After arriving at the campsite, Dr. Agasa pointed to the treasure map and said, "You see, where we are now, the White Bone Tree.

Rabbit River glanced at the surrounding scenery, and not far from them there was a very personality-looking white dead wood, the hollow trunk of which looked like a grimace wailing in pain.

Well? A bit like the tree next to Big Big Wolf's house, is this treasure map a map leading to Wolf Castle?

Dr. Agasa pointed to the next place and said to the juvenile detective team, "Okay, let's start with this London wooden bridge as your destination!" "Good


The three little ones excitedly pulled the reluctant Conan together to go in search of treasure... Doesn't it feel like this plot is a little familiar?

The juvenile detective team is hunting for treasure with a treasure map and accidentally encounters two jewelry robbers, the leader of which dies, leaving only a treasure map of hidden jewelry.

The robber of the treasure hunt and the young detective group of the treasure hunt met by chance, and the robbers who could not read the treasure map saw that these children had flexible brains, and decided to follow them to pick up leaks... Isn't this plot more familiar?

The Italian bandit group, which has experienced the joy of picking up leaks, also thought so before entering the game.

Sending off the energetic group of juvenile detectives, Dr. Agasa and Rabbit River start their own camping project.

Rabbit Chuan lying on a recliner basking in the sun, dead vines and old trees faint, no, breathing the fresh oxygen of the natural oxygen bar of the forest, the body and mind are comfortable to drowsiness.

Dr. Agasa sat by the river and fished comfortably, and after fishing for half a day without catching a fish, he caught a familiar straw hat.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the straw hat and said in surprise, "Isn't this Ayumi's straw hat?"

"It looks like so." Dr. Agasa took the straw hat off the hook and put it away, protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility, and said with some concern, "I wonder now, is it too dangerous to let those children go treasure hunting alone?"

"Dr. Agasa, you wouldn't just think about it now, would you?"

"Haha, I'm also too anxious, I want him to integrate into the new group, but there is a new..." Dr. Agasa quickly changed his words, "It must be no problem to have Conan here!"

"Hehe..." Yes

, the wild survival skills learned by the Hawaii Technical School, the scavenger hunt played by children is naturally not a problem, but the problem is that they find the thief's den when they search.

"Why don't we go to the finish line and wait for them first?" Rabbit Chuan suggested, "Just surprise them." "

Let them have surprises and joys, and vice versa, there are no surprises and joys."

"Huh?" Dr. Agasa looked at Rabbit River in surprise, "Do you already know where the end is?"

"I don't know, but Dr. Agasa, don't you know?" Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not that naïve 6-year-old child, you can't fool me."

Dr. Agasa laughed dryly twice, and in the face of Rabbit Chuan's eyes, he had to admit defeat and said, "Okay, then let's go to the finish line and wait for them first!" Rabbit

River and Dr. Agasa walked down the river to the so-called London Wooden Bridge, and saw this weathered wooden bridge, just like the nursery rhyme.

London Bridge collapsed ~ collapsed

~ collapsed ~ "Huh? How so?! Dr. Agasa was startled and quickly lay on the shore to see if there were any children falling in the river below.

Rabbit Chuan pulled the broken rope up, carefully observed the broken traces of the wooden bridge, and came to the conclusion: "This wooden bridge has fallen into disrepair, and the rope and wood will not break until they are old, but they should have reached the other bank safely, otherwise we would not have caught more than just hats in the lower reaches of the river."

Dr. Agasa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, that's good."

Rabbit Chuan asked in amazement, "I said Dr. Agasa, you must have confirmed the route to the treasure point in advance, right?"

"Uh... Well... Ha ha! Dr. Agasa quickly changed the subject, pointed ahead, and said, "Actually, the shallower the river goes, and we can cross the river by stepping on stones as we go up."

Rabbit Chuan smiled, this is a treasure map from 18 years ago, and I haven't confirmed what it has become now, so I took it to a few children to play, which is really big.

On the way, Dr. Agasa tells the story behind the treasure map to Rabbitakawa who is saddened by what happened to his uncle.

The thief who stole the original novel manuscript is also a fan of Kudo Yusaku, and the work originally written with the expectation of a newborn was not only stolen by thieves, but also used by robbers to hide stolen goods, and the most important thing is that the stolen novel is easy to have copyright disputes, and it is really sad that it is difficult to write but cannot be published.

Especially this kind of thing is not once or twice, this time he was used to help hide stolen goods with stolen novels, and next time he used the murderous method in the stolen novel to kill people, how many novels was stolen by Uncle Yusaku!

Rabbikawa and Dr. Agasa skip the treasure hunt and overtake Conan to their way to the final treasure hiding site, which is the hill marked on the map for the big bear and the little bear.

Dr. Agasa was completely dumbfounded, the grass here grew so luxuriantly, it almost drowned the children around him.

"Dr. Agasa, where is that treasure?"

Rabbit Chuan pulled the grass apart, this grass is almost growing to his waist, and when Conan's few little ones come later, they can bury them directly.

"Well," Dr. Agasa wiped his sweat, "In the past, this was a wasteland, and your uncle put wood and stones here to mark it, but now..." "

So where is the treasure hidden?" Rabbit Chuan asked, "Even if the wasteland becomes a grassland, there should always be some clues, right?" "

The location of the treasure is from the junction of the water of the sky and the stone of the sky, and the place where you take another 5 steps forward." Dr. Agasa, an old urchin, is still selling Guanzi with Rabbitagawa now.

Rabbit Chuan had to cooperate with him to complete a reasoning, saying: "The water of heaven and the stone of heaven are both things in the sky, and it is easy to think of the stars in the sky, and it just so happens that this hill is called "the hill of the big bear and the little bear" in the treasure map, suggesting the Big Dipper of the constellation Ursa Major and the North Star of the constellation Ursa Minor.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the five stone pillars standing tall in the grass and said, "Since it is a constellation, it is obvious that the five W-shaped stone pillars represent the constellation of the Cassia Queen." Dr

. Agasa was stunned, and even noticed these small details, one, two, three is really powerful!

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