Now that the bomber had

been inferred that the bomber was no longer near Yonaka Station, the police department and Matsuda Jinpei decided to temporarily withdraw to the headquarters to collect and analyze the clues they had, and wait for the bomber's next call.

"It's amazing, it's so big here! And there are a lot of criminal uncles.

"It's the first time I've been in such a big conference room."

"I'm so hungry, can I eat pork chop rice first."

Conan pointed to the banner posted at the door and said, "This is supposed to be the conference room of the Special Search Headquarters established for the theft of the Toyo Powder Magazine, and it is said that the Metropolitan Police Department used several hundred police officers for the case. "

For example, the search of a special crime search department of the third department, Matsuda Jinpei, responsible for explosions, bombs, industrial disasters and other major events.

Matsuda Jinpei couldn't help but yawn, he hadn't closed his eyes for two days in a row in order to track down the theft of the Toyo Powder Depot.

Matsuda Jinpei had a headache, pointed to a few children at the door and asked, "Why are these little ones here?"

Officer Takagi immediately replied, "That's Ayumi Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Sonotani, and Motota Kojima, who were the victims of the first bombing."

Matsuda Jinpei complained: "I don't think they look like victims at all, but like they came to the Metropolitan Police Department for a spring outing."

Officer Takagi scratched his head and said hesitantly, "This... Maybe it's because they often come to take notes. "

Huh? How often can it be? "You can also play the Metropolitan Police Department as a park, Matsuda Jinpei disdains.

Officer Sato came out and took a few children to the reception room they were familiar with, and Officer Matsuda Jinpei and Takagi followed.

Also in the reception room are the informants, Dr. Agasa and Rabbitagawa, as well as Conan's temporary guardian, Mori Kogoro, and the Twilight Police Department.

At this time, Officer Shiratori came in and reported: "The results of the appraisal class have come out, and it has now been confirmed that the gunpowder in the bomb found in front of the Mika Station is the same gunpowder stolen from the Toyo Powder Depot."

"The bomb on the first toy plane was a detonator bomb, the bomb in the second pet crate was a time bomb with a timer, and both bombs were homemade by prisoners."

Maori Kogoro asked, "So what is the purpose of the prisoners?"

The police department said, "I think he must have challenged Kudo Shinichi because of the fame of high school detective Kudo Shinichi?"

"If it's just a challenge to a famous detective, why didn't he choose me, the current detective Maori Kogoro?" Maori Kogoro expressed disbelief, "What's the point of finding a hairy boy who has not dried up." Maori

Kogoro's words made the scene embarrassing for a while.

Although he did not agree with Maori Kogoro's statement, Rabbit Chuan still followed him and said: "So in order to take revenge on Shinichi brother, he has a personal grudge with Kudo Shinichi, so he set the target of the challenge as Kudo Shinichi and wanted him to be discredited, which is more reasonable." "

What Rabbit Chuan said, the police also envisioned.

Officer Shiratori turned the manual to the next page and said, "According to the results of the investigation, all the prisoners in the cases involving Kudo Shinichi are now serving their sentences.

Rabbit Chuan nodded silently, death came, all murders, the kind that sat in prison.

Maori Kogoro thought, "So, that person is most likely a relative or lover of these prisoners."

Rabbit Chuan added: "It may also be just the people involved in the incident, such as the real estate developer who became a murderous house because of the life in the house, causing the house price to plummet." "

That's really a lot of mouths.

"Let this go first, and now the only people who have met the bomber are these three children." Twilight sighed and said, "It's you three again."

Ayumi said excitedly, "We just drew the portrait of the prisoner with Officer Sato.

Officer Sato took out the portrait and displayed it in front of everyone, and there was silence.

Only Matsuda Jinpei said bluntly: "Did you bring the scratch paper?"

Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori cast admiring glances at Matsuda Jinpei, and suddenly realized that people can kill themselves.

Yuan Tai also complained: "It's still more similar to what we painted."

Then Genta handed Conan the portrait they had drawn and said, "We drew great!"

Conan praised dryly: "It's amazing, you guys have drawn all the features." "

Long hair, long beard, hat, coat and sunglasses, this person is very well disguised! Are you so afraid of being recognized?

Rabbit Chuan glanced at it, one was a stickman, the other was like a scarecrow, in short, it didn't look like a normal person.

Officer Sato awkwardly leaned over to the three children and asked, "In addition to the portrait, do you have any other impressions of this person, such as his accent, small movements, you can tell any suspicious clues that you think." Ayumi

, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks, recalled the scene at that time, but still didn't think of anything.

"The scent... I smell fragrant. Ayumi replied with a frown, "But I can't tell you what it tastes like."

Officer Sato asked tentatively, "Is it because of the smell of cosmetics used in disguise?"

"No, not the smell of cosmetics." Ayumi shook her head in denial.

"This way." Officer Sato stopped pressing, "If you still think of any suspicious clues, you can tell me at any time." The

three replied positively: "Okay, no problem!

At this time, Dr. Agasa asked, "Speaking of which, which case has the greatest social impact among the newly solved cases?" "

It's the murder of Mayor Okamoto of Nishitama City." Rabbit Chuan immediately replied that this was a small change in the plot because of him.

"Nishitama City?"

Conan also remembered the murder that occurred in Nishitama City, the case of Mayor Okamoto murdering a legislator who had evidence of his crime.

At that time, he participated in the banquet of the mayor of Nishitama City instead of his father, and the protagonist of that banquet was Moriya Teiji.

No wonder Moriya Teiji invited him to a tea party a few days ago, it turned out that they had a friendship.

"Because of that case, the mayor of Nishitama City stepped down and was imprisoned, and the plan to build a new town in Nishitama City was also suspended," said the police department.

Officer Sato speculated, "Could it be that the prisoner this time is the family of Mayor Okamoto?"

Rabbit Chuan reminded: "It may also be the developer of the town-building plan, such a big plan is stopped, they must have lost a lot of money, robbed people of money, such as killing parents, they..."

Officer Shiratori immediately replied: "What Officer Sato said makes sense, I think it is very likely that it is Okamoto Kohei, the son of Mayor Okamoto, who is a student of the Department of Electronic Engineering."

Officer Takagi also immediately said, "I'll investigate immediately!"

Rabbit: "Bah

! A bunch of licking dogs!

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