On the way

back, Rabbit Chuan smiled and watched Conan hide behind with Mao Lilan's thighs all the way, carefully avoiding the sight of Concubine Yingli, like a little corgi, which was really funny.

Conan could feel his brother's ridicule, but he couldn't help it!

Because every time I played with Xiaolan when I was a child, when I came back, this aunt would be angry and scold them to the point of blood, so his body would naturally have a rejection reaction.

Mao Lilan was still there to persuade Concubine Yingli to go home, but it was clear that what she did was useless, and her father was still dragging his feet.

As a few people passed by the mall, the TV in the closet of the Maori Development Store was playing last night's show, yes, the Maori Uncle's show.

Finally finding one of his father's advantages, Mao Lilan happily pointed to the TV and said: "Mom, look, Dad is really working hard now!" "

Concubine Yingli looked over, and the program happened to be broadcast to a certain link.

"What? You ask my wife? Leave her alone, we're separating, hehe, let's have a warm night tonight! Aha!'

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but cover his face, how to say that popular saying, chase his wife crematorium, chase what to chase, uncle such can be buried directly.

"Uh, mom, this is a misunderstanding, haha..." Mao Lilan couldn't laugh, holding Concubine Ying and clenching her fists, bastard dad, you wait for me!

"Aa Maori Kogoro, who was alone in the detective agency, was awakened by his own sneeze, "Xiaoran, where is dinner?"

"Hmph! It doesn't look like it's time for me to go back. Concubine Yingli held back her anger and turned away directly, not forgetting to explain to her daughter when she left, "You yourself have to be careful with that childhood sweetheart detective, don't meet him if you have nothing to do, there will be no good results!" "

Conan eats melons and eats himself, people watch from the side, woe comes from heaven, Uncle Maori is wrong, what is the matter with him Kudo Shinichi!"

"Conan, what's wrong with you?" Rabbit Chuan touched Conan's little head melon, touching the hair and frightened, "Oh, isn't it that the concubine lawyer doesn't let Sister Xiaolan not meet with the new brother, how old is it, anyway, the new brother doesn't come back, and I can't see it if I want to!"

Conan reacted dumbfoundedly, yes, what does this Kudo Shinichi matter have to do with him Conan!

He Conan can meet with Xiaolan every day, that fierce aunt can't care about him Conan, he!

Rabbit Chuan feels itchy hands, no wonder Maori couples like to knock Conan's head, this kid is really beaten sometimes!

Question, why do you think Conan is on vacation every day?

Answer, because the campus life is omitted, after all, this is the reasoning fan is not the campus fan, so today is still a beautiful holiday.

Early in the morning, Dr. Agasa packed Rabbit River and four children into the car, driving his beloved Beetle bumpy on a rough mountain road.

Ayumi asked excitedly, "Dr. Agasa, is this really a treasure map?"

"Yes, of course it's true!" Dr. Agasa replied as he drove.

"So say, so say!" Mitsuhiko's eyes lit up with excitement to the point of inarticulateness, "Then there are really treasures in this world!"

"You won't know this until you find it yourself!" Dr. Agasa sold a deal.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find the treasure!" Little fat Mota clenched his fists and vowed.

"I'll find it too!"

"Me too!"

The children gathered around the treasure map in Yuantai's hand, chattering hotly.

And Rabbit Chuan just wants to go home and sleep, hey, hey, he's not a 6-year-old child, why should he go treasure hunting with children!

There is not only Rabbit Chuan who is awake in the world, but also Conan who is squeezed in the corner by three children.

Conan lay behind Dr. Agasa's seat and asked, "Doctor, where did your strange map come from?"

"Do you want to know?" Dr. Agasa gave Conan a treacherous smile and was waiting for Conan to ask him.

Conan retreated to his seat and snorted, "You won't tell the truth anyway."

"Eighty percent is it turned over in which horn." Rabbit Chuan complained, "Otherwise, the grandfather on the side of the road saw Dr. Agasa's bones and sold them for 10 yuan a tear."

"What's that?" Awesome, huh? The three little ones were undiminished, and they didn't understand the deep meaning of Rabbit Chuan at all.

"Haha..." Conan understood the voice, feeling that this treasure map was even more unreliable.

It doesn't matter how the treasure map came about, even if it is a treasure map with 9 pieces of 9 free mail on the Internet, as long as it is handed over to the young detective team by Dr. Agasa's hand, you will definitely be able to find the treasure.

The treasure map this time was by Yusaku Kudo, a treasure map in Kudo's novel that Yusaku failed to publish, and a gift from him to his son, who was not born at the time.

The novel was stolen by a thief after the manuscript was completed, and the police caught the thief but did not find the original manuscript, which inevitably caused a dispute, and Kudo Yusaku gave up publishing, and the original manuscript was turned around several times and finally reached the hands of a jewelry robber.

There is no treasure in this world, and if there are more robbers, there will naturally be treasure, so don't take bean bags and dry food, the jewelry and gold bars you snatched are also treasures.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and encouraged the three little ones behind him: "That is to say, you will definitely find the treasure, come on!"

"Okay, Brother Rabbit-Chuan!" The three little ones patted their chests and assured, "We will definitely find the treasure!" "

Haha..." Conan's heart was even more bottomless, but, "Brother Rabbit Chuan and we don't go together?"

"Don't go!" Rabbit Chuan firmly refused, so he didn't want to fight with the bandits, it was too hard, "Dr. Agasa and I camped and fished by the river, and then prepared dinner for you."

Conan asked uncertainly, "Uh... Brother Rabbit River is responsible for cooking?

Rabbit Chuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Conan was silent, remembering his brother's daily life and past achievements when he was blacked out by the home economics teacher.

For example, cut off the knife when cutting cucumbers.

Rabbit Chuan wants to shoot a cucumber, who would have thought that such an expensive knife would be so brittle that even a cucumber could not be photographed.

For example, pour half a pot of oil directly into the pot, sparks splash into the oil pan, flames rush to the roof, the fire alarm goes off, and the fire brigade comes.

That time was an accident, who doesn't pour half a pot of oil when frying things, doesn't it just want to fry two fried sticks!

Compared with the above, the soy sauce lid turned over when pouring soy sauce, directly poured into the dish a bottle of soy sauce, accidentally threw the egg in the trash when beating the egg, and then threw the eggshell into the pot, forgot to put water or turn on the fire when stewing rice, these are small things.

And the most important thing is that even if there are no mistakes in the process, the things made are still not serious meals, colorful and exude a strange atmosphere, eating it will definitely die!

No, no, Rabbit Chuan will never back the pot, don't wronged him, this is definitely a special effect of the world of another dimension, what he makes just doesn't look good, it's a little bit difficult to eat, and it will definitely not die!

Kudo Shinichi admitted, yes, yes, yes, but he felt that if he ate it, he would see the scenery of heaven and hell.

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