Rabbit Chuan glanced at the time, it was now one forty-five, 15 minutes before the bomb exploded, if he had to predict correctly, this was the time of the first bomb to explode.

At this time, in the green park not far away, in the face of the out-of-control toy bombing plane, Conan, who couldn't bear it, turned his energy shoes and kicked the remote control in his hand.


The citizens of Yonehana Town saw the huge orange-red fireworks, and their eyes were full of shock and fear.

"What's that?!"

"The plane exploded?!"

"Oh my God!!"

Conan looked at the flash of the bomb and thought, "Orange-red flash? That's a plastic bomb! The words of the plastic bomb..."

Kudo Shinichi's phone ringing interrupted Conan's thoughts, and Conan immediately answered the phone and said, "What the hell do you want to do?" "

'Why didn't Kudo come?'

Conan was flabbergasted, oops, forgot to use the voice changer!

"Is he underestimating me!" Send a kid like you to deal with me!'

Conan just wanted to turn the voice changer, but when he heard the words on the other side of the phone, how did the man know that he was a child? Could it be that the man was watching from around here?

Conan felt something, looked back at the abandoned building in the distance, and vaguely felt that there was a person on the roof looking at this side.

"At 1 o'clock sharp, there is also a bomb that will explode, and the address is on the square in front of Yoneka Station, so you will find it instead of Kudo."

"1 o'clock sharp?"

Conan looked at his watch, there were still 15 minutes to go, and it would take 5 minutes to get from Green Park to Mihua Station at the fastest, how could he find it in only 10 minutes.

Conan decided to use a killer weapon and said coquettishly in an innocent tone: "Wait a minute, I'm still just a child, I can't understand what you're saying, give me more tips!" Please! "


Teiji Moriya also wanted Kudo Shinichi to find the next bomb so that the next game could continue, but he didn't expect that it was a child who didn't understand anything, and there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he had to give a hint.

"The tip is under the roots, but not buried under the tree, and if you don't find it quickly, it will be taken away."

After speaking, Moriya Teiji hung up the phone.

Hearing the busy tone on the other side of the phone, Conan cursed: "Abominable! Then

he stepped on his fashion skateboard and rushed to the rice flower station, along the way he went through countless levels and difficulties, and finally barely made it to the rice flower station, and then he was dumbfounded.

"Huh? What is this situation? "

The square in front of Mika Station is surrounded by hydrogen balloons floating in mid-air!

And that Moriya Teiji, on the way here, met the traffic police set up Kacha drunk driving.

Moriya Teiji, who was still in cross-dressing, couldn't help but curse: "Abominable! "

How can there be a traffic police officer to investigate drunk driving, once he takes out his driver's license, it is not equivalent to directly telling the police that he is Moriya Teiji."

Teiji Moriya had to abandon the car and wanted to walk to the front of Yonaka Station, but... Why is there construction fence everywhere, abominable!

Emperor Moriya was angry and wanted to detonate the bomb immediately, but... No, he can't do it, it's 12:48, and this time it's asymmetrical!

At this time, Matsuda Jinpei had received news from the headquarters that at 1:45, a bomb had exploded in the Embankment Tsukawa Green Park not far away.

"Abominable! What the hell is this bomber trying to do! "

Matsuda! Don't be impatient!"

"Ah, that's right, impetuous hearts are taboo."

Not only against bombs, but also when dealing with bombers, Matsuda finally learned what it means to be cautious.

He is now not an explosive officer in the explosive ordnance disposal squad, but a criminal officer in the special crimes search department of the search class, not only to deal with bombs, but also to protect the general public and arrest criminals.

Matsuda ordered his men to borrow a large number of giant hydrogen balloons with banners for propaganda from the shopping street.

Then the police pretended to be propagandists on the commercial street and fenced off the entire square with hydrogen balloons.

The purpose of Matsuda Jinpei in doing this is to create an opportunity, an opportunity to block the sight of the bomber, and exchange cat boxes.

When Rabbit Chuan saw the twilight police department dressed as a street sweeper, he finally couldn't help but laugh on the cat's belly.

Can't laugh, can't laugh, think about these people trying so hard to save him.

Rabbit Chuan finally held back his laughter, but what he didn't expect was that he actually laughed early.

I saw Matsuda Jinping, who was pretending to be a punk, staggering over and kicking over the poor street sweeper's cart.

Rabbit Chuan wanted to laugh, but the next second he couldn't laugh, the small cart rushed straight towards him, Rabbit Chuan picked up the cat and jumped to the side, the kind sprinkler driver Takagi hurried over to help the small cart up, in fact, he quickly exchanged Rabbit Chuan's cat box with the exact same cat box in the small cart.

It is worthy of the hand speed of being single for more than 20 years, really fast!

In this way, the cat box containing the bomb was taken away by the street sweeper, and Matsuda Jinpei also cursed and left the scene.

Three minutes later, Matsuda Jinpei successfully defused the bomb and the alarm was lifted.

At this time, Conan also arrived at the scene, and Conan stood in place dumbfounded.

It's so strange, the square in front of Mihua Station today is so strange, these people are so strange, these hydrogen balloons are also so strange, these are old hydrogen balloons ....

No, focus on the code words of the bomber, what does that tree root mean?

Conan looked through the roots of the trees in the square, but he found nothing, no, he still found it.

"Officer Sato?" Conan said in surprise, breaking Officer Sato's disguise.

"Shh-" Officer Sato, who was recognized, quickly covered Conan's mouth, "I'm on a secret mission right now.

Conan asked, "What secret mission?"

Officer Sato answered Conan's questions and replied, "Because someone reported it..."

Matsuda Jinpei directly interrupted Officer Sato's words, "I said Sato, how can you tell children casually about this kind of thing."

"Uh... Before you know it..." Officer Sato opened his mouth in embarrassment.

Matsuda asked Conan viciously, "And how did you little ghost get in?" "

He obviously asked the police to set up barricades around, how did this little ghost run in?

"Haha..." Conan

secretly hid the skateboard behind him, no wonder there were so many roadblocks on the road, he felt like he was passing five levels and killing six generals, it turned out that there was a police card!

Conan apologized obediently, "I'm sorry, Officer Matsuda." "

Wait, did he forget something?

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