"Huh?" Matsuda Jinpei asked suspiciously, "Little ghost, do we know each other?" "


Hearing this, Conan was stunned for a moment, and then thought, badly, he had never seen Matsuda Jinpei after becoming Conan, because Matsuda Jinpei was no longer a subordinate of the Twilight Police Department when he became Conan, so the last time he saw Officer Matsuda was when Kudo Shinichi was.

Matsuda Jinpei took off his sunglasses and looked down at this little ghost in front of him, how did he feel a little familiar?

Conan was a little at a loss, and Matsuda Jinpei deserved to be transferred to the special search team, and his insight was much sharper than ordinary people.

Conan thought for a moment and decided, it should be said that he could only push the pot on the old brother.

Conan smiled and said, "It was Brother Rabbit Chuan who told ..."

A sudden voice from Rabbit Chuan behind him startled Conan.

But even more frightening than this is that Conan found Rabbit Chuan carrying a pet crate with a note on it that said "Please kindly take me away", and a meowing sound came from inside the pet cact.

Conan remembered what the prisoner had said on the phone, and if he didn't go quickly, he would be taken away.

"CAT (NEKO)? TREE ROOTS (NEKKO)? The meaning under that tree root is cat! At

this time, Conan finally remembered that he had forgotten something.

"Bomb! There's a bomb in that kennel! One, two, three, throw it soon, the bomb is about to explode!

Conan immediately rushed to Rabbit River, but was held on the head by Matsuda Jinpei, Conan shouted at Matsuda Jinpei: "What are you going to do?" Let me go!

"I just wanted to ask what you're going to do?" Matsuda held down the thunderous little dot, "If you want to talk about bombs, they've been defused by me." "

The bomb has been defused?" Conan looked overly shocked.

Rabbit Chuan picked up the pet box and said leisurely: "Well, and there are no bombs in this pet box now."

Then Rabbit Chuan opened the pet box, and Conan glanced at the bottom of the box, only to see that there was nothing inside except for a little white cat with an unloveable expression.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "But there was indeed a bomb in the pet kennel that was placed here, but after a series of operations of this and that, the pet crate has been replaced by the police, so now the danger has been lifted."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, then this is the third time the brother has encountered a bomb, right? This luck is also too weak.

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, you are a god of death, figure it out! Whose fault is this!

Although it made a large circle and only solved one bomb, Rabbit River's true purpose has been achieved.

Matsuda Jinpei has let go of Conan, now squat down, put one hand on Conan's shoulder, and said like a bully: "Now, let's talk, how did you know about the bomb?"

"Well, actually, here's the thing..."

Conan Balabara told the story of an unknown bomber challenging Detective Shinichi Kudo.

Rabbit Chuan silently watched the interaction between Conan and Matsuda Jinpei, and there was no need to question at the moment, in Conan's eyes, Matsuda Jinpei was a living human being.

"Will it be lonely? Hagiwara? Rabbitakawa who had retreated into the shade of the trees asked softly, "Maybe Matsuda will never see you again." "

Matsuda Jinpei was supposed to be a dead man, but he was saved by Kenji Hagiwara's forced intervention, and since then he has been married to the late Kenji Hagiwara, who exists in the world, so he can see Kenji Hagiwara.

Kenji Hagiwara smiled lightly and said with relief: "You can't bond in this life and the other."

"I'm not the inexperienced ghost I was now, and this ending could not be better..."

Then he asked me, how do I explain?"

"If you already have the answer in your heart, just say I... As he wishes, become a Buddha with peace of mind."

"Next time when he becomes a grandfather, come and see me again

..." "Matsuda..."

Matsuda looked up thoughtfully, and he saw Rabbikawa standing alone in the shade of a tree.

When did that little rabbit cub run into the shade, why was he alone, and where did Hagiwara float?

Matsuda Jinpei glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, concentrating on the explosion in front of him.

The police department hung up the phone in his hand and said, "Just now, Dr. Agasa called me that at noon a strange person called Kudo Shinichi with a voice changer. The man claimed to be the prisoner who stole the gunpowder from the Toyo Powder Depot and demanded that Kudo Shinichi go to the Green Park immediately or the child would die.

Conan added, "Yes, because he gave Ayumi a toy plane with a plastic bomb on it. And when I arrived at the scene and kicked the bomb away, he immediately called, knowing that Kudo Shinichi was not at the scene, but the bomb I solved, so I think he must have been nearby at that time to observe my every move.

Matsuda Jinpei analyzed: "If the conan child's speculation is true, and the bomber himself appeared in the green park where the first explosion occurred at 1:45 p.m., then he is likely to be blocked by our checkpoint now."

"It's quite possible, but I think this incident must not be over yet, and the prisoner must still call."

After Conan finished speaking, he found that everyone was looking at him, especially Matsuda Jinpei.

Conan quickly explained: "Haha, these are all told to me by the new brother, haha.

"So where is the new brother now?" Wasn't it the new brother who received that call? Now how is this little friend of yours saving the world? "

Rabbit Chuan's ability to say nonsense with his eyes open is a first-class power, and three or two sentences will scare his old brother to the point that he has nothing to say.

"Haha, that new brother is dealing with other cases..." Conan explained awkwardly, God, his image in the eyes of his younger brother!

While poking Conan's head with his finger, Rabbit Chuan said in disgust: "So he sent a 6-year-old child to deal with the bomb?" Are the academic requirements to save the world now so low? "

No," Conan whispered in his heart, he was a real high school student, and what the hell was saving the world.

But what Conan didn't expect was that Rabbit Chuan's next words were even more vigorous.

"Brother Xin, shouldn't he leave his job of saving the world and secretly go on a date with Miss Xiaolan?"

"How is it possible!" Conan couldn't bear to shout, "Dating is important to solve the case!"

Rabbit Chuan pressed the record button of the Walkman with satisfaction, and Dr. Agasa said that this Walkman also has its own playback and recording functions, whether this function is good or not, he always has to give it a try!

Rabbit Chuan pressed the play button again, and he clearly heard the phrase "How is it possible!" from the headphones. Dating is important to solve the case! "。

Later, it will be released to the guests at the wedding ceremony of the new brother and Miss Xiaolan.

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