
monsters who had not been baptized by compulsory education were stunned and did not dare to speak at all.

Who is that cubic meter, and who is Pa what card, foreign monsters?

It was so powerful to be able to smash such a big hole!

"So the prisoner is Pa what card?" Kiritengu shouted angrily.

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand helplessly and said, "No, no, he died more than a hundred years earlier."

"This thing is still a foreign ghost!?"

"It has nothing to do with Pascal, it's physics, it's the reason for everything." Rabbit Chuan returned the focus to the cause of death, "In short, I didn't say it long ago that the monk committed suicide.

"Why?" The Kiri Tengu suddenly reacted, "It may also be the monk who presided over the killing, and then blamed it on the youkai."

Rabbit Chuan firmly denied: "No, because he doesn't have the Yoshikawa line around his neck."

Kiritengu asked suspiciously, "Who is the Yoshikawa Line again?"

"Yoshikawa line is a professional term used by the police, which refers to the scratch caused by the victim subconsciously pulling the rope holding the neck outward with his hand when the victim's neck is strangled, which can be used as one of the judgment evidence for homicide." "

It was discovered by Suichi Yoshikawa, the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in the Taisho era, and named it after him.

Of course, if a person is strangled when he is not awake, the Yoshikawa line will not appear, and this kind of thing goes without saying.

In fact, it was indeed the host who killed the monk, but this truth Rabbit Chuan can't tell the Kiritengu, and then what will the Kiritengu do?

The Mist Tengu will be completely burned by anger, and driven by anger, kill the host who framed him, and completely fall into the path of demons after killing people.

It was finally proved that it was not the fog dog that killed people, and after learning the truth, the real fog dog really killed a person.

That's not still foggy tengu killing, Rabbit Chuan will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

What's more, a long time has passed since the incident, the evidence is insufficient, anyone in the temple can use this method to commit crimes, and it is impossible to prove that the murderer is the host.

Even if the host himself confesses to killing, he may be considered to be shielding others, such as his daughter.

At that time, if the Fog Tengu kills all the people here in one go, then things will be even worse.

There are generally two ways to solve the problem, one is to give a solution, and the other is to solve the problem itself.

Instead of trying to prove the existence of prisoners, it is better to prove that there were no prisoners in the first place.

As for the future, the rumors of the Mist Tengu killing people will gradually dissipate, and slowly the Mist Tengu will not be affected by the rumors, and will become the practitioner with advanced Dharma.

Master, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!

Just kidding, such a trifle is just a drop in the Songhai in the long demon life of the Kiritengu, and being framed and slandered is also a practice, so Rabbitikawa advised the Kiritengu to leave the temple and start the practice of joining the world.

Buddhism talks about the three poisonous hearts, that is, greed and delusion, among which anger refers to hatred, and hatred will fall into hell if it is constantly removed!

Rabbit Chuan believes that as long as it is not affected by sudden rumors, the Kiritengu will quit his hatred.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't quit, and I don't plan to let go of the prisoner who used the rumors of the monster to avoid the crime.

However, in what way should a moderator be punished?

Rabbit Chuan wrote a letter, and then Toyokai took advantage of the host's sleep to sneak into the host's room and put the letter next to the host's pillow.

In the letter, Rabbit Chuan wrote out the true truth he knew in the tone of a fog tengu, and said that he had witnessed everything and persuaded the host to turn himself in.

Otherwise, killing pays for life, harming others will eventually harm themselves, and those who use monsters will eventually die the same fate.

After that, the legend of the killing of the Wutiangu gradually dissipated, and the host of the mountain mud temple was secretive about it, refused the great opportunity for reporters to interview the world, and no longer took the initiative to mention the matter.

Rabbit Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and at least resolved the rumors.

Of course, the host will not believe in any Tengu legend, probably thinking that who knows the truth, as for the pressure of revealing the truth, whether he chooses to turn himself in, or chooses to panic and can't live all day, it doesn't matter, sooner or later one day he will pay the real price.

And today, two years later, is the day he pays the price.

The biggest event of the Yokai Festival is, of course, the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!

Rabbit Chuan's eyes stared directly, and he still wanted to walk at night?

"How can this be considered a hundred ghosts night walk! Everyone just wants to carry a foxfire to cruise around the mountains, and it's definitely not a hundred ghosts at night! The Mist Tengu hurriedly explained, "And don't worry, in the middle of the night, the barren mountains and mountains will definitely not be seen by humans!"

Rabbit Chuan's eyes were uncertain, isn't this the flag!

But when he saw this group of little monsters who couldn't even hide their tails and wore various strange masks on their faces, their eyes jumped with excitement, and they looked very excited.

Rabbit Chuan thought about it, after all, after playing with him for a night, he should always give them a little sweetness.

If you really encounter a human being, then even if that person is unlucky, anyway, in this era, as long as there is no substantial evidence, no one will believe it even if it is said.

The little monsters came to Rabbit River together carrying a palanquin decorated with colorful satin on all sides.

Seeing this, Rabbit Chuan turned around and left, it was too humiliating, he would never sit on such a fancy wooden board!

And the result, of course, was that Rabbit Chuan sat in the palanquin, thinking that he had a mask on his face anyway, and no one saw it, so there was no shame at all.

Halfway through the Hundred Ghosts parade, there was a sudden commotion in the procession, as if a trace of human beings had been discovered.

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, and he knew that if he didn't follow this group of monsters, something would definitely happen.

It is said not to set up a flag casually, here is also a different dimension, the flag will definitely be established!

And then Rabbit River was smashed, a black fat cat, pig? Falling from the sky, it looks a little familiar.

"Niangkou Sansan?"

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