Rabbit Chuan carried the two wings of the white crow and asked, "Where have you been in the past two months?" The

white crow was stunned, where did the two months go? Has it been gone for a long time? Feel like it's not a few days?

Rabbit Chuan knew what this little white was thinking at a glance, well, according to the setting that a thousand episodes have actually passed half a year, these two months are indeed not a few days.

The white crow knew that he could not break free from the shackles of Lord Rabbitagawa, and no longer struggled, and replied: "It's not spring, festivals are being held everywhere, so I've been busy delivering to stores everywhere lately, and I'm eating and drinking by the way." "

Yo, it's been a good day, it sounds quite moist.

Rabbit Chuan let go of the crow's wings and thought about himself, this whole spring, let alone participate in the festival, even the cherry blossoms did not look closely.

In one murder after another, this spring passed like this.

Rabbit Chuan lay on the table and sighed: "Time flies so fast, my spring, spring to spring again!"

The white crow thought that Rabbit River also wanted to participate in the festival, stretched out his tentative little claws, and asked: "Well, there is another festival tonight, do you want to..."

Rabbit Chuan said that because the major spring festivals of humans near the eastern capital have basically ended, the subsequent festivals will not be held until midsummer.

"Lord Rabbitagawa guessed accurately, it is the festival of the youkai." "There is a mountain cherry blossom on a mountain that blooms very late this year, and it is still in full bloom, so everyone decided to hold a late cherry blossom festival for the last cherry blossoms of the year and pray that it will bloom smoothly next year." "

Cherry blossoms...,"

Rabbitikawa muttered, remembering what Akemi Miyano had said to herself, Miss Ran called in the morning to invite him to enjoy the cherry blossoms together, wouldn't it really be a coincidence!

April in the world is full of flowers, and the peach blossoms of the mountain temple are in full bloom.

It's now May, and the ordinary cherry blossoms have long passed their blooming period, so where else can they go to see the cherry blossoms except for the late cherry blossoms that bloom last due to the low temperatures on the mountain.

The white crow was still excitedly recommending: "Everyone will dress up as a human at this festival, and the activities of the festival are similar to people's festivals, such as goldfish fishing, water balloon fishing, takoyaki, oden stalls and so on, don't you think it's interesting, Rabbit-sama?" "

Rabbit River is not interested in goldfish fishing and water balloon fishing, but he is still very interested in food stalls, especially some little monsters who have been skilled for hundreds of years.

Rabbit River cheered, good, dinner is set for tonight!

He has already thought about it, take the monster road at night to the monster festival, a beautiful holiday, and resolutely refuse to meet with the Shinigami family!

Rabbit River has anticipated the itinerary of Conan's group, got up early in the morning to drive to the mountains to see cherry blossoms, and then on the way back either Maori Kogoro got lost, or the car ran out of gas or a flat tire, of course, it may happen together, and the final result is to go to the surrounding kind people to borrow for one night, and give people a little rice flower souvenir by the way.

Rabbikawa was right, on the return trip, Maori Kogoro not only got lost in the mountains, but also drove the car to a flat tire, and even more coincidentally, they encountered a heavy rainstorm and had to go to a nearby temple to borrow a night.

It is a pity that here the Buddhist path and the Shinto are opposites, a certain god of death forced into the Buddha gate, the blessing and threat of the aura of the god of death, even the master could not help but commit the killing ring.

At night, Rabbit Chuan, who sits in the car, changes his usual clothes, wearing a gorgeous haori and a fox-patterned mask on his face, perfectly hiding his breath.

There are small youkai leading the way on the mountain to the festival, so as to prevent the yokai who participate in the festival from getting lost, and also prevent humans from straying into the world of youkai.

When Rabbit River arrived at the festival, the scene was already lively.

The pale pink cherry blossoms fall like a drizzle, and the youkai who participate in the festival are all dressed up as humans, and the sounds of playing and shouting from vendors are endless, making it feel like a human festival.

Kenji Hagiwara was bumped by the children playing, and said dumbfoundedly, "It feels like I am participating in a human festival."

Rabbit Chuan took two pieces of yakisoba and put one in Kenji Hagiwara's hand and said, "For you, the world here is more real." "

Kenji Hagiwara took a bite of yakisoba, and without expending strength to materialize, he could eat and be touched, and this was indeed his world.

When Hagiwara Kenji solved the yakisoba in his hand by dividing five by two, he found that Rabbit Chuan was holding a box of octopus balls, forking an octopus balls and blowing air.

Rabbit Chuan felt that someone was staring at him, and turned his head just in time to see Kenji Hagiwara staring at the octopus balls in his hand, so he threw the small balls directly into his mouth and said, "Look what I do, what you want to eat and go to the queue yourself."

Kenji Hagiwara shifted his gaze to the long line in front of the yakisoba stall and the octopus balls stall, surprised how Rabbikawa could buy two popular goods in such a short time.

Could it be that the owner of the octopus balls stall is an octopus monster who can make octopus balls with eight hands?

Then Kenji Hagiwara saw that Rabbit River was the next popular stall to set off.

I saw Rabbit Chuan go to the end of the line, and the monsters in line consciously gave up their positions one by one, and Rabbit Chuan walked all the way to the front row.

"Boss, ask for one..." Rabbit Chuan looked back at Kenji Hagiwara's wistful eyes, "Two portions of fried chicken!" The

boss's hand shook, quickly put the chicken nuggets into the pot, fried them until golden brown and crispy, and then handed them to Rabbitchuan.

Don't think they won't recognize it with a vest, at least they still know that leg! Which youkai will use mechanical legs!

In fact, I also like to eat fried chicken here, the history of fried chicken can be traced back to the Edo period, passed down from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, so the Japanese still call the fried chicken nuggets Tang Yang, which feels very similar to salted crispy chicken.

Although I don't like spicy chicken and rice the most, Rabbit Chuan eats very satisfied, no way, who makes the homemade cooking here too light, in addition to fried things, cooking does not put oil!

Because oil will affect the taste of the food itself, vegetarian dishes do not put oil, and the meat itself has fat and naturally does not need to put oil.

After eating the fried chicken nuggets satisfied, Rabbit River's next goal is, of course, skewers!

First come five skewers of grilled squid, then two three forty fifty skewers of roasted bird, that is, grilled chicken skewers, after eating tired of meat skewers, then two skewers of salted grilled fish, by the way with a bottle of bozi soda, this festival is perfect!

Kenji Hagiwara accompanied Rabbit River all the way to eat, yes, only Kenji Hagiwara accompanied Rabbit, and the white crow sneaked away as early as when Rabbit River killed twenty skewers of roasted birds in one go.

White Raven: If you don't run, you can't do it! It is afraid that the inventory of the burnt bird stall owner is low!

However, Hagiwara Kenji was sure of one thing, that is, Rabbit River was really serious about shopping, eating from beginning to end, and his mouth did not stop.

Kenji Hagiwara looks down at the top of Rabbit's brain, so where do you eat so many things?

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