Twilight opened the letter, and on the paper was printed words cut from the newspaper, it was clear that it was a threatening letter.

"Cancel this presentation, otherwise Hugh blames me for unscrupulous means." The police department shouted fiercely, "Why didn't you call the police when you received the letter, this is obviously a threatening letter!"

"I thought it was just a prank, after all, we were just ordinary video game companies, and we didn't offend anyone." President Ishikawa of the Heavenly Company shrunk his neck in fear, he really couldn't figure out why such a tragedy could happen to them, a company that made happiness.

Rabbit Chuan couldn't figure out why a happy video game developer could create such a violent bomb with his bare hands, not only blowing people to pieces, but even blowing up cars parked on the side of the road outside a wall.

This made Emperor Moriya, who stole the Oriental Powder Depot with great fanfare in order to blow up the building, embarrassed.

It's a pity that Gin Jiu's car didn't stop there when it exploded, otherwise this passerby could have accomplished something that some ace undercover agents have never achieved, and real wine has been killed three times in a row.

According to the original development of the incident, after solving the incident, Conan learned the trading location of the Black Organization, and when he rushed to the organization's stronghold, he happened to encounter an explosion.

It seems that immediately after Tequila's death, the organization withdrew and destroyed the stronghold, which suggests that Gin and Vodka were probably nearby and witnessed the whole process.

So why is gin around here?

An idea flashed in Rabbit Chuan's mind, could this be a fake bar?

Oh ma, that's a big loss, this fake wine is all model workers in wine, conscientiously and out of their own pockets to add bricks to the winery, in addition to not being loyal enough is much stronger than those real wines that touch fish.

In fact, outside the Mihua building, there is indeed a Porsche 356A parked.

"I see." Vodka hung up the phone, turned to Gin Jiu and reported, "Big brother, Tequila has already obtained the information, and will go to the old place to meet us before the evening."

Gin Jiu was silent, and he had just heard a familiar voice from Tequila's phone, like the voice of some cub.

Although Gin Jiu did not hear him speak in person, the voice after the recording was more similar to the voice coming from the phone.

Gin Jiu asked, "What happened to the tequila just now?"

Vodka replied, "Tequila said a imp dropped change on the ground." "

Little ghost?"

Gin Jiu thought to himself, this little ghost can't really be that little rabbit cub, right?

And at this moment, there was a loud rumbling sound, which disrupted all the thoughts in Gin Jiu's head.

Vodka said in a panic: "Big brother, it was the rice flower hotel where the agave is located that exploded!" Gin

Jiu stepped out of the car, his face covered in frost, and stared at the explosion scene ahead.

Is this an accident? No, how could it be so coincidental, as soon as the agave was traded, there was an explosion at the trading place.

Gin Jiu suddenly became excited, and he wanted to see if the agave was restless, or if some rat in the gutter was ghosting.

And when Gin Jiu sneaked into the Mihua Hotel and saw a certain little rabbit cub jumping alive, he suddenly felt angry, out of sight, out of mind, and turned around to leave.

"Big brother?" Vodka feels that the big brother is in a bad mood, what's wrong?


Gin Jiu called the little brother who slipped around, and Vodka immediately replied: "Big brother, I heard that the deceased was a Kansai big man who was two meters tall. "

Hmm." Gin Jiu calmly lit a cigarette and slowly spit out a smoke ring.

Wait, a Kansai big man with a height of two meters? Why does it sound familiar?

This is not agave, the deceased turned out to be agave!

Gin Jiu pinched the cigarette fiercely and scolded: "This waste!

"Big brother, it was Tequila who was killed!" Vodka also reacted with hindsight, "Could it be that our transaction was exposed, and there are ghosts in the organization?"

Gin Jiu sneered and said, "Sooner or later, I have to catch that mouse." "

But now immediately clean up the traces exposed in this deal, such as the bar they frequented during the transaction."

Gin Jiu looked back at the scene of this terrible explosion and blew it up directly, just as a warning to the mouse.

Gin wine and vodka came silently and left silently, and Conan, who was tracking down the man in black at the scene of the explosion, did not realize that the two of his hearts had been so close.

If Haibara mourned, the distillery radar immediately tinked.

But in fact, this incident itself is not as complicated as the Qin Jiu brain made up, just ordinary killing of the wrong person.

Rabbit River pestered Matsuda Jinpei to grind around outside the explosion site, in short, not giving him a chance to survey the scene.

Now the time to solve the case has not come, once the case is solved, Conan will learn about the stronghold of the organization, as long as you go one step earlier, Conan may turn into ashes with the stronghold of the organization.

And Rabbit River is still looking for the ghost of agave, but can't find it, is it blown to pieces, or is Conan's aura enhanced again?

Then Rabbit Chuan saw the scattered light floating in mid-air, slowly converging into a yellow-brown ball of light, and then flew past his eyes and landed steadily in a big hand... The big hand withdrew in disgust.

Rabbit Chuan's eyes lit up, it turned out to be a ghost lamp!

Ghost Lantern frowned, how did this soul smell of, looked up, it turned out to be blown up in the toilet.

Then Rabbit Chuan learned a bad news from the ghost lamp, due to the learning of the rules of the world, this world does not allow conscious souls to appear in principle.

From now on, ordinary souls will lose their memories as human beings, and will only recover their memories when they are judged by life through Santu River.

Ghost Lantern explained: "It is a very troublesome thing for the soul after death to have a memory in this world, and it is easy to become a resentful spirit, such as a world with a corpse soul world to help us manage the soul after death, people will not retain memories after death, and it is very convenient to manage."

Rabbit Chuan immediately thought of a certain group of false Shinigami, holding machetes and slashing at each other's Shinigami world.

Okay, this reason is very good and powerful, for that, you can understand.

The ghost lamp took away a scented ball of light, leaving a jar of snapdragon candy to comfort Rabbitaka's somewhat wounded little heart.

After Rabbit River left, Matsuda Jinpei finally had time to go around the scene, and it turned out that he really found something.

Matsuda Jinpei handed a key and a curved round piece of iron to the Twilight Police Department, and said, "Twilight Police Department, I found these things at the scene.

President Ishikawa recognized the disc at a glance and said, "The round iron sheet is the trademark on our company briefcase." And

showed the police department the briefcase he was carrying, and the round piece of iron was indeed exactly the same as the logo on the side of the briefcase.

Conan and Matsuda Jinpei thought of a question at the same time, why is this trademark curved outward?

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