Rabbit Chuan teased, "If there is a next time, maybe it will not be such a simple case as hiding stolen goods!" "

'Haha, well...' Just by listening to the voice, I could hear Kudo's embarrassment on the phone, 'By the way, how are you and Shinichi doing lately?'

"I'm okay, I've been going to school well lately, eating on time, going to bed on time, as for the new brother..."

Rabbit Chuan thought for a while and decided to reveal a little news to Kudo Yusaku, after all, after such a long time, it feels like half a month, and it is time to make a small report to the parents and complain about the irresponsible brother who ran away from home.

"He seems to have a difficult case, I have been back here for so long, and I have only met him once in a hurry so far."

"This way." The other side of the phone was silent for a while and said, "Then let's go back in two days."

"Huh? When will you be back? Will my aunt come back with me too? Rabbit Chuan remembered the episode where these two pit children.

"When you see the first snow in winter, we will go back and spend Christmas and Spring Festival together by the way."

Wait, which winter? Which Christmas? Which Spring Festival?

Rabbit Chuan barely held back and didn't ask these words.

"Okay..." "

Don't tell Shinichi in advance, we want to surprise him." Kudo Yukiko grabbed the phone and said, "Also, they all said don't call me aunt, they all called me old."

Rabbit Chuan hung up the phone and shook his head, this couple has really been playing for eighteen years, concentrating on their love pit son!

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