Cassiopeia is a constellation comparable to the Big Dipper, in which there are at least a hundred stars that can be seen with the naked eye, and the brightest five stars β, α, γ, δ and ε form the shape of the English letter "W", which is the most prominent symbol of Cassiopeia.

"The stone pillar representing the constellation Cassiopeia is the stone of heaven, and the "W" of the Cassiopeia constellation and the Big Dipper of the major constellation are far away from the North Star, then the water of the sky is the Big Dipper, the junction of the water of the sky and the stone of the sky is naturally the North Star, and the treasure hiding place is the location of the North Star.

"The way to find the North Star is very simple, just connect the midpoint of the δ star and the ε with the γ star, which is the central axis of the "W", extend about ten times the distance to the north, and you can find the North Star." "

Rabbit Chuan peeled off the grass and carefully walked to the five stone pillars, comparing the orientation, unlike the real Cassia constellation, these five stone pillars were arranged very neatly, and it was easy to calculate the orientation of the North Star.

Rabbit Chuan walked forward in the grass, carefully taking his cane to test the path under his feet, he remembered that there was a large stone in the position of the North Star, pay attention to the foot, and not be careless like a child to trip over the stone under his feet.

This land retains the breath of the father of the Grim Reaper elementary school student, buried the mysterious file he gave to the Grim Reaper elementary schoolboy, and has been sealed for 18 years, waiting for the arrival of that successor.

So don't talk about monsters in this land, you can't even see a rabbit, no wonder this grass can grow so tall.

Walking to the same position, Rabbit Chuan felt the cane hit a large stone, and looked down to see that it was a round stone about the size of a face, and there was a letter P engraved on it, that is, the initials of the North Star English polaris, which should be this.

"Dr. Agasa, look I found the North Star!" Rabbit Chuan happily beckoned to Dr. Ali and shouted.

Rabbit Chuan continues to walk forward, as long as he takes 5 steps forward, no, that's the number of steps of a child, in other words, he can find the treasure hiding place by walking 4 steps.

"Yijun, wait for me!" Dr. Agasa quickly ran over, the treasure hiding place was a big hole, this kid had bad legs and feet, and it would be bad if he accidentally fell down.

Rabbitagawa stopped after taking four steps, and Dr. Agasa sighed in relief, fortunately the kid was much more cautious than Shinichi.

Although Rabbit Chuan has always been cautious, but this time it is really not, he even feels a little puzzled, is it that he went in the wrong direction, shouldn't he, why didn't he find the cave entrance?

Dr. Agasa rushed over in three and two steps, panting and stopping beside Rabbitakawa breathlessly.

Taking a deep breath and straightening his waist, Dr. Agasa took a solemn step forward, and saw the ground under his feet slowly collapse, and suddenly a row of stairs under his feet led to the invisible depths of the underground.

"Ahem!" Dr. Agasa cleared his throat, and God mysteriously said to Rabbitikawa "Next..." Rabbit

Chuan answered, "It's the moment to witness a miracle." "

Before Rabbit Chuan lights a candle and enters this deserted underground cave, it is best to do a lighting experiment to ensure that nothing is lost.

The madness of a new father you can't imagine, worthy of being the world's top mystery novelist, there are so many tricks, the child has not yet been born to dig such a big hole for him.

Rabbit River looked into the distance, there was no end in sight, he already had a picture in his mind, Uncle Yusaku was so excited that he couldn't extricate himself after learning that Aunt Yukiko had the crystallization of their love, carrying a shovel to the wild mountains to dig a hole overnight.

Whenever you feel uncomfortable, come and dig a little, and try to dig an underground maze before the baby is born.

Rabbit Chuan walked quickly to the bottom and shouted to Dr. Agasa, who was grinding behind him: "Dr. Agasa, hurry down, let's see the real treasure!"

"Wait for me!"

Dr. Agasa struggled to walk on the stone steps, did he really get to the point where he needed to lose weight?

Dr. Agasa walked up to Rabbitikawa and asked, "Why don't you move forward?"

"I've found it!" Rabbit Chuan pointed to his feet, "A real treasure!" "

Dr. Agasa felt strange, isn't the treasure supposed to be in the innermost part?

He took a flashlight and looked down, and he saw Rabbit Chuan next to a large handbag.

Strange, didn't Yusaku say to hide his treasure in a treasure chest? How come there's a handbag here! Could it be some other clue?

In the dim cave, Dr. Agasa did not see Rabbit Chuan's mischievous smile, and Rabbit Chuan pulled open the handbag, and the pearlescent treasure directly blinded Dr. Agasa's eyes.

Dr. Agasa was stunned!

"This, this, this?!"

"Pearl necklaces, gold crowns and precious stones!" Rabbit Chuan cheered, "Such a big deal, Uncle Yusaku is really generous!" "

Ah, this..." Dr. Agasa's brain load was completely inoperable, "So is Yusaku so rich?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible!" Rabbit Chuan laughed, it seemed that Dr. Agasa was really scared stupid.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the handbag and said, "This handbag is a popular style in recent years, I think someone else put it here, such as the person who got the original manuscript of the novel that has not been found so far, and also the prisoner of a jewelry robbery." "

Jewelry robbery?!" This reversal is a bit big, and Dr. Agasa's brain can't turn around.

"There is no pie in the sky, and it is impossible to have such a large bag of jewelry here for no reason."

Rabbit Chuan returned the handbag to its original state, which is Conan's weapon to kick the flying robbers, and he can't take it away yet.

"Anyway, let's go to the police first!" Rabbit Chuan suggested, "If it is confirmed that it is stolen goods, maybe you can retrieve the precious original novel manuscript of Uncle Yusaku!" "

Dr. Agasa is also a person who has seen the world with the Kudo family, and soon returns to normal.

"Are you so sure it's stolen?" Dr. Agasa took out his mobile phone, but unfortunately there was no signal here.

"Of course, it would be nice if it wasn't stolen goods!" Rabbit Chuan said excitedly, "Then this is the treasure I found in the treasure cave, naturally all belong to me!" By the way, the meeting is divided into half, and there is also Dr. Agasa's share. "

Dr. Agasa is crying and laughing, this kid is really optimistic!

"There is no signal below, I will go up and call the police." Dr. Agasa asked, "Do you want to go up together?"

Rabbit Chuan glanced back, thought for a moment, and said, "Dr. Agasa, you go up first, I'll go up later." "


Dr. Agasa returns to the ground from the stone staircase, and Rabbikawa picks up the candlestick and continues walking deep into the cave until he finds the real treasure chest in this treasure cave.

Rabbit River carefully opens the treasure chest, where a mysterious scroll sleeps.

In the scroll, the predecessors told the descendants the life principles of the treasure hunt, and the hardships and dangers experienced on the way to the treasure hunt are the priceless treasures of legend, and they want to pass it on to future generations who find this treasure.

Rabbit Chuan is not interested in these hardcore chicken soups, and he does not encounter difficulties and dangers, he directly looks at the bottom drop, YUSAKU. K。

Why did Conan see that YUSAKU did not realize that this is his father's name, which is obviously Yusaku's romanization, but saw K's unique writing before realizing that this was his father.

Rabbit Chuan took out a pen, learned Conan to sign it, wrote HIFUMI.U and today's date on a roll of paper, and then restored the treasure chest to its original state.

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to Conan seeing this surprise!"

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