Matsuda Jinpei picked up the curved trademark iron piece and said to the Twilight Police Department: "Twilight Police Department, if you look at this iron piece, it is obviously subjected to the force from the inside out, and it will appear to be curved outward.

"So I think the bomb was not pressed on the bathroom door, but in this black briefcase, and then taken to the bathroom by the deceased."

The police department followed Matsuda's words and analyzed: "If the deceased is taken into the bathroom by the deceased in a briefcase, then the prisoner is not a random homicide.

Matsuda speculated: "Yes, this may have been a premeditated murder.

This coincided with Conan's thoughts, but Conan thought further, because Conan knew the true identity of the deceased, and he was likely to be killed by his trading partner.

But such an idea made Conan's reasoning fall into a misunderstanding.

With Matsuda in his presence, Conan quickly gets useful information from the counter lady at the storage office and shares it with the police.

The counter lady at the storage office said: "There is indeed a tall man in black who deposited a black briefcase and quickly took it.

"So did anyone else come and take the black briefcase?" Conan asked.

The counter lady replied, "No.

Conan, who got the answer, was happy in his heart and happy on his face.

Great, that means that the trading partner has not taken the trading items, the clues of that organization have not been broken, and he still has a chance!

Matsuda Jinpei did not understand the excitement of Conan's children, and said: "However, this is only to know that there is indeed such a tall man in black who stored a black briefcase at the counter, and then quickly took it himself, could it be that he blew himself up?"

Conan wanted to tell Matsuda Jinpei that it was because the deceased and the trading partner exchanged number plates, but seeing Matsuda Jinpei dressed in a black suit, he subconsciously swallowed the words back.

At this time, Conan remembered Miss Masami Hirota's words before she died, the organization was black, and the people in the organization were wearing black suits and black sunglasses, could this person in front of him too...

"Conan, Officer Matsuda, so you are here!"

Conan looked back at Rabbitagawa and wanted to stop Rabbikawa from walking towards the suspicious Matsuda Jinpei, but when he heard Rabbit Chuan call Officer Matsuda Jinpei, he let his guard down again.

Yes, Matsuda Jinpei is a police officer, how can it be the bad guy of that organization!

Now hurry up and tell the police officer what you know, and then take out that evil organization!

As soon as Conan was about to speak, he heard Mao Lilan shout: "Conan, really, where did you just run?" I'm worried to death!

"Sister Xiaolan? You wait for me, I'll be right back.

Conan shouted to Mao Lilan and was about to run, Mao Lilan grabbed Conan's arm and said in surprise: "Conan, why is your face hurt?" Mao

Lilan took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and the two number plates fell to the ground, Conan saw the number plates of No. 96 and No. 100, and then remembered that the number plate of the man in black to take the box was No. 98, which means that the trading object of the man in black was the three people who cut the queue.

Rabbit Chuan also took out his own number plate, which was the number 101 behind Maori Lan.

At this time, the police department gathered everyone in the hall, and the police began to carry out the investigation.

Tuchuan walked over to the Twilight Police Department and said, "I remember that the number plate of the big man in black who took the box was No. 98, which should be the third person in front of me." "

Huh?" The Twilight Police Department asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, why didn't I hear you say it just now?"

Tuchuan said in a complaining tone: "That is to say, it is obviously the person in front of me, but I don't have any impression, because when I was in line, it was not this big man in black who got number 98 in front of me."

Rabbit Chuan slowly looked at the trio of the R&D Department of Mantendo and said, "It's the three of you, Hideaki Nakajima, Kōji Ueda, and Yushin Takeshita, one of you who handed over the number plate of the black briefcase containing the bomb to the big man in black!"


The Twilight Police Department is unbelievable, a case that was originally identified as an indiscriminate crime, so simply circled the suspect, Rabbit Chuan brother, really Rabbit Chuan brother!

Conan was also stunned, has this kid just seen the scene? Just wander around outside and know the truth?

The three people identified by Rabbit Chuan naturally began to explain in a panic that they were innocent!

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Then can you please take out your number plate?" The

three were stunned and did not move.

"The three of you suddenly cut in front of Sister Xiaolan when you were in line, this matter is not only me and Sister Xiaolan, even your president is very clear, this is an indisputable fact."

Rabbit Chuan looked at President Ishikawa, who nodded in agreement, he did see these three people cut in line, and criticized the three of them fiercely.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "From this, it can be inferred that I am No. 101, Miss Xiaolan is No. 100, and the three of you can only be No. 97, No. 98 and No. 99, but the three of you are storing the same briefcase at the same time, so I can't tell which one is No. 98 now."

"But if any of the three of you now take out the number plates of Nos. 97 and No. 99, it is clear that the person left is the one who handed the bomb to the big man in black."

Hearing Rabbit Chuan's words, soon two people took out the number plate, the arrogant Mitsuji Ueda took out the number 97, the honest Takeshita Yushin took out the number 99, only Hideaki Nakajima put his hand in his pocket, sweating profusely, and couldn't take out the number plate.

The police department stepped forward and said solemnly, "Mr. Nakajima, can you please cooperate with our investigation?"

Nakajima took a step back and shouted almost collapsed, "It's not me!" I really don't! I didn't give the bomb to that person!

The police department scolded, "Please cooperate with our investigation!"

Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori blocked Hideaki Nakajima's retreat, and the cornered Hideaki Nakajima had to hand over his number plate of number 124.

"But mine really didn't put a bomb in my briefcase!" Seeing that he was about to be charged with homicide, Nakajima had no choice but to say, "The briefcase I gave him contains documents, but this is not a trade secret stolen from the company, but a personal compilation of information." I just want to exchange information for money, there is no need to kill him! "

Exchange information for money? Conan's face changed, yes, there is no need to kill people and kill people in his own company, but also choose to kill people in his own company!

Could it be that their reasoning is in the wrong direction!

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