Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori were busy for a long time, but naturally there was no result, because Kohei Okamoto, the son of Mayor Okamoto, was on a business trip and could not appear in Yonaka Town now.

Finally, the Twilight Police Department asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"Then again, where did Shinichi Kudo go at such an important moment?"

Dr. Agasa and Conan changed their faces instantly, they looked at each other, Conan put on a professional smirk, Dr. Agasa had to stand up in a cold sweat, and dryly said: "Shinichi he..." "

Of course I went to save the world, after all, they are all people of light!" Rabbit River said that Majin is also a human.

Matsuda Jinpei turned Rabbit's seat away from the TV, and Rabbit Chuan hurriedly stretched out his hand and shouted: "Wait a minute, it's just the key moment!"

Matsuda Jinpei mercilessly turned off the Giant of Light program on the TV and said, "You little bunny..."

Rabbit Chuan glared over, and Matsuda Jinpei immediately changed his tone and said, "... Jun, don't use the conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department as the living room of your home. If you want to watch a tokusatsu drama, you can leave with the children and go home to watch TV.

"That's not an ordinary tokusatsu drama, it's light and hope!" Rabbit Chuan righteously retorted, "And I'm watching TV on mute, and it won't affect your work."

Matsuda was speechless, it didn't affect their work, but when others were working overtime in pain, someone was leisurely watching TV next to him, right?

"Matsuda, do you have something you want to tell me?" Rabbit Chuan asked.

Matsuda Jinpei remembered that he really had something to say to this little guy, and he was definitely not deliberately looking for fault.

"I heard you say from Hagiwara before about bomb immunity, what the hell is that!" Matsuda Jinpei reprimanded, "In the face of such a dangerous object, the most terrible thing is to lose your awe, once paralyzed and negligent against the enemy, the consequences are unimaginable." Rabbit

Chuan didn't expect Matsuda Jinpei to teach, but he was also right, even if the body has antibodies, immunity is only an ability, the ability is high or low, and there is no guarantee that it will not be 100% disease-free.

"I've defused more bombs than you've ever eaten salt, but I'm still cautious and in awe."

"Wait a minute!" Rabbit Chuan suddenly stopped Matsuda Jinpei, a single old man, "What did you just say?" Have you defused more bombs than I have eaten salt? Impossible, absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible that you have defused more bombs than I have ever seen! Matsuda

Jin who was suddenly interrupted by Rabbit Chuan calmly did not fight a place, who is this little rabbit cub saying these words for!

And is he saying this to satirize their bad security in Yonehua Town? What a joke, their Yonehana Town has the highest crime detection rate in the country!

"You should say this to yourself." Rabbit Chuan said. "Matsuda, did you not wear protective clothing when you were defusing the bomb just now?"

For a moment, Matsuda Jinpei seemed to feel the blood in his whole body freeze.

He calmly explained: "At that time, there were 10 minutes before the explosion time, I didn't have time to put on protective clothing, and there was no

time to send the bomb to the explosion team, and..." Rabbikawa took Matsuda Jinpei's words and said: "Also, at that time, Hagiwara had already told you all the lines you saw after looking through the perspective, and you were absolutely sure that you could defuse the bomb."

Matsuda Jinpei collapsed on the chair as if deflated, took off his sunglasses, wiped his face, looked down and said, "You are right, the person who has no reverence may be me." "

It's that he relies too much on Hagiwara, obviously he and Hagiwara are already people from two worlds, and he still worries Hagiwara so much, no wonder he can't reincarnate with peace of mind.

While Matsuda Jinpei was relaxing, Rabbit Chuan ripped off his black tie.

"And Matsuda, when exactly are you going to wear this mourning suit?"

Matsuda Jinpei, who was immersed in his own world, was stunned for a moment, his body... Is it mourning clothes? How did he not know?

Rabbit Chuan looked at Matsuda Jinpei's outfit, black suit, black tie, black leather shoes, and black sunglasses, if this is not a mourning suit, is it still a uniform?

Since Matsuda Jinpei changed the little punk's flower shirt, a certain child's eyes have been drifting to this side, is he also planning to go to the distillery to mix bottles of whiskey to drink?

"Don't listen to them, it's not a mourning dress for someone, I'm just used to it."

And every day with the deceased, wearing other colors always feels strange.

Matsuda Jinpei suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen someone for a long time, and asked, "Speaking of which, where did Hagiwara go?"

Rabbikawa tied one end of his tie around Matsuda's wrist and asked rhetorically, "Matsuda, do you believe in the existence of light?" "

Huh?" After not closing his eyes for two days, Matsuda Jinpei felt that his brain was a little knotted, and the topic turned too quickly.

"The more difficult these times are, the more we must believe in the power of light and hope in our hearts." Rabbit River looked at Matsuda Jinpei very seriously and said, "The bond between people is an existence that is powerful enough to give birth to miracles.

Matsuda Jinpei sighed helplessly, pulled the tie back to the tuanbar and stuffed it into his pocket, complaining: "Don't you always say something very inexplicable, isn't this kind of thing that needs to appear at the worst moment when manpower can't return to heaven?"

Rabbit Chuan answered: "This is called preparing for the worst."

Matsuda Jinpei was exhausted, and he found that he and this little guy couldn't understand at all.

"I won't let things turn out for the worst, and I'll definitely catch the prisoner before that!"

Rabbit Chuan also sighed, it doesn't make sense!

"Then you... Come on? Mr. Police Officer? "

After Matsuda Jinpei set the flag, time passed minute by minute, but the case did not make the slightest progress.

Just when everyone was helpless, it was soon 15:51 p.m., and a phone rang to break the silence of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Jingle bell - Jingle bell -

The ringing is none other than Kudo's phone.

Conan subconsciously wanted to pick up the phone, but was preemptively held down by Matsuda Jinpei.

After the communications reconnaissance team was ready and everyone present took their places, Matsuda nodded to Conan, then put the phone on the table and pressed the call button and the speakerphone button on it.

Conan cautiously said into the phone, "Hello? Hello. "

I didn't expect you to defuse that bomb, it's really worth the reward."

The voice on the phone made everyone present vigilant, and it was indeed the bomber.

"But then it's not a child's game, you call Kudo out."

Matsuda Jinpei pulled over the phone and said, "Shh! Kudo Shinichi is also a stinking kid who picks detective imps, and you bastard is just that. "

'What are you?' What about Shinichi Kudo?'

"Kudo Shinichi is not here, I am a friend of his brother's protector, and I am a foreign aid invited by them. I said, thanks to your care, our children are not lightly scared, you know? "


Rabbit, the child who was forced to be scared, Chuan, was surprised.

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