After eating and drinking, Rabbikawa and Hagiwara Kenji began to seriously visit this yokai festival.

Every spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the Cherry Blossom Festival is also known as the Cherry Blossom Festival.

The cherry blossoms bloom like a pink cloud that floats from Kyushu in the southernmost region of early March to Hokkaido, the northernmost part of May, from south to north throughout spring.

At this time, people wear beautiful kimonos under the cherry blossom trees, have picnics with family and friends, or participate in cherry blossom festivals together.

Cherry blossom viewing is an outdated event once a year that only lasts seven days from bloom to the time of the blossoms, and when it rains, the cherry blossoms will wither overnight.

"Although cherry blossoms are beautiful, in ancient times, cherry blossom festivals were actually sacrifices to mountain gods who had just turned seven in order to obtain abundant grain."

"Don't suddenly say such a terrifying topic!" Kenji Hagiwara complained, unable to block that mouth even if he could eat.

Rabbit Chuan stuffed all the remaining apple candy in his mouth and muttered, "I really didn't expect Hagiwara's guts to be so small." "

Kenji Hagiwara is really not timid, this sentence just feels too annoying.

"We're not going to do that now." The tall man who approached him said, "Oh, this is not Lord Rabbitchuan, it's an honor to come!"

Rabbit Chuan's eyes widened, and he asked with some surprise, "How can you tell it's mine?" The

tall man lowered his gaze and looked at Rabbit Chuan's left leg and marveled: "What a unique ornament!" "

Although the monsters can recognize people by breath, their eyes are not decorations, and they are really not blind.

Rabbit Chuan raised his hand and poked the tall man's throat with the stick of a sugar apple, and said in an icy tone: "Don't say it's broken, what kind of cleverness is playing in front of me, you big monsters give me the eye power to learn the little monster." The

tall man's gaze shifted to these little monsters who were obviously scared, but tried hard to pretend to be happy, with black lines on their heads, and they were really wayward gods!

The tall man immediately realized and said with understanding: "Oh, hey, it seems that only I recognize Lord Shenming, after all, we are also old acquaintances."

Rabbit Chuan withdrew his hand in satisfaction and said in agreement: "That's what I said, Kiritengu."

"Blessed to you, Lord God of Wisdom." The Kirito Dog remembered what happened two years ago.

The crow tengu is a bird-headed person, with a red face and a high nose, wearing mountain clothes and large clogs, and a pair of crow wings, which can communicate with people and has very powerful mana.

They like to practice in the mountains, so it is rumored that they are posthumous incarnations of high-ranking monks, Venerable Beings with divine powers and guardians of the Dharma, who fell into the path of demons and turned into monsters because of their careless practice.

In order not to let themselves be tempted by other monsters, they choose to live in temples, and while guarding the Dharma, they hope to cleanse themselves of the evil qi that has been attached to them through the power of the Dharma.

The Kiri Tengu also devoted himself to practicing Buddhism at the mountain mud temple on Mt. Takao.

But one day, there was a rumor in the monastery that a monk practicing in their temple had been brutally killed by a Kiritengu.

Rumors spread wildly.

This mountain is inhabited by fog tengu.

What is a foggy tengu?

Mist tengu is an evil youkai who likes to sneak into the village like fog in rainy nights and darkness and devour human souls.


Who killed the monk?

It's the Kiri Tengu!

Not it!

Why did the Kiritengu kill the monk?

Because the Kiritengu is an evil monster that eats people! So it was the Kiritengu who killed the monk!

"I didn't kill anyone!" The Mist Tengu roared.

"Ah——! It's a youkai! "People were scared and fled.

Rumors can become reality, and the Kiritengu falls into the demon path in a roar and becomes a youkai that devours human souls.

How could the plot develop like this, so at this time the great god of wisdom was forced to operate.

"Net TM!" Rabbit-Chuan, who was captured by a youkai in his sleep, is very irritable at this time.

Dare to harass me to sleep, don't blame me for fooling you.

In one breath, the love and hatred between the monk and the host's daughter were cut to the bottom, and the conclusion was that the monk committed suicide, because he and his childhood sweetheart's host daughter, that is, his beloved, had to marry someone else.

Rabbit Chuan said to the Kiri Tengu: "The other party is not only the fiancé who presided over his daughter's engagement since childhood, but also the heir of the big temple, so he was trapped by love, left a suicide note, and committed suicide." The

fog tengu questioned: "However, the suicide note was not found at the scene, and the monk was hung high to the ceiling of 10 meters, and there was a big hole in the wall, just like a tengu opened a big hole to break into the room, eat people's souls, and then hang the body on the beam, and finally calmly leave."

Rabbit Chuan replied resolutely: "The suicide note was destroyed by the host, and once someone knows that a monk in the temple committed suicide for love, not only the daughter's reputation will be damaged, but the reputation of the temple will also be ruined." "

The monks here are very strange, they can drink wine and eat meat, they can get married and have children, they can have all kinds of poisons, but what they pursue all their lives is still a word "enlightenment".

Enlightenment spreads all sentient beings, and if you can't live with yourself, how can you live up to others.

Tuchuan went on to explain: "The host wants to hide the cause of the monk's death, and he cannot fake the incident as homicide, because then there will be a murderer, and innocent people must not be involved.

"At this time, the host remembered a legend that the youkai from ancient times would sneak into the village on a night full of rain and fog, devour human souls, and hang the corpse high on the top of the tree, the Kiri Tengu."

"Since it is a tengu who kills people, then there is no murderer, and the truth of the death of the monk will not be revealed, and naturally everything will be fine."

In the original ancient times, Tengu was considered to be the embodiment of Emperor Sotoku, who gathered the grievances of the unjustly killed royal family in history, and with his army of grievances, the entire country was plunged into the hell of war.

After being defeated, he escaped into the mountains and transformed into a demon who destroys the Dharma and disrupts the world.

Rabbit Chuan thought that this logic is perfect, if it was in ancient times, maybe some people would believe it, but now...

Be materialistic! Ke Xue!

As for the technique, Rabbit Chuan also gave an explanation, naturally copying Conan's original words.

"The abbot moved the monk's body to a small, tall punishment room, wrapped it in plastic sheeting and placed it on a rubber boat, then sealed the door with duct tape from the inside, and climbed up a ladder to come out through the small window."

After coming out, he went to the skylight on the second floor, used wooden planks to channel water from the waterfall next to him into the punishment room, returned the same way, and sealed the small window with tape.

"Then the water of the waterfall will fill the entire punishment room, and the presiding officer and the corpse of the rubber boat will fly into the sky like a tengu."

"When the water level in the punishment room reaches the position of the skylight, the ceiling is close at hand, and the host only needs to raise his hand to hang the body on the beam of the ceiling."

"Then he climbed out of the skylight, went back downstairs, broke the small window with an axe, and the water flowed out of the small window."

As for why the small window was broken, the time to convince people has come next!!

"The floor of the punishment room is 4 and a half tatami mats, that is, 2.7 meters, 10 meters high, and the volume is 2.7 meters× 2.7 meters× 10 meters is equal to 72.9 cubic meters."

"The density of water is 1000kg/m³, which is equivalent to 72.9 tons of water, and the small window is equivalent to the pressure of 98,000 pascals, so under the action of physical force, the gap of the small window instantly becomes an ordinary person can not destroy the big hole."

Rabbit Chuan finished explaining.

Kiritengu said that although he did not understand, he was shocked.

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