Rabbit Chuan coughed lightly twice, cough, get used to it, flicker around first.

Of course, Rabbit River knew that Nakajima Hideaki was not the murderer, but he was not wrong, indeed Nakajima Hideaki gave the bomb briefcase to Tequila, but without his knowledge.

The Twilight Police Department ordered the suspect Hideaki Nakajima to be brought back to the Metropolitan Police Department to cooperate with the investigation.

Conan was anxious in his heart, he had already figured out the truth of this case, but there was no sufficient evidence, what should he do?

"Gag!" Maori Kogoro leaning against the pillar finally couldn't bear the after-effects of drunkenness, and sat on the ground regardless of the image.

Conan's eyes lit up, by the way, you can use Uncle Maori to test the murderer.

Conan skillfully raised his watch, and the anesthesia needle flew out with a click, snapping and piercing Xiaolan's ass... Wait, whose ass?

Conan took a closer look, it turned out that Maori Lan had just blocked in front of Maori Kogoro, but Maori Lan was not unconscious, because the anesthesia needle was just poking at the number plate in Maori Lan's butt pocket.

Oops, there is only one anesthesia needle, what should I do now!

Not only Conan Ma Claw, but Rabbit Chuan was also surprised to cover his mouth, because he saw a silver shining needle poking straight at Miss Xiaolan's butt.

Rabbit Chuan subconsciously touched his neck, didn't he say that the anesthesia needle made by Dr. Agasa would disappear automatically? So what is he seeing now?

Because the watch-type anesthesia needle and bow voice changer are Conan's secret weapons to turn into sleeping Kogoro, once the purpose of these two secret weapons is known, it is equivalent to deducing Conan's identity as Kudo Shinichi, so Rabbikawa did not attack these two items.

And Rabbitagawa also got a secret weapon more suitable for himself from Dr. Agasa, such as electric batons, folding sickles, flash grenades, bazookas and other self-defense props, not missing an anesthesia needle.

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, Dr. Agasa must not have expected at first that the self-defense props he made for Conan would be used by Conan on his husband, but what a filial piety!

Then again, Dr. Agasa himself is not a pharmacist, otherwise he would have made an APTX4869 antidote for Conan earlier, so where did he get this safe black technology anesthetic with good side effect resistance.

At this time, a scream broke Rabbit Chuan's crankiness.

"Ah! Pervert! Mao Lilan felt that someone touching his ass and raising his leg was a flying kick, but there was only one child when he turned around, "Conan? Could it be you..."

Conan immediately withdrew his little hand and explained in a panic: "Because I saw that Sister Xiaolan's pants were dirty... Ah, sister Xiaolan, your feet! Mao

Lilan looked up and saw that it was her father who was kicking.

"Dad! Dad, are you all right! Mao

Lilan quickly retracted his feet, and saw Maori Kogoro's entire head embedded in the wall pillar, and the pillar directly collapsed in half.

Rabbit Chuan gasped, how much money did he have to lose, just saw the hotel manager next to him, and couldn't help but sigh: "The quality of the project of this rice flower hotel is not good!" When

the hotel manager heard this, he was covered in cold sweat and could only bow 90 degrees to apologize and said: "I'm so sorry!" "

No matter whose fault it is, in short, apologize in advance, and it seems that the quality of the project of their hotel is really too poor, not only was a hole blown through by a bomb, but also kicked through the load-bearing wall by the little girl."

Seeing the comatose Maori Kogoro, Conan secretly rejoiced, it's great that he doesn't have to risk getting the needle back.

Conan quickly hid behind the pillar, tuned his voice, and said in the voice of Maori Kogoro: "Please wait a minute, Twilight Police Department." "

Huh? Māori dude? Twilight turned back at the hearing voice, "Do you have anything else?"

Rabbit Chuan took the lead and said, "Twilight Police Department, since Mr. Nakajima said that he was wronged, let's take their briefcases and check them."

"That's what I'm trying to say too."

After speaking, Conan poked his head out and saw someone panicked, maybe the murderer has not realized that he killed the wrong person, the murderer now thinks that the bomb is in the person's briefcase, as long as the person's briefcase is opened, the murderer will react.

That's what Conan thinks, but Rabbit River has actually found conclusive evidence of the explosion.

The police department ordered, "Takagi, go and get Mr. Nakajima's briefcase."

"It's to bring all three of them's briefcases." Rabbit Chuan emphasized, "Officer Matsuda, please go with Officer Takagi, after all, the evidence collection of more than two police officers is legal and valid."

Takeshita Yushin whispered, "Ours don't need to be used..."

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Because of the equal treatment, Mr. Nakajima only admitted to giving the briefcase to the man in black, but did not admit that it was explosives, so it may also be that the counter lady misplaced the briefcase during the storage, and you three are still suspects." Conan

came out from behind the pillar, he saw Rabbit Chuan's confident expression, did he also discover the truth? But what about the evidence?

Officer Takagi and Matsuda Jinpei took the three briefcases, and from the outside, the three briefcases looked exactly the same, and it was completely indistinguishable.

Rabbit Chuan asked the officers to stand aside with their briefcases and said to the three suspects: "So, now please claim your briefcase."

"I'm number 97."

Mitsuji Ueda was the first to stand up and take the number plate to get his briefcase back, but just as he was about to touch the briefcase, he was knocked open by Rabbitakawa 's cane.

Rabbit Chuan stopped, "No! You need to prove that this is your briefcase.

"How do you prove it?" Ueda Mitsuji was stunned for a moment and said, "There is a reasoning mansion plan in it, one or two fountain pens, and..."

Ueda Mitsuji sweated profusely, trying to recall the contents of his briefcase.

This matter really has nothing to do with him, he just followed a team, how could he become a suspect in the explosion and murder case! But he was wronged!

Rabbit Chuan saw Mitsuji Ueda's scratching his ears and cheeks, and wordlessly knocked on the keyhole on the briefcase with his cane and said: "It's not that complicated, use the key to claim, which briefcase can be opened, which one is yours." "

One key opens one lock, and the murderer only exchanged number plates, but did not steal the key.

Mitsuji Ueda immediately took out the key from his pocket and wanted to open his briefcase, Matsuda Jinpei stepped forward to stop taking the key, and saw the police officer use his key to open the briefcase No. 97, Mitsuji Ueda was finally relieved and finally innocent.

Nakajima Hideaki also took out a key and handed it to Matsuda Jinpei, he is now broken and broken, as long as he can prove that he did not kill anyone, it doesn't matter.

Matsuda Jinpei opened the briefcase corresponding to No. 124, and the briefcase was full of cash, which also confirmed what Nakajima Hideaki said before.

Now only Yushin Takeshita remains.

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